Accompanied by melodious music, male and female guests started to dance in pairs.

Wenxiu's dance steps were very clumsy, and she stepped on Puyi's feet several times. This was the first time she participated in a dance party. Puyi used to wear a beautiful face when she went out, so she could only stay at home and do maid work.

As for the reason, it is very simple. Firstly, Wenxiu clearly opposes restoration and does not please Puyi; secondly, Wenxiu looks ordinary and cannot give Puyi face.

Putting her arms around Wenxiu's waist, Puyi gradually moved towards the edge of the dance floor, and said in an inaudible voice: "Stop making trouble, as long as you are willing to go home, I will never neglect you in the future!"

"Do you think it's possible?" Wenxiu sneered. She had already figured it out that she had to fight against the unfairness of life, and Puyi would never have looked at her if she hadn't filed a lawsuit in the newspaper for divorce.

"Wenxiu, I beg you!" Puyi's tone softened, "A husband and wife will be gracious for a hundred days. It's not good for everyone to tear up their faces. If you do this, where will the face of the Qing royal family go?"

"Qing Dynasty? Hehe," Wenxiu smiled disdainfully, "It's over early in the morning, and I am now a citizen of the Republic of China."

Puyi was filled with grief and anger, but there was nothing he could do: "Whatever conditions you have, please bring them up, and I will try my best to satisfy them."

"I have no conditions," Wenxiu said. "The Tianjin District Court has accepted the case, and the trial will be held as soon as next month. If you don't want to confront Bo in court, you can choose to negotiate a divorce."

"Is it really irreparable?" Pu Yi asked.

Wenxiu said firmly: "Impossible."

Of course Puyi didn't want to go to court, that would be too ugly. He said, "Divorce is fine, but I have one condition."

"Say!" Wenxiu said.

Puyi said: "After the divorce, you are not allowed to marry someone else, because you are my imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty!"

Wenxiu smiled and said, "Then let's go to court."


Pu Yi was furious, and growled in a low voice: "Do you want to force me to death?"

"I've already died once!" Wenxiu counterattacked bluntly. She did die once, committing suicide shortly after leaving the palace, but was rescued by the palace maid.

"Okay, okay, you can get married again, but it must be three years later!" Puyi had no choice but to take another step back.

Wenxiu hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "I promise you."

The two had reached a divorce agreement, and Puyi felt that there was no love in life, so she let go of Wenxiu and exited the dance floor alone without waiting for the dance music to end.

At this moment, Zhou Hexuan came over with Wanrong in his arms, and started dancing while talking and laughing.

"How have you been recently?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

"It's okay." Wan Rong smiled wryly. In fact, she hadn't gone out for several days, Puyi's temper became more and more strange, and she completely regarded her as a punching bag.

Zhou Hexuan enlightened: "Women must learn to be self-reliant and self-reliant, and control their own destiny. You can see how wonderful Wenxiu's life is now, it is all earned by herself."

Wanrong said disappointedly: "I can't possibly sue for divorce like Wenxiu, right?"

"Why not?" Zhou Hexuan asked back.

Wanrong didn't even dare to think about such a thing as divorce, it was too rebellious. But the more this happened, the more restless her thoughts became. She knew she couldn't do it, but she still wanted to try it. Wenxiu set her a good example.

"I... just forget it, life is pretty good now." Wanrong bowed her head.

Zhou Hexuan suddenly hugged Wanrong's slender waist tightly, and whispered in her ear, "If you have other ideas in the future, you can come to me for help."

The warm air blowing on the ears felt warm and itchy. Wanrong's cheeks were reddish, and she responded as thin as a mosquito, taking advantage of the situation and taking the initiative to move her body closer, touching and rubbing with her footsteps from time to time.

Gradually, Wanrong almost snuggled into Zhou Hexuan's arms, and the two continued to dance with their arms around each other. That solid chest gave her a sense of security.

Suddenly the lights came on, but the dance music was over.

Wanrong woke up suddenly, pushed Zhou Hexuan away like a guilty conscience, straightened her clothes and walked towards Puyi.

Pu Yi's entire face was black, and he dragged Wan Rong's hand and scolded: "Go home!"


next morning.

A series of Chinese and foreign newspapers such as "Ta Kung Pao", "New Tianjin News", "Yong Bao", "Current News", "Beijing-Tianjin Times" published the news of the establishment of the China Hope Education Foundation on the front page.

As Zhou Hexuan expected, the educational foundation itself does not attract attention, because in the period of the Republic of China, there were too many various groups, and people have long been familiar with it. The real selling point still revolves around Wenxiu. Not to mention the divorce of the imperial concubine, she is now running out to engage in education. These are all challenging people's traditional thinking.

Peking Women's Normal University, graduating class.

A female student rushed into the classroom waving a newspaper: "Students, big news!"

"What's the big news?" The other girls gathered around and asked.

The female student spread out the newspaper and read: "Young Marshal raises funds to start education, Concubine Dao Wenxiu breaks down his ambition! According to our newspaper, Zhang Xueliang, Marshal of Fengjun, held a banquet yesterday and announced the establishment of the China Hope Education Foundation. The Young Marshal himself personally As the president, the vice presidents are Feng Yong, Zhou Hexuan and Wenxiu... In order to save money and set up education, all the drinks at this ball are boiled water...Daofei Wenxiu made a speech on the spot and vowed to Serving China's education cause for life... The China Hope Education Foundation will be committed to opening free primary schools across the country and providing free lunches for teachers and students. Vice President Feng Yong said that the administrative expenses of the foundation should not exceed 15% of the annual donations %, severely punish those who embezzle and embezzle donations... The foundation expects to set up 30 Hope Primary Schools in the Zhili area within this year. Now that there is a shortage of administrative staff and teachers, it is urgently waiting for people of insight from the society to join in and participate in this grand event. Revitalize the country!"

Before the female student finished reading, other girls gathered around her to read the newspaper. I saw two news pictures on the front page headline, one was Zhang Xueliang giving a speech, and the other was Wenxiu cutting her hair with scissors.

Especially the photo of Wenxiu made the female students excited, and immediately started discussing:

"Concubine Dao is really an amazing woman. Not only did she sue for divorce in the newspaper, but now she continues to invent her will to contribute to the country!"

"Yes, that's exactly what women in the new era should be like."

"My family is urging me to go back and get married. Now I want to learn Wenxiu and dedicate my life to the cause of Chinese education!"

"Graduation is half a month away, let's all go to the Hope Education Foundation to apply for teachers."

"Why do you only run primary schools?"

"What happened to elementary school? Basic education is also very important."

"But we are studying at a normal university, so it would be a waste to teach elementary school."

"I don't care about college or elementary school, as long as it is for the country."

"Go with me, count me in!"


The same situation happened in all major schools in Beijing and Tianjin, especially the female students, who were infected by Wenxiu's hair-cutting behavior, and all clamored to join it.

Mr. Lu Xun has not left Beiping yet. He is going to teach in Xiamen University before going south after teaching his graduation class. Encouraged by the students in class that day, Lu Xun wrote an essay titled "On the Hope of Chinese Education" when he returned home at night:

"Modern education in China probably started in the late Qing Dynasty. During the Gengzi period, the sound of guns from foreigners deafened the ears of the Queen Mother, and the Guimao school system was promulgated in panic, and various new schools bloomed everywhere. This is about the time when the school Germany and Japan are educational powerhouses, but it’s a pity that they are secretive and timid, and only learned some superficial...

In the Republic of China, we finally had the Ministry of Education, and Mr. Cai Yuanpei was the Minister. I was invited by Cai Jun to work in the Ministry of Education. I have served as the chief of the first section of the Department of Social Education and the secretary of the Ministry of Education. The president is busy being the emperor, and the revolutionary party wants to protect the country and the law, but no one cares about education. We and the staff of the Ministry of Education can't even get enough salary, so how can we talk about rejuvenating the country through education? To this day, I still haven't figured out what is the use of my work in the Ministry of Education. It's just a daily reminder...

It is absolutely impossible to rely on the government to run education. Even Peking University has been waiting for the rice to cook, and has not paid wages for half a year. Students and professors have borrowed money to survive, making it difficult to make ends meet.

There is another characteristic of China's education. Both the north and the south are proud of running universities, and most of the elementary schools are neglected. It is only because the results of running primary schools are too slow and it is difficult to achieve political achievements, so officials are naturally unwilling to put in effort. On the other hand, wealthy gentry in the countryside often do charitable deeds and contribute to the maintenance of local private primary schools in order to invite fame...

Today, the China Hope Education Foundation was established with the purpose of revitalizing basic education. I think the starting point is excellent. In my early years, I wrote an article "Cultural Bias", which talked about the issues of building people and rejuvenating the country. Liren needs to start with children, and by looking at children in their teens, one can predict the situation in China twenty years from now. The new children should be lively, healthy, tenacious, with their chests upright, full of vigor, they surpass the past, and China will catch up with the future..."

Xu Guangping is also a graduate student of the Women's Normal University. She took Lu Xun's manuscript, and after reading it, she couldn't help asking: "Sir, are you really optimistic about the Hope Education Foundation?"

Lu Xun smoked a cigarette, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, Zhang Xueliang is a young marshal of the Fengjun Army, and the group he formed inevitably has other intentions. I hope they are sincerely for the country."

"Is basic education in China really that bad?" Xu Guangping asked.

Lu Xun frowned and said, "I have worked in the Ministry of Education for several years, so I know this very well. Take Zhili's richest county as an example. There are 28 private and public primary schools. It seems that there are a lot of them, but the situation is very bad. The largest primary school has 12 teachers and 97 students; the smallest one has 1 teacher and only 13 students. There are more than 80 primary school teachers in the county, and the number of students is less than 1,000. The investment in education is less than 3,000 yuan. More than 80% of the children have no chance to go to school."

This statistic is outrageous. On average, the education fund for each primary school is only 107 yuan a year, which is still the richest county in Zhili.

Xu Guangping was silent, and it took a long time before he said with emotion: "It seems that it is imperative to vigorously develop basic education."

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