The Secret Journey of Pirate World

Chapter 438 The First Run of the Sea Train

Zig bid farewell to the university scholars in Visalia on the pretext that there was something urgent, and Hareda, Ge Andi and others did not hold back too much, after all, Visalia is not a sect or gang, " "Severn" was originally a wandering scholar, so it was not surprising to leave, the only surprise was that he left so quickly.

"I see, is it such an urgent matter... Your meteorological talent is the best among scholars I have ever seen. I hope you will use the knowledge you have learned from Visalia to help more people in the future." Hareda It can be seen that Sai Wen only got involved after reading the newspaper, so he didn't ask any more questions.

It's hard to say about other Harradars, but he has seen "Sevin"'s eagerness to learn with his own eyes, and I believe it must be a very urgent matter that makes him leave in such a hurry.

"Then... leave the windless zone with us first, otherwise Visalia doesn't have a boat that can sail in the windless zone." Ge Andy reminded.

But at this time Hancock said coyly from the side: "No, if you don't mind... Ahem, I mean, in order to thank everyone, I will send him out of Wufeng on the way, and you don't have to worry about it."

Hancock didn't really want to send it away, but understood that Siegfried must have his own way, but in front of these scholars, he had to hide his identity and it was difficult to show it, so he provided an "excuse".

"Eh? If you want to express your gratitude... Well... Actually, I also have important matters... Scholar Ge Andy, why don't you go back by yourself first..." Hareda suddenly became angry.

"No, get out." Hancock refused expressionlessly.

Harda: ...

Ge Andy couldn't stand it anymore, dragged Harida onto the sailboat, and flew all the way back to Visalia in the low sky.

"It's nice to be young..." Harida couldn't help sighing while looking at Seven below.

Watching Visalia gradually disappear, Zieg said gentlemanly: "Thank you, beautiful queen."

At this time, there are still "outsiders" present, and he wants to continue to maintain the personality of the Savin scholar.

"Huh...huh! Let's live in gratitude to my concubine from now on!" Hancock blushed and turned his head away.

Granny New:? ? ?

Granny Niu keenly sensed something was wrong: "Your Majesty, you will not be..."

Hancock didn't respond to Granny New, nor did he listen to what she said, but he hesitated and said, "Santa Sonia, prepare a boat for him."

Not hesitating to give the boat or not, but hesitating whether to only give the boat...

But after hesitating, Hancock decided not to intervene too much—Hancock had already seen the front-page report, and he could guess what Chigurh wanted to do.

"Okay." The three-headed Santa Sonia didn't ask any more questions, and responded directly.

Hancock finally said to Zigger: "Come with me..."

"Your Majesty..." Granny New said for a long time, but found that Hancock ignored her at all, and was about to say something more, when Hancock waved his hand and said, "Pull this old woman down!"

Hancock called Zig aside alone, ignoring the whispers of the sisters of Nine Snakes around them-they have never seen "Her Majesty Snake" show concern for a man.

"There's no need to really prepare anything, I'll just find an excuse to go to sea." Chigurh said directly when talking to Hancock alone.

As long as he leaves the range of Amazon Lily, Zieg will first use the Neptune to leave the windless belt, and then directly use the glider to borrow the wind to travel.

"When will that murloc be sent to Judicial Island?" Hancock obviously didn't mean to talk about the boat.

"This is today's newspaper. Mr. Tom was arrested yesterday, but it should be sent to Judicial Island tonight." Zieg said calmly.

Why so fast?

In addition to the proximity, the more important reason is the sea train between the capital of seven waters and Judiciary Island!

Unexpectedly... After the completion of the four routes that condensed Mr. Tom's efforts, the trial run will be used to escort Mr. Tom before the full navigation.

From the very beginning, the world government has never wanted to abide by the agreement...

The reason why it was delayed for an extra day, so that the newspaper came out first, Zieg suspected that they still wanted to use this to fish, and it would be good to attract some remnants of the Roger Pirates!

But they are bound to be disappointed...

After all, the current result can be regarded as Tom's own choice, and even Raleigh would not make a move.

Chigurh also knew more at this time. After Roger was executed, the world government did not immediately determine who his shipbuilder was, and did not specifically investigate the shipbuilder.

It was Tom who chose to "surrender himself" in order to be supported by the world government for the "sea train" plan. He revealed that he was Roger the shipbuilder, and proposed to build a sea train as atonement.

The world government heard about the sea train plan, coupled with the excellent performance of Roger's pirate ship, they had high expectations for Tom and agreed to Tom's plan.

after that...

Someone discovered clues from some structures of the sea train, and suspected that Tom had obtained the blueprint of Pluto!

Although the world government is delighted with the successful construction of the sea train, but... not enough!

Now that he knew the design of Pluto, and Tom was still unwilling to hand it over, how could he let him go?

If it wasn't for the construction of the sea train, Tom is a murloc, and he would have a lot of opportunities to escape...

The newspaper didn't write about Pluto, and naturally it didn't mention the deal between the world government and Tom, or even mention that Tom was the builder of the sea train, but just told the whole world that a shipbuilder was going to be executed.

"It's very close to the Undersea Prison, and it's not too far from Judiciary Island, but it's definitely not something that can be reached in a day..." Hancock reminded.

Amazon Lily and the Undersea Prison are in the same windless zone. If you go to the "Undersea Prison" and "Judicial Island", the boat trips are almost the same.

Considering that Nine Snakes have the national protection sea beast "snake", if they can easily travel in the windless belt, it will be faster to go to the large submarine prison.

However, we know from the original work that the fastest way to go to the "Undersea Prison" is to sail in the direction of Judicial Island first, and then enter the "Triangle Current" - the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island, and the Undersea Prison. The triangular ocean current between them is so fast that it can "one stop" in half an hour...

Of course, the premise is that the ship can withstand the current and the target "station" is open to welcome.

"No, I have my own way, and... the trial on Judicial Island is just a joke, but since the news is specially reported, it will definitely not be executed as soon as it lands on the island, at least it will have to wait until noon tomorrow." Qi Greg said in a calm tone.

At this moment, Hancock found that Chigurh turned his back to him, as if he didn't take himself seriously at all, and at the same time he was annoyed, he felt even more ashamed.

"That's what I'm talking about! Listen, it's fine if you can stop the sea train halfway, but if they enter Judiciary Island...even you, you must calm down..."

Chigurh just murmured about this, apparently not paying much attention to it, and Hancock became even more ashamed and annoyed when he saw this.

Ziggy didn't notice her abnormality at the first time, nor did he rush to leave immediately, because...

At this time, Hancock walked to the front of Chigurh and saw a white eye opened on Chigurh's forehead at this time, with blood vessels protruding around it.

With the power of supercilious eyes, Chigurh can already see Judiciary Island directly here, and after that, as long as he follows the track of the sea train to find it, he will naturally find that train!

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