Everyone knows that Shu Zhengqing has a wife, and some of them also know from other people's mouths that they are relatives of child brides.

The group of people who are studying are fine, as for what the lady is, as long as you like it.

Knowing this, he did not alienate Shu Zhengqing.

On the contrary, I found that Shu Zhengqing was very good at reading. What my master taught, I remember clearly, and anyone with a discerning eye knows it. In the future, I will definitely be on the list.

Unless you are a fool, you will offend people.

Here Shu Zhengqing takes Bai Sang home.

The two bought a lot of food on the way, and went back while eating.

Now the relationship between the two is very good.

People I know couldn't help but say a few words when they saw it.

go home.

Both father and mother are at home.

The grown-ups also had joy on their faces.

It was only later that I found out that a new store had been found, and it would be able to open directly next month.

Of course Bai Sang was happy.

A good life at home is really good.


In the days to come, every day is more or less the same.

Bai Sang also learned how to carve now, and can now make some small ornaments.

Because there are two stores at home, more people are buying them.

The father and mother of the book also started to get busy.

Shu Zhengqing's homework is also getting better and better.

This happened until Shu Zhengqing was twelve years old.

There is only a little change in the ordinary days.

That means Shu Zhengqing is about to take the exam.

The ancient imperial examinations were a matter of determining whether a person could stand up and sing as a slave.

At the beginning, Bai Sang felt that as long as the family earned more money, their small life would be fine.

However, in his own shop, a single policeman can actually make father and mother's sad hair turn gray a lot.

The family lost several hundred taels of money.

Almost broke.

Some of the family servants and maids have been dismissed.

I just slowed down.

Bai Sang was the first in the ancient world, and her status was very noble, so she didn't know anything about this kind of thing.

Now that I know it, I must let Shu Zhengqing come back as a child student.

Even if it is a child, those hooligans will not touch themselves.

Shu Zhengqing is naturally very hardworking. He originally wanted to end when he was eleven years old, but his master did not agree.

Now that he can end the game, he has worked hard and must come back with a good test.

"Sir, you will definitely pass the exam."

In the evening, Bai Sang hugged her tightly and said in a very firm tone.

"Well, I will definitely pass the exam." Shu Zhengqing suddenly smiled: "My lady, if I pass the exam, how will you reward me?"

He also hugged him tighter.

"I feel a little inspiration for embroidery recently. If you pass the exam, can I embroider a purse for you?" The white mulberry octopus wrapped around him.

Shu Zhengqing thought of how much his wife hated embroidery, and now she wanted to give him a purse embroidered by herself.

"Okay! My lady, hurry up and get ready, I will definitely pass the exam."

"Okay, I'll start embroidery tomorrow."

The two talked for a while, and they would get up early tomorrow, and the room quickly quieted down.

the second day.

Because the county examination center is in the county seat, I still have to come back at night.

There are four games in total, one game a day.

It's a little different from modern times.

Bai Sang didn't know why this time, and she wasn't worried at all.

At first, the mother of the book was worried that she would be distracted again, so she didn't let her do the wooden hairpin.

Hearing that the purse was going to be embroidered, he quickly shook his head: "Don't do it these few days, it won't be too late to embroider the purse after that kid finishes the exam."

Bai Sang wanted to find something to do, her face was a little shy: "I still want to finish embroidery soon, mother, you can just follow me."

The young couple has a good relationship, what else can the mother say.

I can only help her find needles and threads and choose styles.

Finally, I chose the most common mandarin ducks playing in the water.

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