
Henry VII was ruthless this time, and wanted to wipe out the French army. Therefore, this time he gave the commander of the main fleet, Baron Turnbull, a death order - except for those ships carrying grain and artillery, other ships carrying people, all sunk, do not take prisoners!

This move is very vicious. If the enemy is captured, and if the French pays, Henry VII has to obey the rules and let the other party redeem them. However, if these people were redeemed by the French, even if they lost money, as long as the people were still there, the French would still be a threat to Britain.

Therefore, after consulting with his equally sinister stepfather, the Earl of Thomas Stanley, Henry VII decided to set fire to the French ships, including the men and the ships. Let the enemy either die in the fire, or sink into the sea with the ship...

As a result, the French will lose a lot of elite. While not capturing them would cost a lot of ransoms, Henry VII cared about the safety of England, not those ransoms. Therefore, as long as those French soldiers were burned to death or sunk into the sea, the French would not be able to redeem those soldiers even if they were willing to pay. It takes ten or twenty years to train a knight or an officer. During this time period, the French will be at a loss...

As for the aftermath of the French accusations? so what? Let's just say that the French soldiers are good and refuse to surrender. How can you go and pick up the bodies of the French soldiers that sank into the sea and confront them in court?

Based on the order of Henry VII, after besieging several transport ships on the southwest corner of the French fleet, General Turnbull saw that they were all manned. It's all lit, and it's too late to put out.

General Turnbull then gave a cruel smile as he watched several French ships sink into the sea. Even if the French officers on the French ship were willing to surrender, he did not accept it. Some French soldiers who jumped into the sea were also shot to death with long bows by his order...

Just as he had disposed of several French transport ships in the far southwest and was about to move eastward, 82 French main battleships led by Count Valgerie arrived. These French warships were lined up and blocked in front of the British fleet...

"Hehe... I was about to find you, but I didn't expect to be delivered to the door..." General Turnbull sneered. He knew very well that as long as the battleship formation in front of him was eliminated, the French navy would be finished. Because, the thousands of sailors who are good at fighting for the navy trained by the French are all in this fleet. As long as this fleet is eliminated, the French Navy will be history...

"Fire arrows!" Turnbull ordered. Immediately, the English longbowmen in the fleet took action one after another, and the rockets fell on the French warships like raindrops.

Of course, this is not very useful, because there are plenty of sailors on these big ships. In addition, the fleet was not surrounded, and the sailors still had time to put out the flames without the arrows coming from all directions. Even the entire sail will be wet with sea water by the sailors, making it difficult to ignite. The same is true on the deck, which is flooded with water...

The French fleet just wanted to stop the other side, and didn't take the initiative to move forward, just stopped there. When the British shot arrows, except for the sailors who were carrying planks to avoid bows and arrows and busy dousing the flames. The other sailors hid in the cabin. Even Count Valgeri, who stood on the bow just now to boost his morale, temporarily retreated into the captain's room to avoid the rain of arrows...

Therefore, although the British arrows rained down on the French warships, except for some of the unfortunate sailors who put out the fire, everyone else hid and naturally did not suffer too much damage...


At the same time, on the east side of the transport fleet, thirty or forty small English warships were still harassing the French transport ships fleeing eastward. At this time, it was probably the last order from Count Valgeri. Some ships carrying grain and baggage rushed forward without hesitation, blocking the small English warships, and retreating eastward for the cover of the ships carrying the knights,

Won enough time...

Because they are full of horses, weapons, armor and knights, the transport ships that carry knights are not fast. It is conceivable that when the French transport ships carrying grain and baggage were eliminated by the thirty or forty small English warships, the ships carrying knights and warhorses could not escape...

At this time, the knights were arguing fiercely on the ship loaded with knights and horses and other baggage:

"Frank, what are you doing?" a knight yelled at another knight with red eyes.

"On the order of Count Valgerie, in order to increase the speed of the ship, push all the warhorses into the sea!" The knight named Frank said with a blank expression.

"You bastard! Don't you know that a horse is the second life of a knight? Without a horse? What are we knights? Infantry in plate armor?"

"Barrett, don't you understand? A fully loaded ship can't run fast. If it's too slow, we won't be able to escape!"

"Why are we fleeing? We are knights, fearless knights!" The knight named Barret retorted with his neck stubbed.

"Idiot, do you know what you are doing?" Frank knight pointed at the fleet of warships to the west that was being hit by the British arrows and shouted:

"In order to cover our retreat, the Count of Valgery personally took the fleet to stop the British pirates! Why did he ignore his own life like this? Not for us to return to France safely! Without us knights, France The army will exist in name only! We can't let Count Valgeri and the others die in vain! Stupid, do you understand?"

"However, we can't abandon the war horses that we have followed for many years? They are our best partners..." Barrett knight retorted in a low voice.

"I know, you feel bad in your heart, why am I not? My Ciri (the name of the warhorse) has followed me for eight years, and I have long regarded it as my family. However, in order for us to survive, I... I want Push it down the sea with my own hands...but I have to..." Before he could finish speaking, Knight Frank himself was already in tears.

After wiping away his tears, Knight Frank untied the reins of his horse and led it to the edge of the deck. After hugging and kissing his warhorse, Frank let out a desperate cry:


He suddenly exerted his strength and pushed his beloved warhorse into the sea...

"Ciri, I'm sorry for you! But...for the sake of France, I have to do this..." Frank knelt on the deck with tears in his eyes, looking at his warhorse fluttering in the sea, desperate and helpless...

Although horses can swim, there is no landing site in this vast sea. Even if they can swim, the horses that are pushed into the sea will be exhausted to death.

Now, what Frank Knight hopes most is that the British ship can salvage his own warhorse. At least, to keep his horse alive...

With Knight Frank taking the lead, the other knights silently led their horses and came to the edge of the deck...

After saying goodbye to their war horses, these knights, all with tears in their eyes, let out desperate cries, and pushed their most beloved war horses into the sea one after another. Sad place. Now, in order to escape, the knights need to push their life-and-death warhorses into the sea with their own hands. What kind of torment is this to their hearts? Many knights as strong as mountains knelt on the deck and cried into tears...

War horses are attached to their masters, and even if they are pushed out of the sea, they are still rowing hard, swimming and chasing the boat that their masters are riding on. However, after throwing away the war horses and some unnecessary baggage, the ships became much lighter. Following the west wind, the ship traveled farther and farther, leaving behind the whine of warhorses over the sea...


At this time, on the west side of the battlefield. General Turnbull, commander-in-chief of the English fleet, became impatient after finding the arrows ineffective. As a result, after the ships of the two sides approached, a large number of English sailors carrying sailors' scimitars, or jumping gangs, or through ropes, boarded the deck of the French warships.

Earl Valgeri's original intention was not to fight against the overwhelmingly dominant British army, but to delay the opponent. Therefore, the French sailors retreated into the cabin and resisted stubbornly...

Turnbull found that after a long attack, he directly let the English sailors who boarded the French warship set the ship on fire...

Seeing that the ship was burned, and the sailors on the deck were all cleared by the British army... In desperation, Count Valgery had to rush out with the French sailors and fight with the English sailors...

In the end, the French sailors were outnumbered and killed. The British army originally wanted to capture the "big fish" Count Valgeri, but Count Valgeri refused to surrender. After several knives, the loyal earl fell weakly on the deck, before dying. , he looked at the south affectionately, unwilling to close his eyes...


In the end, the naval battle ended in a complete defeat for the French. The powerful fleet of hundreds of ships that the French had worked so hard to prepare were all wiped out by the British...

As for the large-scale transport fleet, most of them were captured by the British. Many transport ships carrying infantry were directly sunk into the sea by the British army viciously, together with the people and the ships. Only a group of transport ships carrying knights fled to the east under the desperate cover of other ships...

The British couldn't catch up with those ships, so they had to salvage the horses of the French knights who were tired of swimming, and took them back as trophies...

But in any case, the French can be regarded as a big loss this time. The French navy was completely wiped out, and even lost an earl who was a close friend of the French king. Coupled with a large amount of food, baggage, artillery and other materials, the British can be regarded as making a profit...\u003c/content\u003e)!!

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