After staying on the boat for more than ten days, Bai Sang vomited for more than ten days.

On the day she got off the boat, she lost five catties.

The cheeks that were originally fleshy now don't have much flesh.

Shu Zhengqing was very distressed, and supported the person who had lost weight significantly.

"My lady, I made you suffer."

When Bai Sang stood on the land, her legs were shaking.

She finally made it to shore.

The corners of his eyes were slightly red, and he looked excited.

"Sir, I can finally eat." She hugged him excitedly.

Shu Zhengqing listened, and smiled, "Lady, I will take you to eat delicious food later."


Of course Bai Sang knows that there are many delicious foods in the capital.

She is a queen in which world, and often sneaks out of the palace.

Ancient food is also quite delicious.

It's a pity that there is no cream cake.

I miss the cake so much.

Next time you go to the modern world, you must eat a lot.

A group of people disembarked.

Teacher Shu Zhengqing has already arranged for someone to pick him up, sitting in the carriage, watching the bustling outside which is different from the county town and the prefectural city.

The farthest place Shumu went was Fucheng.

Now I see people walking outside the car, most of them are dressed better than those in the county.

Moreover, the capital city is very large, and it took an hour for the carriage to travel from the wharf to Zhang's mansion.

Bai Sang did not see the scenery of the capital, she is still in a weak state.

The tip of the nose can smell all kinds of good smells.

"Lady, let's go to Mr.'s house first, and I will definitely buy you delicious food."

Because their parents are around, they can't be too intimate.

You can only hold your hands tightly together.

Bai Sang was half lying in the carriage.

Nodding pale.


Zhang Mansion is very big.

Anyway, he is also a fifth-rank official.

Walking in, the calligraphers seem to come from the countryside to join relatives.

This made the book father feel a little uncomfortable.

He also has money, so he can't let his son be wronged by others.

It's just that buying a house doesn't mean you can buy it, especially now that calligraphers are not familiar with it in the capital.

Even looking for someone to buy a house, I don't know where to look.

Fortunately, Master Zhang and Mrs. Zhang are still so kind.

After putting away his things and living in a small courtyard, Mr. Zhang took Shu Zhengqing to test his homework.

The father of the book also went out with money in his pocket, wanting to see what the capital looks like.

The mother of the book stayed with Mrs. Zhang.

Bai Sang was resting on the bed because of her weakness.

There are also various servant girls around.

Every maid looks good-looking.

All the servant girls of the calligrapher were dismissed, and they brought only two rough envoys and two servants with them.

There is also the servant who has been with Shu Zhengqing since he was a child.

There is no such young and beautiful maid.

She lay on the bed and began to think about what Xianggong would think when he saw it.

The servant girl didn't know what the girl on the bed was thinking, because the old lady came in with a bowl of porridge as ordered.

"Girl, let's have porridge." A maid who was about the same age as Bai Sang walked to the bed.

"I want to eat meat." When Bai Sang saw the bowl of porridge, she had no desire to eat it at all.

Wronged Bala's.

When she got out of bed, Xianggong clearly said that she had settled down, so he bought her delicious food.

The eye sockets are red, and the cheeks that used to be fleshy are now a little thinner, and the head is turned away.

The servant girl became troubled, "The first girl fainted on the boat, now she can't have sex, she has to raise her first."

Bai Sang didn't listen at all, she was still engrossed in the maid's beauty, and her husband's promise didn't come true.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

The maids didn't know what to do.

I can only ask the old lady first.

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