The solar system, the orbit of Jupiter.

Here, like the orbit of Mars, there is a large group of star ports.

This was built by Adams after the first asteroid belt war. At its peak, there were more than 120000 warships stationed here.

But now, there is a bit of depression here. 120000 warships attack, and only 48000 warships finally return here.

Now Adams in his room, has written a report, in the report, he will take all the responsibility on himself, pray for the emperor to kill him alone.

Although Adams also knew that it was almost impossible with the emperor's temper, he had to try hard even if the chance was small, didn't he? After all, these subordinates have been fighting with them for decades!

After the report was sent out, Adams leaned back on his seat like a jerk, his eyes looking very empty.


three months later.

Mars orbit, first fleet temporary star harbor group.

This group of star ports is composed of one large comprehensive star port, five medium-sized star ports and 20 small star ports in the original Mars base, with a total capacity of 8500 warships.

As the new warships produced in the last three months have been used to supplement the losses of the fourth fleet, Lin Fan's first fleet still has more than 5000 warships. For the time being, these star ports are enough.

As for the construction of small and medium-sized Xinggang, it can be completed in 30 months at most.

It is worth mentioning that now the 101 fleet has been changed into the guard fleet of the first fleet by Lin fan, and the establishment has been expanded to 1000. The remaining 4000 warships have been temporarily established into the first to fourth sub fleets.

Moon, interstellar military academy.

Today is the annual big day of the college. Another college graduated from today and is about to embark on their military career.

However, in the dean's office at this time, a young lady is in a rage!

"Dean, tell me clearly what's going on!"

Emma is slapping the appointment notice on Li Fulai's desk at the moment, shouting!

Li Fulai looked at Emma with funny eyes and said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Isn't it assigned to the rebuilt first fleet? What's more, it's directly a staff officer. No one else can envy it. Are you still angry? "

"You know I want to go to the fourth fleet!"

"All right, I'll help you go through the back door and change it into the fourth fleet."

Well, before Emma came here, she thought it was unusual to fight, and she probably couldn't get any results!

What's going on now? In a word?

Emma said she was confused!

"Oh, by the way, I'll tell you something. Lin Fan was promoted to lieutenant general three months ago because of his great achievements in the war, and was appointed deputy commander of the reconstructed first fleet. "

What? Emma instantly widened her eyes and looked at Li Fulai in disbelief!

Are you sure you're not kidding me? Lin fan, he's only 20 years old, is he going to be a lieutenant general? Or the commander of the first fleet?

Looking at Emma's unbelievable eyes, Li Fulai feels in a good mood.

"Well, that's it. I'm going to discuss with the military headquarters and change it to the fourth fleet for you!"


with that, Li Fulai reached for Emma's letter of appointment, but someone broke out and grabbed it back.

"Dean, I left because I had something else to do. Nothing happened today!"

Finish saying, a second does not stop, someone directly ran out of the office!

Ha ha

See this scene, some not serious old man Dean also laughed!


three days later, 40000 graduates of the interstellar military academy arrived at the Mars base.

They are composed of more than ten specialties, such as Fleet Command Department, spaceship driving department, logistics management department and mecha driving department. Among them, about 30000 people are assigned to the first fleet. After all, the fourth fleet itself has been supplemented, and there is not a big gap at present.

In the large Xinggang, where the provisional command of the first fleet is located, more than 30000 students who have just graduated and have been assigned here have been waiting in line in the harbor.

Soon after, a man and a woman came to the front of the team.

The man was handsome, slender, with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders, and with the dignity that did not match his youth, standing in front of him.

The female is the face of peerless, hot body, a little cold expression, shoulder carrying the rank of Colonel, but also exudes an indescribable heroism, standing behind the man's side.

There are many people's faces below, because they have recognized that the general is no other than Lin fan, who graduated early last year.

Is it a joke to become a lieutenant general at the age of 20 and command a fleet just one year after graduation?"Although most of you know me, let me introduce myself first! My name is Lin fan. At present, I am the acting commander of the first fleet, and I am also the highest officer directly under your command in your future military career! "


51 light-years away from the solar system, the Oxfam galaxy.

It is also the capital circle of the oaks Empire, with one natural life planet, 12 transformed life planets and 27 resource stars. It is the richest star system in 100 light-years around.

Planet aux, in the imperial palace.

The emperor, Ramiro aux, was looking at a report with red eyes.


Ramiro slapped his hand on the table, and his whole body exuded a terrible murderous atmosphere, which made all the ministers dare not even breathe loudly!

"Send an order immediately to kill all the members of the third Guard Corps!"

"No, your majesty

When army minister Ross aux saw that Ramiro was going to kill the whole third legion of guards, he immediately urged him anxiously.

The whole audience hall, he dares to speak at this time.

After all, he is Ramiro's uncle, and he is also the most meritorious person who supported Ramiro to the top. He can be said to be Ramiro's most trusted person.

The execution of an entire legion at random will lead to the instability of the army, especially in the war with the Kabat empire. It is very unwise to do so. How can Ross not be in a hurry!

"Asshole, because of their incompetence, Doron died, and Adams has been defeated many times in the human mother galaxy. There are less than 50000 warships left in the third Legion. What can we do if we don't apologize for their incompetence?"

"Your Majesty, after all, they are 50000 warships. If your majesty wants them to be buried with the ninth prince, then let them give full play to their last remaining heat."

"What does uncle Huang mean?"

"Let them attack humanity with all their strength until the last warship. You can tell Adams that if they win humanity, only one of them will be executed. If they can't, they will die on the battlefield."

"So if Adams takes human beings, he will let others go? Uncle Huang, it's too cheap for them! "

"Your Majesty, you are the emperor. You should take the overall situation into consideration. Now we are at war with the Kabat Empire, which is also an old three-level civilization. If you kill an entire army at this time, it will certainly cause instability of the army and do us no good!"

Listen to Ross's words, Ramiro is also a little calm down, after all, he is just hot tempered, not stupid.

"Well, do as Uncle Huang says, and give Adams orders."

"Yes, your majesty!"

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