The Secret Journey of Pirate World

Chapter 596 Marie Joa's Natural Disaster

February 1, 1520, noon.

At the same time that Marin Fanduo's head was shrouded in huge waves, Marie Gioia's head was also a little gloomy.

a meteorite...

Falling to Marlin Vandor!

Seeing Zig whose body was translucent, he wiped off the sweat on his head and muttered at the same time: "Really... this brat almost made me shiver."

That's right, the "other" Zieg, just now on Marie Gioia's side, "captured" a suitable meteorite with his heavy fruit ability, and "pulled" it to Marie Gioia.

As a result, because Serena William, Zigg of Marlin Vanduo, punched Sengoku, and in order to get rid of it immediately, he used the ability of "swallowing fruit" to induce the golden fission punch, so... here Zig also lost the ability of the heavy fruit at the same time, almost "pulled" so much that he dodged his waist.

No way, the "Shepherd" can only use one of the fruit abilities of grazing at a time.

At this time, the fruit is on Gungnir Chigurh, but... he still shares this "place" with other Chigurh!

As for the origin of the heavy fruit...

Naturally, it was obtained from Yixiao after a "tie".

Zieg used the power of the Sun Path to forcefully "force" his fruit ability out, and then started grazing, but he also gave him a pair of "white eyes" as promised.

The falling of the huge meteorite quickly attracted the attention of Marie Gioia's powerhouses. At the same time, Zieg, who was the instigator, was immediately discovered and locked.

Not only did someone meet the meteorite, but there was also... a figure that looked like a vulture and wore a tattered cloak, and floated towards Zieg.

If you get closer, you will find that his "beak" is a sickle, and it is actually a bald man in a black cloak!

"Siegfried? Didn't expect you to be...a clone?" Sovo Toure looked at Zieg warily.

As for Marie Gioia, she also knew what day it was and knew that the Navy Headquarters would not be able to come to support her, so she made preparations in advance. Many experts, including CP0's top officer Sovo Toure, were there.

Back then when Tiger made a fuss about Mary Joya, the reason why it went so smoothly was because many important people among the Tianlong people were not there, and their "bodyguards" were naturally not there, so the master side was relatively empty.

But now...

"Do you think this kind of meteorite can threaten Mary Gioia? Is it... Tiger gave you such a naive idea? Sure enough, they are all escaped slaves, and they even have the same idea." Sovo Toure said provocatively Ziggy's words.

But it was Zieg who greeted him with a cruel smile.

"More than that."

I saw Chigurh speaking, snapped his fingers again, and then...

The phantom of the demon that could not be seen around Zieg was switched to one at this time.

at the same time……

A terrible breath came from the falling meteorite above his head, and even Sovo Toure's scalp became tense.

Then I saw that the meteorite suddenly multiplied and expanded unscientifically!

Although it is said that it is near, large, and far small, but... this is obviously beyond the category of near, large, and far small, and it is really expanding rapidly.

That's right, in addition to the heavy fruit demons, Zig here also brought Momo fruit demons!

The meteorite had already calculated carefully and aimed at Marie Gioia, and Zieg let it fall freely at this time, and... switched to the grazing of the Momo Fruit Demon.

At this time, Zieg went all out to make the meteorite as big as possible and to increase its inertia as much as possible——meteorite, a hundred times more powerful!

The increase of Momo Fruit belongs to the type of "Mode Soul", which is not very effective in the duel of masters.

In the original work, Wald magnified the giant cannon with a turret comparable to a missile by a hundred times to bombard the navy. As a result... it was cut off casually by Hawkeye.

But now, this is undoubtedly a quantitative change that has produced a qualitative change!

The ability to pull meteorites with multiple fruits is a natural disaster-level destruction method, but apart from destructive power, other aspects are lackluster, easy to crack and difficult to control.

The ability of Momo fruit is similar in nature, but...

Under the superimposition of the two phases, directly use strength to defeat the cleverness!

The meteorite became bigger than the entire Marie Gioia...

At this level, no one can completely "crack" this trick. At most, it only destroys the meteorite and reduces the impact of its fall.

Ziggy was also out of breath at this time, and seemed to be "lighter".

Obviously, an object as big as "Momo" would consume a lot of energy for Zigger.

"You lunatic!" After Suovo Toure got angry, he had no choice but to retreat cautiously, and then rushed into the sky.

They must destroy this meteorite, even if it only reduces its power...

Otherwise, 90% of the Tianlong people below will all die!

This is unacceptable to domestic dogs...

Indeed, they did it. With the efforts of a group of "house dogs", the super huge meteorite was finally destroyed!

And in Marie Gioia, a strange force rose up inexplicably, Zieg could feel that this force manipulated the sea floor stone factor in the air, indirectly changed the composition of the atmosphere, and made the falling "gravel" , in the friction with the atmosphere, it is burned at an accelerated rate, and shrinks rapidly.

"Fortunately...the difference is not too big." Zieg muttered to himself.

The super-huge meteorite became a "small meteorite shower" that was still powerful, but at least greatly increased the chances of survival.

At the same time, Marie Gioia's slaves suddenly... "restored" a memory in front of this doomsday scene!

Even in the Mariejoya fire that year, there were not no slave casualties. This was unavoidable when rescuing slaves, but Zieg also made other preparations in advance before doing so.

That is……

In the dream state, guided them, "rehearsed" how to deal with this situation!

In Mary Joya, the mentality of slaves is completely different from that of other people. Whether it is someone who has resigned to his fate or a person who is bitter and bitter, Zieg can easily lock him in. Using this "slave mentality" as an index, Zieg Dream rehearsals only for slaves...

And because of the nature of the "dream", they forgot about it after waking up, but Chigurh also left a psychological hint.

When this scene really happened, they regained the memory of survival drills in their dreams!

With the ability to pass by the White Tower, Zieg had anticipated this scene, and was able to guide this future, limitedly, into their dreams for "rehearsal".

It's just because Zieg's previous "prophecy" didn't use the power of Sequence 4, so he didn't expect the change of the atmosphere-this kind of power is no longer predictable by the deduction below Sequence 4.

However, the situation has not changed much, because Zieg was planning to cancel the enhancement of the Momo fruit after the meteorite was crushed, so as not to hurt too many innocent people-after all, the number of Tianlong people is even 1/1000 in Mary Joya None, but millions of slaves!

The role of this huge meteorite was originally used by Zieg to consume Marie Gioia's masters.

Now that the opponent has weakened the small meteor shower to 1% with his own power, Zig simply won't let it go, and let the meteor rain destroy Mary Gioia...

In the chaos, the slaves began their escape and even their journey of resistance in a more orderly and well-prepared state than that of more than ten years ago.

And now, although there are far more masters in Marie Gioia than in the past, a large number of them have been abolished in order to stop the meteorite. Compared with the "Marie Gioia fire", the situation is even more chaotic, and it swept up in an instant...

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