"Based on the air humidity here... the wind direction... the surface evaporation rate... Well, in short, if it is considered comprehensively, if it rains, it will cost 600 million Baileys. If it is completely resolved, it will take about a month, a total of 2 billion, no less .”

Andy Ge, a meteorologist in Visalia, is talking about the price with the king of Xishazhi Kingdom.

A year ago, there was a problem with the climate of Xishazhi Island. Although it was a summer island, it became dry and rainless. In the end, the royal family decided to ask a meteorologist from Visalia to solve it, and published a "reward" in the newspaper.

After another six months, Visalia finally "floated" over, and a bubble ship came down and landed directly in the palace - Visalia's moving speed is not fast, but to find them, usually Advertise directly through the newspaper. As for whether Visalia can come... it depends on luck!

In this case, Visalia's asking price is not cheap.

Of course, Visalia is not desperate for money. If they see a small island with abnormal climate and affecting the life of the islanders when passing by, and if it can be solved technically, they will not hesitate to solve it. The lower charges are generally very arbitrary, depending on the wealth of the islanders.

But if you come by special appointment, you will naturally have the money to pay...

Ordinarily, this kind of transaction method with high and low prices can easily upset the paying customers, but Visalia is an exclusive business, and the supply is already in short supply, so there is nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, the king of Xisha who ruled the country finally agreed, and made a one-time payment of two billion. It seems that the money has been raised long ago.

After all, if it is 600 million, it is just a rain, which can only alleviate, not cure. Although the drought period has been shortened, it will take another two years to grit its teeth. Thinking of the domestic situation, the king of Xishazhi still chose to be slaughtered. Pen……

That counts as luck.

Not all climate problems can be solved by Visalia. After all, they are just meteorologists, not "gods".

They have analyzed the situation on Xishazhi Island, and the climate anomalies here are within the correctable range.

If it were Alabasta instead...

Not only is the land too vast, but also... Alabasta is a normal phenomenon of drought, and one or two forced rains will not change anything, but may cause more problems.

Visalia took the money to do things, and began to use various instruments to create a thundercloud...

But at this moment, a young man wearing single-frame glasses, a bachelor's robe, and a book in one hand suddenly appeared in front of the square of the palace.

The guard of King Xishazhi suddenly became nervous: "Who is it?"

The Visalia scholar on the side was also a little bit interrupted at this moment, and looked at this person hesitantly.

"As you can see, I am a wandering scholar... People in my hometown call me Seven." Chigurh's face was full of thirst for knowledge and the brilliance of reason.

Andy Ge: ...

Good guy, in order to prove that he is a scholar, why did he dress up like this? Don't you think it's contrived?

In contrast, although Ge Andy has a white beard and looks very knowledgeable, he wears a robe that looks like pajamas, and he is not as professional as this "Severn".

"Wandering scholar, did you come to Xishazhi because of the drought here?" the king of Xishazhi asked, pretending not to notice the awkwardness.

"No, I heard that Visalia will come to Xishazhi. I have heard that Visalia is the highest temple of meteorology. I want to study in Visalia for a period of time. I don't know if I can do it." Qi Qi Grid let out a voice thirsting for knowledge.

Andy Ge was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't expect to come for Visalia.

"This...Visalia doesn't exclude meteorologists from joining, but if you don't have a deep understanding of meteorology, you won't gain anything even in Visalia." Although Ge Andi felt that the guy in front of him No matter how you look at it, it is suspicious, but it still expresses Visalia's attitude.

Be it Visalia or the former O'Hara, they are all places to learn knowledge.

Compared with the mastery of the key points of "force" cultivation by various forces, the holy land of these scholars is not so self-cherishing for the dissemination of knowledge.

Just like O'Hara back then, he also welcomed foreign historians...

After all, you have learned armed domineering, murloc karate, and six styles... Maybe you have to worry about turning your head to help the enemy, but what can you do if you learn history and meteorology?

Visalia is still worried about grabbing business?

What restricts them from helping others with meteorology is not the number of scholars, but "Visalia"-this island and the instruments on the island are often needed!

They also couldn't afford another Visalia.

As for the solo meteorologist, there is very little that can be done...

What's more, even if someone can build a second Visalia, countries on the sea that need meteorological help are still "in short supply", and Visalia is also happy to see this.

"I have almost mastered the knowledge of meteorology that I can find, so I wandered after Visalia." Zieg unceremoniously fabricated a persona for himself.

Of course, on the great route, being able to "wander" alone is very suspicious in itself!

Seeing Ge Andy's questioning expression, Sai Wen analyzed the climate type of Xishazhi and why it "shouldn't" be dry in a simple and simple way.

As for why it shouldn't be drought?

That is the influence of the abnormal climate on the great route!

Although generally speaking, abnormally variable climates have far less impact on islands than at sea, there are always exceptions.

As for the following analysis and how to solve it, it belongs to advanced climate knowledge...

Seeing this, Andy Ge asked "Sevin" some basic questions, and saw that he answered fluently, so he believed that he was really a climate scholar.

Afterwards, Andy Ge called Sai Wen to the front and briefly introduced the large-scale instrument in front of him-the effect was to create thunderclouds, which made Zieg think of the cloud shells on the empty island.

In contrast, the effect of cloud shells on the empty island is more direct, and it is still a ready-made "biological" material.

If Yunbei is also a creation of the lunar people, then Visalia's technology is several levels behind that of the lunar people. However, the difference is that Visalia can manufacture its own equipment and know how to use it scientifically, while Sky Island is not as good as it is. The use of Yunbei is already very primitive and crude.

If Visalia is in the industrial age, then Sky Island is in the era of atomic energy and even more advanced... It's just that after the mass extinction, the technology has been lost, and only some "convenient tools" can be found that can be used directly.

Chigurh has only read a few books on meteorology that are easy to find recently, plus the books on meteorology that he happened to scan for the role of "reader" and "keeper" before, so he doesn't have too advanced knowledge.

But the victory is that the understanding ability is strong enough, especially since I have seen and used various cloud shells, so I quickly understood what Andy Ge said.

Cloud shells in Sky Island can only be used on the White Sea, but Visalia's equipment can create thunderclouds in Qinghai. In principle, it also uses the "coating" technology. The initial thunderclouds are similar to those wrapped in bubbles. of……

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