The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty-Fifth

Marin was eating oyster sauce steak, and he was enjoying himself when suddenly a group of English recruits asked for him. Marin did not know what was going on, so he met them.

But when he heard that these English recruits were going to steal their wives, Marin's face darkened immediately...

"Are these bastards here to fight, or to rob women?" Although he thought so, Marin didn't say it. After all, it would be very demoralizing to reject these guys rudely.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Marin said softly:

"Guys, there will be girls. But you have to wait until the war is over. Now, the war is not over, don't think about it! After the war is over, you will definitely be allowed to choose Danish girls as your wives. But don't rob people. Married woman! Of course, the premise of all this is that we have to win!"

"Don't worry, for the sake of women, we will fight bravely!"

Then, Marin watched with a black line as these guys with excess energy returned to the camp with a face full of longing...

In the days that followed, the English recruits began to discuss—what kind of Danish girl they wanted to snatch as a wife... For a while, the tent was full of 18 forbidden topics...


During this time, because of the siege, Marin's army looked laid-back. But after Marin climbed up and observed it with a telescope, he found that the Danish defenders seemed to be very leisurely...

This is unbearable, our army is relaxed, because the victory is certain. Why does Nima's Danish army look so laid back? So, Malin, who was upset, decided to make some trouble for the Danish army. At least, don't put them in such a good mood...

Originally, Marin planned to send troops to attack the city at night, so that the other party could not sleep well. However, after thinking about it, this method seems to be very tossing one's own people...

After all, even if it is a feint attack, the movement in the middle of the night is definitely not small. In that case, everyone will not want to sleep.

In the dead of night, Marin suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the strategy of "besieged on all sides" used by the Han army when Chu and Han were fighting for hegemony, and sang the heart of the Chu overlord in Gaixia City, resulting in the Chu overlord Xiang Yu, who had 100,000 troops, only Brought 800 cavalry to break through the siege and fled, and finally lost...

Thinking of this, Marin summoned hundreds of Danish-speaking men in the army early the next morning, and asked them to take their soldiers and horses to various villages on Zealand Island to search for women and old people who could sing. , and, many lovely children...

Of course, it's not that Marin wants to use these people to blackmail the soldiers in the city, but that he wants to use them to disintegrate the morale of the Danish army in the city...

In any case, there are still more than 10,000 regular troops in Copenhagen. If the other party desperately defends, Marin is also a little helpless. After all, the army under Marin's command was better at forming formations and breaking the enemy, suitable for night battles. In the face of the solid city wall, there are also some inconveniences. If there was enough gunpowder, Marin could have blasted the city wall hard. However, there is a shortage of gunpowder now... So, it is best to use some other tricks...

Within a few days, the group of Danish-speaking fighters under them recruited more than 2,000 Danish women and elderly people who could sing, as well as hundreds of children with crisp voices.

Then, Marin began to ask the Danish women to sing in Danish the love songs of the women missing their lovers and the wives missing their husbands...

A few days later, Marin had selected some of the most poignant love songs and had the women practice singing in unison. And those old people who can sing are responsible for singing some songs that parents miss their children as harmonies...

After a week of practice, more than 2,000 women and old people sang very neatly. So, Marin officially formed the "Besieged on All Sides" choir, ready to expand...

After enough rest during the day, at midnight that night, the "Beleaguered" chorus of more than 2,000 people started their first chorus outside the range of the bow and arrows close to Copenhagen's city wall...

First, the women sang songs of missing their husbands and lovers in unison. At Marin's request, they sang very mournfully and lingeringly...

After the women sang a paragraph,

The old people continued to sing songs about missing their sons, deep and sad...

As for the hundreds of children with clear voices, their task is to cry for Dad while the women sing their wives miss their husbands...


The mournful singing immediately alerted the Danish defenders in the city. It was so quiet in the middle of the night. Although the chorus of more than 2,000 people was sung in a low voice, it was still spread far and far by many people...

Marin has inquired about more than 10,000 Danish veterans in the city, many of whom are married and have children, but most of their hometowns are in the countryside. Either on Zealandia, on Funen, or on Jutland...

After all, this is not the industrial age of later generations, and there are more people in the city. Now, most people live in the country, and only a few live in the city.

Therefore, when these Danish veterans entered the defense of Copenhagen, their families were basically left in their hometowns in the countryside...

At this moment, the mournful singing sounded, which immediately alerted most of the Danish soldiers - they could no longer sleep...

And the cries of the hundreds of children "wanting father" made those Danish veterans who were married and had children, heartbroken...

They thought that in Denmark at the moment, only the city of Copenhagen has not fallen. However, other places should have fallen...

So, what are their parents, wife and children doing now?

They dare not think about it because they are afraid it will end badly...

However, the lamentations at night reminded them of their parents, wives and children in the countryside. The cries of the children broke the hearts of many Danish soldiers who became fathers...

Some Danish soldiers couldn't help crying...

A sense of sadness and despair begins to spread in the Danish military camp...

As for Marin's barracks, although those singing were also heard. However, it was all sung in Danish, which most soldiers could not understand. Therefore, everyone was not emotionally affected. Unlike the Danish barracks in the city where morale is already plummeting...

During the next day, the Danish women, old people, and children who had sung all night's dirges were also tired. After Marin arranged for them to eat bread, he let them rest.

In the middle of the second day, the "embarrassed" choir composed of Danish women, old people and children who were full of sleep came out to sing sad songs again...

Just like that, over and over again. The Danish soldiers didn't sleep well at night, and the homesickness caused by these sad songs made everyone in a bad mood.

The Danish officers saw it in their eyes and were anxious, but there was nothing they could do. They can't let people shoot arrows at those Danish women and children, can they? Not to mention that the other party is out of range, even if they are within range, they can't give this order. Because, among these women and children, there are indeed the wives and children of the Danish soldiers in the city. If he really ordered to shoot these people, his soldiers would definitely rebel. Therefore, there is no solution to this matter, and everyone can only sleep with their ears covered as much as possible in the middle of the night.

However, how can the Danish soldiers really indifferently cover their ears and sleep? Guided by homesickness, they can't help but listen and feel sad...

The morale of the Danish soldiers is declining day by day... 71

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