"Hody!!! Why were you brought here together!

Seeing that Van der Deaken was dragged away by the guards of the Dragon Palace Guards, Jinbei also looked at Hody Jones, who was brought back by Mewtwo, who was brought back by Mewtwo, and asked him.

"We went to catch people just in time for this guy to be allied with Vander Dyken!

"We showed up to ask for someone, and if he didn't give it, we fought!

"And then he was brought over by us!"

Hearing Jinbei asking about Hody Jones, Mewtwo also replied to Jinbei.

Of course, in Mewtwo's answer, he also deliberately concealed the fact that he and Akunorolia had killed off and killed all the murloc pirates.

Just Jinbei, what kind of people?

One of the original Seven Warlords of the Sea, the captain of the Sun Pirates, and a powerful man nicknamed "Sea Man".

He, who has been drifting on the whole sea all the year round, has never seen such dirty and dark things.

Just from the bloody smell of Acunorolia, he can tell that the guy of Acunorolia alone doesn't have less kills.

However, listening to Mewtwo's words means that when they go to arrest people again, Hody Jones is actually allying with Vander Deacon.

Add in what Vander Deacon did to Shirahoshi, and he couldn't care less.

On the contrary, Su Yang, who had been by the side, noticed that the moment Shirahoshi saw Hody Jones appear here, the expression on the little girl's face became extremely painful.

It's just that the little girl Shirahoshi has been clenching her teeth, as if trying to restrain her emotions.

At this time, an old story about The fish men island came to Su Yang's mind.

He remembered!

In the original novel, the wife of the Mermaid King Neptune, the three Shark brothers and even Shirahoshi's mother, Princess Otohime, was assassinated by the ambitious guy Hody Jones.

After the assassination, Neptune has been sending people to investigate the case, but only one human suspect has been caught.

The real culprit has never been caught!

And the appearance of Hody Jones when he murdered Princess Otohime was seen by Shirahoshi's pet, a shark named Mecaro.

Mercaro then informed Shirahoshi of the matter.

However, because of the will of Princess Otohime before her death, Shirahoshi has been enduring the pain, keeping this secret by himself and not telling anyone.

That's why Shirahoshi's reaction was so strange when he saw Hody Jones appear in the Iron Tower.

Su Yang looked at this little girl who was timid and timid in some aspects, but extremely strong in some aspects, and felt a slight sigh of relief in her heart.

"For the sake of summoning fragments, I will help you solve the last stone in your heart!

After casting a glance at Shirahoshi, Su Yang thought to himself.

Immediately, he turned to look at Neptune, the mermaid king, and asked him slowly:

"Uncle Neptune, I heard that your former wife, Princess Otohime, was assassinated eight years ago!

"And the culprit...hasn't been found yet?"

Su Yang's remarks shocked everyone, even Neptune and others didn't think how could Su Yang suddenly ask himself such a sad question at this happy time?

But thinking of their help to The fish men island and Shirahoshi, Nepton shook his head and said, "So far...haven't found it yet!"

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