Soon after, Zhen Deshuai and Zhang Rongxiu, the head teacher, both appeared in the office!

Zhen Deshuai looked at Zhang Rongxiu's sudden **** and enchanting figure, and suddenly the inspiration in his mind was fleeting!

In fact, Zhang Rongxiu, the head teacher, is only twenty or eight years old, young and beautiful.

Although the character is hot, a little dressing is a different style!

At this moment, Zhen Deshuai is sitting on the leather sofa in the office, boldly tilting his legs!

Zhen Deshuai looked at Zhang Rongxiu from top to bottom. The special teacher uniform made her outstanding appearance even higher!

Her thick, jet-black hair is matched with a beautiful, charming face without any sense of contradiction.

Under the slender and white jade neck, through a Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, on both sides are huge round mountains, soft temperament, snow white like a rabbit!

But the long and slender legs are hidden in a pair of black silk, but they can't hide the seductive beauty in any way!

Immediately, Zhang Rongxiu, the beautiful head teacher, also noticed Zhen Deshuai's "very" friendly look!

She immediately coughed, her face flushed a bit, but she disappeared, and then she was replaced by a sharp drink!

"Zhen Deshuai, do you know what heinous crime you committed?"

Then, Zhang Rongxiu immediately yelled at Zhen Deshuai with a worried face and angrily!

And Zhen Deshuai is still sitting on the leather sofa enjoying his legs and has no response! !

Zhang Rongxiu Wei Zou Xiumei, seeing Zhen Deshuai's attitude and reaction is also very helpless, and then he screamed at Zhen Deshuai!

"Oh, teacher, why are you anxious? I know that although you are anxious, I am actually even more anxious!

Come, let's "sit down" and talk! Come up first, eh, yes, right here, come in and get warm! "

Then, Zhen Deshuai couldn't help but said, pointing at his own legs casually, an evil smile lingering on his lips!

However, Zhang Rongxiu ignored it and became more angry! Then he shouted again:

"Get up for me, stand for me and speak well!"

Regarding Zhang Rongxiu's angry rebuke, Zhen Deshuai simply left his ears in and out of his right ears, just like a breeze, and did not pay much attention to it. Instead, he boldly continued to persuade the beautiful teacher to sit on his lap to be warm!

Who says women are "big **** and no brains"? Immediately, Zhang Rongxiu heard the extraneous meaning, and immediately went straight to the subject, and gave a deep drink to Zhen Deshuai, almost smoking in her voice!

Hearing Zhen Deshuai's words almost didn't make her angry. Usually when this happens, almost both parents will be forced to appear immediately!

But it's useless! !

Calling parents is useless for Zhen Deshuai!

My parents both died, and my only relative, my aunt, is still abroad. How can you stand him?

Can't kill it on the spot!

And it's impossible to beat it!

Then, Zhang Rongxiu was Zou Qixiu's eyebrows, helplessly moving her crystal lips to Zhen Deshuai's heartfelt words:

"Zhen Deshuai, do you know how influential Liu Qixuan and the Liu family are in Huizhou? Do you think you can compete with it if you have some skills?"

Zhen Deshuai was still calm when he heard the words, and his face was arrogant and indifferent, as if the world was the only one without fear, and said softly without changing his face:

"Oh? Really, then I want to see if his Liu family is strong or mine is strong!"

Then Zhang Rongxiu shook his head slightly when he heard the words, Zou raised his eyebrows, and said kindly:

"You don't understand, this Liu family can sit in Huizhou for so many years, it is not just casual, you may not be able to believe his true background! Teacher, this has a lot of money..."

Speaking of the back, Zhen Deshuai immediately raised his hand to stop Zhang Rongxiu from speaking, and then the corners of his mouth lifted up with a smile, which made people feel very comfortable, pretending to be melancholy and softly said:

"Teacher, I have already taken your thoughts, you don't have to be too much, but if you want to sit up and complete the'*****', I'm still very happy!"

Immediately, Zhang Rongxiu did not continue to get angry because of Zhen Deshuai's bad words. Instead, she smiled bitterly. With a helpless look on her eyebrows, she persuaded:

"Zhen Deshuai, you don't have to be like this. The teacher knows you have some skills, but you are definitely not the opponent of the Liu family!

You are still young, you can go to other cities to work hard, stay away from the entire Gangdong Province, leave the entire Huizhou City, and work hard to create a piece of land that belongs to you! "

"Hey, teacher, I understand your sincerity, and I said no need, why do I have to show my life experience?"

Immediately, Zhen Deshuai patted his thigh with a look of inactivity and a melancholy look of waving his hands!

This shows how kind and benevolent his head teacher Zhang Rongxiu is, and it is indeed to pity him to help him.

He has no father or mother since childhood, and is extremely lack of love, so she can't do anything to him, but can only help him as best as she can!

However, Ben Qixian likes this kind of person, so that he can send it quickly by himself!

Then, Zhen Deshuai suddenly took out his latest VIVOx30 mobile phone from a certain part and started a call!

After that, the call was answered immediately, and Zhen Deshuai said a few words in front of Zhang Rongxiu and handed the phone directly to her!

But Zhang Rongxiu took the phone and answered the call for a few minutes. After hanging up, the shock of his face immediately appeared, and the crystal lips and jade mouth were shocked into an "O" shape!

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful installation and reward 50 points for the force!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful installation and reward 50 points for the force!"

And the phone number that Zhen Deshuai dialed was that of Fenghuajian Manager Bai, Bai Qiufeng!

In the entire Jiang family, Bai Qiufeng's status is second only to Jiang Ye, equivalent to Jiang Ye's right-hand man, and is now the Jiang family's consultant butler!

But after Zhang Rongxiu heard Bai Qiufeng's words of nothingness from the other end of the phone, she was completely shocked!

After all, this Jiang family is the first-rate power in Huizhou City, and even the surrounding cities and towns!

The Liu family is just a force in Huizhou, a second-tier city.

Although the influence is not small, it is far inferior to that of the Jiang family, and far from a force they can resist!

Therefore, Zhen Deshuai has just been so confident!

No wonder Liu Qixuan was so afraid of him at first!

However, Liu Qixuan was afraid of him not because of the master Jiang behind him, but because of his terrifying strength!

What's more, he didn't know that Master Jiang was the huge backer behind him!


PS: I’m actually a bit busy lately, so I’ll have a watch first, and there will be a new year in the evening, and it’s definitely going to happen tomorrow!

So get your tickets, if you can, please promote this book a lot, thank you!

Happy New Year everyone in advance! ! !

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