Inside the exam room.

When Wang Ye arrived in a hurry, he was already the last person to arrive, and at this time, hundreds of candidates had gathered in the examination room, and this group of candidates was chatting in groups, everyone's faces were full of pride and confidence, as if they would definitely be able to pass this assessment.

Wang Ye didn't find anyone to chat with, because he was familiar with the plot and knew that no one in it could pass the assessment except for Kohei Chuangzhen, so he casually found a place to stay quietly and wait for the exam to start.

Not long after the time passed, Wang Ye obviously noticed that the candidates were in a commotion.

Looking towards the source of the commotion, he saw Erina Nagikiri walking in through the side door with her secret technique, Scarlet Sand, and as she walked, she looked around with a cold face, as if she was looking for something.

It wasn't until Wang Ye and Erina Nagi met each other that her cold face changed her expression and gave Wang Ye a 'kind' smile, but this smile suddenly made Wang Ye feel that she was not good.

Sure enough, it's a gentleman who is good, but women are difficult to deal with, ......

Looking at Erina Nagikiri's instantly retracted smile, even Wang Ye, who knew that he would become like this, had to sigh in his heart.

"Ladies and gentlemen. When Wang Ye sighed in his heart, Erina Nagi was already standing in front of everyone, and introduced herself coldly: "I am the examiner in charge of the assessment this time, Erina Nagikiri!"

Erina Nagikiri's self-introduction seemed to shatter everyone's illusions, and they all let out a moan.

"God, why did she come to be our examiner?".

"Yes, if we are labeled as untalented by this adult, then our lives will not be over?".

"Mommy, I'm not taking the test, I want to go home. "

The next development is a little different from the original book, and Scarlet Shazi, who knows that Erina Nagi is in a bad mood, does not open her mouth like the original book, but Erina Nagi continues to speak coldly.

"I think you should know who I am, and what will happen if you are labeled by me, so I will give you a minute now, and within this minute I will allow you to abstain and give up this exam!"

"A minute?".

"Abandon ...... abstain from ......".

Erina Nagikiri's cold expression and cold words gave the candidates a lot of pressure, and the candidates who knew Erina Nagikiri's horror instantly made the venue sound of messy footsteps, and under the gaze of Erina Nagikiri, Scarlet Shazi and Wang Ye, this group of candidates quickly left the examination room as if they were fleeing for their lives.


Although he already knew that it would be like this, Wang Ye couldn't help but make an evaluation in his heart, even if such a person stayed for the exam, even if he passed, there was no one in 10,000 chance that he would be able to reach the top!



A minute later.

There were only four people left in the huge examination room.

These four people are Erina Nagikiri and her secret art Shinto Scarlet, and the remaining two people are Kohei Sojin and Wang Ye with a stunned face!

"You're not giving up?" Erina Nagikiri looked at Kohei Soma in surprise.

"Why do you want to give up?" Kohei Chuangzhen asked with a blank face, and then pointed to Wang Ye who had already walked next to him: "And he didn't give up, did he?" Although I don't know why you are called the Tongue of God, I think as long as I make a dish that satisfies you, then I should be able to pass this assessment, right?"

"Not necessarily. Before Erina Nagi and Scarlet Sand Nito had time to get angry at Kohei Soma's words, Wang Ye's voice came faintly from beside him: "You must know that this Lord is the head of the Middle Department of Yuanyue Academy, the youngest member in the history of the 'Yuanyue Ten Masterpieces Council', the highest decision-making body of the students, and is known as the tongue of God in the world, and the most lacking in character, professional quality and bad temper, Lord Erina Nagikiri~".

Wang Ye imitated what Xinhu Scarlet Shazi said yesterday, if it wasn't for his own evaluation later, then it could be said to be the male version of Xinhu Scarlet Shazi's statement.

"What do you mean by Erina Nagikiri-sama with poor character, quality and temper?" Wang Ye's words made Erina Nagikiri's face immediately gloomy, and then said with a cold face: "What qualifications do you have to judge me as a savage and rude guy?"

"Because I'm so good at cooking. "

"What good cooking can a savage, rude guy like you make? Do you think that the topic of today's assessment is still nine-style vegetable jelly?"

"Hehe, no matter what the topic of today is, it's enough to feed you anyway!".

"Hey... Hey, what do you think of my Tongue of God? Let me tell you plainly, no matter what you do today, no one will pass this exam! And something like you makes is simply defiling my Tongue of God!".

"That. Seeing that Wang Ye and Erina Nagi were almost about to quarrel, Kohei Chuangzhen next to him said stupidly: "Examiner, can you announce the content of today's exam?"


Looking at Kohei Sojina, who suddenly spoke, and then at Wang Ye, who was calm next to him, Erina Nagikiri's eyes instantly flashed with a gleam, and then restrained his tone and said lightly.

"I don't embarrass you, within half an hour, the two of you can make a moral red wine lemon salmon!"

Red wine lemon salmon?

This dish immediately made Kohei Sozane dumbfounded, because he had never even heard of the name of this dish.

It's not just Kohei Chuangzhen, even Wang Ye next to him is a little dumbfounded, he does know that there is fried salmon with lemon butter juice in German cuisine, but he has never heard of the dish of red wine lemon salmon, you must know that Ning with this strong acidic food will greatly destroy the taste of red wine, so he can be sure that there is definitely no such dish in this world!

And...... The most embarrassing thing is that the time is only half an hour.

Half an hour, even the most basic fried salmon with lemon butter sauce is difficult to complete, not to mention to improve on top of this, this is an impossible task, what is not embarrassing? This is a big difficulty, okay?

Thinking of this, when Wang Ye immediately wanted to open his mouth to question, Erina Nagi opened his mouth with a faint smile.

"Our Far Moon Academy is a sacred place for chefs, so of course the exam is comprehensive, including factors such as creativity that someone said yesterday, so please work hard!".

Erina Nagikiri's statement almost made Wang Ye vomit blood.


I created you uncle!

That was just an excuse that Wang Ye temporarily found to scold Erina Nagi yesterday, but he didn't expect that the excuse he found turned into a weapon that Erina Nagi used as a threat to him today.

At this time, Wang Ye really wanted to give himself two big mouths, and he had nothing to say anything creative.

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