The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 37: The fear of being dominated! (The third one, ask for a recommendation ticket!)

Zhen Deshuai crouched down on the ground and finally managed to turn over and continue to gasp.

Then everyone swarmed up and watched Zhen Deshuai.

Too much to see, the current situation of Zhen Deshuai can only be perfectly interpreted by the four characters "too bad to see."

At this moment, Zhen Deshuai was **** and bruised, and there was no whole piece of flesh on his body, and all his meridians were destroyed.

Earlier, he still overestimated the steel shield of the sun!

Because the system is really a super profiteer! !

Although, the power of the steel shield of the sun cannot be underestimated, and it is indeed powerful!

But, what's so special, this steel blazing sun shield is not like the system said, "burst out in an instant", but it takes a period of time to accumulate power to fully erupt the full power of the steel blazing sun shield.

Therefore, Zhen Deshuai was so miserable! No, it's terrible! !

This time, he was too self-confident, too much believe in the product of the unscrupulous profiteer of the system.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be seriously injured by the so-called demon wind and evil spirit.

This time, I was really pretending to be overwhelmed!

At this moment, Zhen Deshuai was surrounded by many prisoners.

Half an hour ago, they were still so vowed, so sincere, and so steadfast that they wanted to follow Zhen Deshuai.

Now, they have become the so-called "onlookers who don't know the truth", they are just watching a show, and no one is willing to come forward to give Zhen Deshuai some small help!

Before that, they were still looking up like a dog, fawning on Zhen Deshuai, and now their attitude has become cruel, "it doesn't matter to oneself, hang up high."

Very good, very good, very typical strong onlookers, Zhen Deshuai can be reduced to such an end, all because of them, because they have to take on the important task of saving them!

"Hehehe, very good, very good!"

Immediately, Zhen Deshuai sneered freely, his eyes mingled with endless anger, his hot eyes seemed to be enveloped in flames, exuding majestic murderous aura!

The crowd around the audience instantly chilled, and their scalp was numb, and they couldn't help but become frightened.

They seem to be doing too much!

Immediately afterwards, as the system's melodious prompt sounded, Zhen Deshuai's system backpack suddenly had a white round pill that was only the size of a thumb.

"Dang...Congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing the "Tian Aura Transformation Pill", which consumes 1000 forced grid points and 4200 forced grid points remain. "

After that, Zhen Deshuai saw that everyone was still indifferent, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a slight smile on his face, which was full of jokes.

Everyone couldn't help but have a cold sweat. Unexpectedly, there are people with such a tenacious vitality in the world who suffered such severe injuries. Not only did they not die on the spot, but persisted for so long!

After that, Zhen Deshuai suddenly took out the Heavenly Spiritual Qi Zhuan Dan from the system backpack, and then drove his trembling hand, slowly turning the white and bright silver reflective Heavenly Spiritual Qi of the thumb under the surprised eyes of everyone. Dan takes it!

After being subdued by the commander Zhen Deshuai, the Heavenly Aura Transfer Pill burst and melted and instantly turned into a majestic aura, and then quickly rushed into all parts of Zhen Deshuai's body like a dragon and a dragon.

However, after the aura that resembled a flood dragon penetrated into Zhen Deshuai's body, it was first absorbed by the meridian glowing with golden light and full of majestic aura.

And in the majestic golden light emitted by that meridian, it is possible to faintly find that there is a huge dragon in the sky that seems to be able to master all things in the world.

After that, Zhen Deshuai's injury was immediately visible to the naked eye and quickly recovered, and the bruises all over his body were gradually recovered, and the flesh and blood was no longer as vague as that, but more perfect.

Gradually, gradually, from the internal organs, then the bones, then the meridians of the major parts, and finally to the skin.

Soon, Zhen Deshuai's injury quickly recovered in the eyes of everyone's astonishment. In the end, he recovered completely like before. During the whole process, everyone onlookers was stunned and surprised at home. degree.

In just such a short time, Zhen Deshuai has already earned back the compulsory value of purchasing Heavenly Aura Transfer Pill!

However, Zhen Deshuai feels that it is not that simple. Since this pill can be called the "Heavenly Spiritual Qi Transformation Pill", it is also worth 1000 points, and it can completely complete his injury in such a short time. Recovery, it will not be easy!

Then, the system couldn't help but prompt;

"The Heavenly Spiritual Qi Zhuan Dan purchased by the host is now in a limited time discount stage, so only 1,000 points are required for the grid value.

The original price is worth 5500 points, and if the host pays attention to it, he will find that his bones and meridians have been strengthened in various aspects.

So the host is completely profitable from this purchase! The effect of the aura transfer pill on this day has already far exceeded the required grid value! "

After hearing some explanation from the system, Zhen Deshuai also suddenly realized, his eyes widened.

This wave is a blessing in disguise again? Earn it, obviously! !

However, what Zhen Deshuai should pay attention to at this time is not these things, but...

Immediately, Zhen Deshuai suddenly stood up on one knee and slowly stood up, looking down at the crowd with an arrogant posture of the supreme powerhouse.

Everyone was shocked in a cold sweat instantly, and almost couldn't stand upright.

Then, Zhen Deshuai suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes filled with chills, full of endless jokes and killing intent!

"I'd rather teach me to bear the people of the world, don't let the people of the world bear me"

Zhen Deshuai suddenly smiled and said with a ferocious face to everyone, and at the same time exuded a majestic murderous aura that didn't exist.

Then, Zhen Deshuai snorted again, and looked down at the people contemptuously, with a face full of arrogance, and suddenly stretched out his fingers and slowly swept towards the people one by one, pointing to the people gently and calmly:

"Since I have lost my life, why do I need to stay anymore, but I just like to pretend to be forced to slap my face, but I feel a little unhappy, so..."

"You will be slaves forever, and you will be part of my handsome bombing hall in this life and this life, and you will never be able to leave my control!"

"Dang, congratulations to the host for the successful installation, reward 50 points for the force!"

"Dang, congratulations to the host for the successful installation, reward 60 points for the force!"

When Zhen Deshuai said the latter sentence, he was sonorous and powerful, shocking the world, resounding through the clouds, and the air pierced like a rainbow, echoing in the hearts of everyone like thunder.

Even some cowardly people just knelt on the ground, begging for mercy!

This is the fear of being dominated, the fear of being dominated! ! !


PS: Well, the last update today will be delivered first! Don't be stingy with the recommendation ticket! !

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