The Secret Journey of Pirate World

Chapter 205 Lightning and flint

"Report to Lieutenant General, the containment is going well!"

"The Reid of the Red-Haired Regiment has no signs of turning at present, and the distance between us and our battleship is constantly increasing!"

"Oh? Decided to go all out... Notify the warships in other directions, press down on the speed, keep the target in the center of the encirclement, and fire after entering the range." Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel calmly ordered after hearing the report from his lieutenant .

The flying squirrel knew Shanks' ability, so he was on guard against him.

And I hope to sink the Reid before the hand-to-hand combat. In this way, the opponent is just a living target!

Because it is in the windless belt, the warships that can appear here, even if they are division warships, must be new hybrid warships that have just been refitted.

There is no wind, and the battleship has no sails. It relies entirely on the engine to sail, and the speed is easier to control.

The reason for this siege is not only because of the uproar caused by the G8 branch before, but also because the navy does not want to see pirates sailing freely in the windless zone.

But the Navy obviously misunderstood...

They thought that the reason why the red-haired group could enter the windless zone was because they subdued a certain sea beast that could frighten ordinary sea kings—just like the "snake" driven by the daughter country.

The clever flying squirrel obviously misjudged the situation...

At the same time that Ziggy blew the "whistle", the flying squirrel suddenly realized something, hurried to the side of the boat, lay down on the side of the boat and looked down at the sea surface!

In the deep sea, nothing abnormal can be seen at this time, but the flying squirrel has become aware of the changes brewing on the seemingly calm sea...

"Issue the order! All the guards..."

Before the flying squirrel uttered its last word, the sea was already boiling.

Tentacles with suckers, fleshy wings that seem to have lost hair, smooth and mucus-covered dorsal fins... all kinds of strange "organs" are attacking the warship - the same thing is that they are all huge!

Seeing a tentacles stretched out onto the deck and rolled towards the sailors, the flying squirrel's expression darkened, and the slash he swung casually cut off all the tentacles stretched out on the deck, and immediately after the rolled up sailors fell, there were Comrades stepped forward to rescue.

On the other warships of the headquarters, at least the major generals of the headquarters are in command, and the mere Sea Kings, even if the unreasonable collective mania is only slightly hindered.

But in other directions, with the besieged division fleet, they are not so lucky...

Even if they were all large-scale and relatively strong warships, they didn't capsize for a while, but they all fell into a bitter battle with insufficient combat power!

As the commander of the lead ship, the phone bugs on the flying squirrel's side rang one after another—they were all alarms and calls for help from the surrounding battleships.

"Order the division's warships to retreat, and self-protection is the priority! The headquarters' warships charge with me!" The flying squirrel has already realized that something is wrong.

Normally, the bottom of the navy's warships has a sea stone radiation distribution device that avoids the Neptunes, so it will not attract the attention of the Neptunes at all.

And even if it is discovered by Neptunes, it shouldn't be besieged by a swarm of bees like this!

Even the flying squirrel found that even though he had severely damaged the sea kings attacking the battleship, the other sea kings in the group became more and more restless, showing no sign of being dispersed.

It happened to be at this kind of timing. If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental. It was more likely to be...

To some extent, the Red Hair Pirates have mastered the method of driving the Neptunes!

The most powerful evidence is that the Reid did not slow down at all, and continued to rush forward-obviously not only was it not attacked by the Sea Kings, but it was not even surprised by the state of the navy.

The flying squirrel thought that the previous "successful plan" was entirely the result of the other party's deliberate intentions. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, and then jumped up, exposing most of his body to the sea surface, trying to crush the battleship. , a clean cut, a large amount of blood spilled on the ship as if washing the deck.

But just as the mole was falling...

"En?" The flying squirrel sensed something domineeringly, and tilted the blade slightly.

Just listening to the sound of "dang", it seems that some hidden weapon has been missed...

The flying squirrel swept over it from the corner of its eye, and saw a trident-shaped mini-blade wrapped in a dark blue domineering style.

Before the flying squirrel thought about it carefully, there were masters who used similar weapons in the sea. At this moment, in a flash of lightning, a figure "out of thin air" appeared next to the mole, where the mini trident was just now!

Such a sudden appearance made the flying squirrel immediately think of Shanks—the ability of Flying Fruit, which has been recorded by the Navy for a long time.

But the next moment, the flying squirrel realized something was wrong. Although the opponent was facing the sun, the flying squirrel could only see a shadow, but the person who came was much bigger than Shanks!

It was too late to identify, the flying squirrel quickly swung his sword at the figure, and the other party was also punching the flying squirrel for a while...

The flying squirrel even suspected that the opponent was already accumulating power for this punch before the "teleportation" came over, and the moment he appeared, he had been preparing to hit him for a long time.

In contrast, Mole just hastily drew out his sword, and the opponent's fist had the same faint blue domineering aura as the "hidden weapon" just now, and between the collision with Mole's slash, it directly "hammered" the flying squirrel back deck!

The next moment, there was another flash of lightning... However, the mole that smashed a hole in the deck could barely "see" the opponent's trajectory at this time. Not a property.

The lightning reunited at the top of the main ship's mast—the battleship was a hybrid, but it didn't have sails in the calm zone, and it also had a mast.

I saw a burly figure with obvious murloc features and lightning flashing all over his body, standing on the mast.

The flying squirrel came out of the hole smashed in the deck before the dust settled.

However, the slightly embarrassed figure of the flying squirrel still stunned the sailors on the main ship...

As a code-named lieutenant general, Flying Squirrel is not the kind of general candidate, but his strength is still very recognized in the navy, especially the main ship is full of soldiers brought out by him.

However, judging from the scene just now, the flying squirrel was completely suppressed.

At this moment, a strong "momentum" spread in all directions, and all the ordinary sailors fainted one after another, only the lieutenant officer was able to stay awake.

The flying squirrel scolded despicablely in his heart - the opponent's methods were weird, and his strength was indeed not bad, but if he fought head-on, he would never just suppress himself like this!

And taking advantage of the moment when he was the most powerful and the morale of the navy was the most suppressed, he used the overlord's domineering...

Even though the seemingly heroic one rushed up first, the flying squirrel never thought that the other party was a simple-minded person.

At the same time, the flying squirrel has also confirmed the identity of the other party.

Among the red-haired pirates, there are only two recorded possessors of overlord-like domineering aura, and they also have the characteristics of a murloc. Even if they are behind the light and cannot see their facial features clearly, there is no need to second-guess.

"Siegfried... the murderer who failed the world government's intention of reconciliation with the murlocs? It seems that he really underestimated the follower of the most vicious murloc ghost!"

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