316. 316 chapter almost killed little girl

With the closing of the “First Under the Heavens” Martial Arts Tournament, the crowds gradually dispersed. The former golden hair girl who had the privilege of watching the whole game in front of the stands because of Myers’ help also waved their farewell to Xiaya.

Xiling watching The girl took the balloon away from the back and smiled and said: “This little girl is so cute!”

“Yeah!” Xiaya nodded, not too concerned.

After the convention, seeing the sky has become dark, Xiaya and Master Roshi they found a hotel to stay.

“Master Roshi, where have you been before?”

“I went to the bathroom.”

“Can you go to the bathroom for a whole day? I have never seen you.”

“Goku, is he okay?” Bulma helped the grandson Goku, because the physical strength of the game was exhausted, and Sun Goku didn’t even have the strength to walk.

Xiaya said: “It’s okay, I think he is very strong and he will be fine if he has enough to eat.”

“There is no heart!” Bulma dissatisfied, Xiaya laughed, then led Xiling and Myers toward his room.

Going to the door, I found that Tien Shinhan was already there.

“Teacher!” Tien Shinhan called to Xiaya to complete two tests that Xiaya had commanded. He had officially called Xiaya a teacher.

“Your skills are good, but some places go too far is just as bad as not going far enough. Like today’s game, you could have won more easily, but in the end it made a difference.” Xiaya pointed out Tien Shinhan, Tien Shinhan Then listen carefully.

“After going back, I will train you again, go back to rest now!”

“Yes!” Tien Shinhan got his wish and responded with excitement. After paying tribute to Xiling and Myers, he returned to his room.

One night without words, the next day, Xiaya and others planned to return to their villa.

However, at this time, Xiaya thought that it would take a long time for her to come out. It is better to buy some gifts for Xiling and bring them back. In order to give them a little surprise, Xiaya sent Xiling. They went back first and they went shopping in the nearby town. a bit.

The cities of “First Under the Heavens” Martial Arts Tournament to hold generally choose more developed places, and the convenient transportation here is also convenient for the contestant to reach.

Xiaya walked in the city, watched the shops on both sides of the road, and then went to a jewelry store.

Under the enthusiasm of the clerk, Xiaya shouted a lot of money and sold all the most exquisite items in the store. The clerk looked enthusiastic and sent his big customer to the door.

At this time, a series of “bi bi bi” sirens sounded in the ear, and soon a white van was seen ramming, and a smoke from the south side of the street to the north side, the police car behind was tired of responding, and continued to fire a warning.

“It’s another kind of person like a robber. It’s really arrogant under the broad daylight.”

Xiaya took a look and ignored it.

At this time, the police bullet hit the tire of the van, the robber on the car slammed the steering wheel, but the car had lost control and rushed toward the corner of a storefront, just this time, a small balloon The girl came out from the door and watched the car that was rushing over. The little girl was dumbfounded, and she stood there alone.

Just as the little girl was about to die under the wheel, between the electric and the Flint, Xiaya was like a lightning bolt, appeared in front of the van, and picked up the little girl and jumped to the side, hehe! The car crashed into the stone wall of the store door, and the front of the car became the same, and the entire wall was also hit by a collapse of a wide expanse.

The little girl was stupidly watched, her feet fell softly on the floor, and after a while, she suddenly burst into tears.

“Oh… Mom!”

The surrounding crowds gathered and the police gathered and arrested several robbers on the van. Xiaya watching, smiled unconsciously, then looked at the little girl and frowned slightly.

“Well, don’t cry, your family will come soon.” Xiaya couldn’t help but say.

The little girl was indifferent and continued to cry, and the golden hair and tears mixed together on the delicate cheeks.

Xiaya kneels down and picks up the little girl. “Little sister, your mother will come back soon, don’t cry.”

“Really? Mom will come over soon?” The little girl stopped sobbing, questioningly asked.


Xiaya nodded. He didn’t like the girl crying, especially the little girl. When Xiling was small, it was obedient.

Golden hair The little girl seems to know and stand on one side, holding a balloon in her hand and waiting for her mother to come.

Xiaya also looked at the little girl at this time, could not help but a happy, this is not the girl yesterday, the balloon in her hand is also yesterday, so there is a ride without a chat with her, try to glare at her.

However, after a long time, her parents have not come, the little girl has a red eye and wants to cry. Xiaya quickly took out a delicate white necklace from her pocket. It is a crescent necklace, luxurious craftsmanship. At first glance, it is not a convenient goods.

“This necklace is for you, don’t cry.”

Xiaya knelt down and tied the necklace to the little girl’s neck.

After hanging the necklace, the little girl did not cry, giggling the necklace revealing a lovely smile.

“This little guy, usually must be spoiled!” Xiaya watching this golden hair little girl thought.

After a while, a beautifully dressed woman rushed over and hugged the little girl to Xiaya, and Xiaya waved her hand.

At this time, the little girl opened her mouth again, and the crisp childish voice was as good as the jaundice. “Big brother, thank you, I like your gift very much!”

Xiaya speechless smiles, but it is a necklace that’s all, swinging his hand away, and forgetting about it in the blink of an eye.

Back at the villa estate, Xiaya saw that Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu had been waiting there for a long time. He then began training on Tien Shinhan.

In general, Tien Shinhan’s Latent Talent is not bad, and the practice skills are also remarkable, but in the eyes of the great expert like Xiaya, all his actions are full of loopholes.

“full strength attacked me!”


Tien Shinhan shouted earnestly, then held his breath, and the next second quickly moved up, and the empty courtyard was filled with the afterimage of Tien Shinhan.

Xiaya nodded slightly and felt that Tien Shinhan’s basic skills were still quite solid, but this speed was still as slow as a snail, and every move seemed to slow down hundreds of times of film. At this moment, Xiaya suddenly pointed her finger forward and just clicked on Tien Shinhan’s chest. At this moment, Tien Shinhan lost her motivation. Then she touched her knee and Tien Shinhan fell to the ground.

Xiaya shook her head: “No, your reaction is not fast enough. The real Martial Artist has already made the move instinct! Only beginners will make a pose or attack or defense before each start!” ”

“Come back!”

“It’s wrong again, there is room for the attack.”

“Let you reduce unnecessary movements, not to make you completely undefended, come back, in the case of certainty, the attack is the best defense, to seize the opportunity, it should be the most talented Martial Artist!”

Xiaya is constantly reprimanding, and Tien Shinhan is constantly thinking about Xiaya’s words. Although every attack will be ruined, but Tien Shinhan’s gains are great. He feels that his martial art is constantly improving. This is never before. The speed of passing.

The teaching and teaching of teachers and students is a matter of both sides. The teacher’s Ability is stronger. If the student is a coffin, the teacher is boring and the students are tired. If the students are talented, the teacher is a general. Then, this student is bound to have success.

Many things in the world are in pairs and cooperation, in order to become a beautiful talk, such as Huang Shigong and Zhang Liang of the year. If Zhang Liang is on the bridge, Zhang Liang returns and Huang Shigong does not wait in the same place. It seems that Zhang Liang is passionate, though Young but thinking is too complicated, and if Huang Shigong waited in the same place and did not see Zhang Liang return, it seems that Huang Shigong is a fool, learning Jiang Taigong fishing, but failed to catch the fish.

Only Zhang Liang and Huang Shigong have reached a certain realm, and they will have an unexpected reaction. This will make a success.

As it is now, Xiaya has a gully and can teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Tien Shinhan also has savvy and hard-working training. It makes sense to be teachers and students.

“Sure enough, the teacher is the deep expert on Earth! Is there still a lot of people like this?”

Tien Shinhan thought, before listening to Master Shen, he thought that Xiaya and others were experts from Sacred Land of Korin, but since he climbed Korin Tower, he realized that the teacher’s formidable is not that’s all.

On the other hand, Kame House, Krillin and Chichi continue to practicing in Master Roshi’s discipline, and at the same time there is one more person who is practicing with them, that is, Yamcha. After the Martial Arts Tournament, Yamcha also worshipped the turtle immortal style disciple.

Sun Goku, on the way to the Martial Arts Tournament, set foot on the practicing road and took the Dragon Ball radar that Bulma gave him to find the relics left by his grandfather…

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