"The radish is a bit old, and the soup is not tasty enough, let's be so-so... If it's Oda-sama, I will definitely make it more delicious next time, for example, I like it more spicy... And I will definitely not be angry because of the suggestion of my retainers !"

After a full meal, Ziggy commented a few words, and then parasitized back into her shadow before Yamato broke out.

Yamato is also really tired, feeling more tired than usual after being seriously injured by the old guy...

And under the abduction of "If it's Oda-sama", Yamato just served the "vampire" to eat, and he is still hungry!

This "vampire" is really edible, and what Yamato recited is a load of ingredients.

Well, Zieg is kind, there is still food left for half a person, and Yamato has to pretend to be generous...

Seeing that the "vampire" had returned to his own shadow, Yamato sat down in front of the pot, not forgetting to learn the customs of Wano, put his hands together and said, "I'm starting!" Then he started to eat the rest of the oden.

But she wrinkled her mouth—Yamato is really not used to spicy food, but everyone has already "if it is Mita-sama", she has no choice...

After eating a whole mouthful, it seemed that it was almost dawn, and Yamato just fell asleep on the ground with the iron rod as a pillow.

Unlike Kaido's mace, which is full of spikes, Yamato's stick, although it is also large in size, high in density, and not light in weight, but the "thorns" on it are all bumps on the head, which are convenient for pillows.

Early the next morning, Yamato, who had not slept for a long time, woke up and washed himself with stream water—of course, he did not take a bath.

To Zieger's surprise, Yamato's injuries have almost recovered by now...

One must know that she was seriously injured yesterday, and Zieg was surprised enough to find that she was able to cook oden for herself at night... If she had eaten enough last night, she should have fully recovered by now, right?

Zieg felt that Yamato's recovery speed was almost the same as when he had no flesh and blood storage.

The reason why he was only "slightly" surprised was because Ziggy had consulted Kaido's body for a long time before...

At that time, Chigurh discovered that Kaido's physical fitness was comprehensive and essentially superior to ordinary people, especially in terms of physical strength, endurance, and resilience. Greg wasn't sure either!

Unlike Kaido, Yamato's knowledgeable domineering is not so strong, so when Chigurh lives in her shadow, he can directly see her body, get more comprehensive information, and analyze her more thoroughly, not to mention It is said that there is Kaido's body information, which can be used as a reference.

I am even more convinced that the two of them, father and son, seem to be some kind of special race, which was mentioned in the original work, but Chigurh doesn't know much about it from the original work.

It was a pity that Chigurh lost the opportunity of "consultant" Kaido's body so quickly. It was unexpected that Yamato is now a weakened version of Kaido, but he can be observed carefully.

The only part of the influence is that Kaido is the ability user of "Phantom Beast · Fish Fruit · Blue Dragon Form", and Yamato is the ability user of "Phantom Beast · Dog Fruit · Oguchi True God Form"...

This makes the blood factors of the two of them not very pure, but compared with the two, Chigurh can see the essence of their bodies better!

From the artificial blue dragon fruit to Kaido, and then to Yamato, Zieg feels that his luck in this wave is very good!

If he hadn't obtained the man-made blue dragon fruit, it would have been difficult for Chigurh to consult Kaido's body through the shadow from the very beginning, let alone compare Kaido with Yamato now, and then remove the "influence" and explore the essence.

Yamato vigorously sprayed the water after rinsing his mouth into the creek, then licked his tooth socket, and found that most of the tooth that was knocked out yesterday had grown back, so he looked at the reflection in the water and said, "Hey, Are you still there?"

The reflection turned into "Vladimir" as expected...

"Your loyal retainer, Vladimir sends you his greetings." Zieg maintained a different set of ceremonial guards from his usual one.


"When did you become my retainer? You're still that old guy, the person sent to watch over me, right?" Yamato was obviously not that easy to fool.

"Eh? If it's Oden-sama, it's also very casual when accepting retainers, right?" Chigurh said as a matter of course.

"This..." Yamato recalled the content of Mitian's diary, and felt that he could not refute it.

Well, Zig secretly read that diary last night, after all, Yamato carried it with him.

However, as Zigger expected, there is no useful information in it. It just vaguely writes "the importance of the founding of the Wano Kingdom", and it can be seen that Mitian came to the country after Ralph Drew knew something. Prepare to come back to start the country, that is, to open the country.

As for what happened to Ralph Drew and what happened to Joey Boy, it was not written in the diary.

Otherwise, I want to know that if there is really useful content on it, Kaido has already taken it away!

Based on Chigurh's understanding of Kaido, that guy is a "romantic pragmatist"-"romantic" is just the skin, and practicality is his essence.

After all, Oden has no place to "safely keep" the diary, so he deliberately avoids writing too important things in the diary.

And from a narrative point of view, Mita's diary is a "navigation diary", and the part before going to sea is written in the form of a memoir, so Chigurh knows a lot about Mita, and he probably knows what kind of person this is—— Practical Romantics.

It seems that it is more straightforward to do things, has its own principles and methods, and will not be affected by worldly prejudices, but...in essence, it is too romantic, and it is impossible to undertake the important task of "founding the country of Wano".

As for Yamato...

Just a silly girl.

Now he was kidnapped again "if it was Oda-sama", and accepted Chigurh's "loyalty" tentatively.

"Then as a retainer..."

"I'm hungry, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." Zieg made the voice of his retainer.


Reluctantly, Yamato did the same thing, went to "steal" the figure from the pirate base camp on the island, and cooked breakfast for Ziggy—maybe because of the diary, Yamato will and can only cook one kind of food, that is "Kanto cooks everything ".

"Come out and eat together!" Yamato said angrily.

If it wasn't for being bound by the identity of "retainer" and "lord", Yamato felt that he should not lose his temper, and now he is not just a little bit angry-although Oden often cooks Oden for his retainers, but I always feel that the current situation Somewhat weird!

"Master Mita, I am a vampire..."

"En? So what? Do you want to drink blood?" Yamato frowned.

"So when your loyal retainer is eating breakfast, can you ask Oden-sama not to sit down and eat together, and help me open the umbrella?"


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