508. Chapter 507 I seem to have done something stupid

“This is the temper of the trunks, he turned out to be so strong.” Identifying the other’s Ki, Sun Goku opened his mouth in surprise, and soon saw a purple long hair figure coming out from the inside of The Lookout.

The clothes on the body have been damaged, and the whole body is entangled. It seems to be covered with a thin layer of flaps, which is swept by the whirlwind and is heavy and heavy.

“How can Trunks come out alone?”

Krillin and others gathered around and asked curiously.

Trunks nodded slightly and smiled and said: “Because Xia Qing is at the critical stage of the breakthrough, the teacher broke the space passage of the Time House, let me come out first.”

Breaking the space of the Time House?

Sun Goku couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Is this really something humans can do?

Then carefully observe the trunks, and suddenly found that the energy in the trunks is almost the same as before. Trunks may be even better than myself, and Sun Goku’s mind flashed such an idea, and even he was shocked.

To know that the talent of Trunks is comparable to that of Sun Gohan, Sun Gohan can set foot on Full Power Super Saiyan’s realm at the age of nine, and the trunks whose body form is more peak than him may not be able to do it.

“very good, here is another main force on our side.”

Tien Shinhan was surprised when he was informed of the original.

“The main force? What happened?” Trunks watched everyone strangely.

Piccolo dignified: “Cell resurrect, and it has become even more powerful, with lightning bolting all over the body.” Next, I will say the Cell game again.

“Lightning? don’t tell me is Super Saiyan 2?”

After listening to the Trunks, I thought quietly, my brows twitched slightly, and my handsome face was covered with a layer of confusion.

Immediately thought of the strength of Xiaya’s teacher, I was upset: “Even if Cell is forformable, it can’t reach the teacher’s realm.”

In the year of Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he already fully knows Xiaya’s formidable, which is not what ordinary people can imagine, Super Perfect Cell, which is a fist thing.

Then there was a loud bang, and the Xiaya family came out.


Regardless of what happened on The Lookout, after Cell announced the “Cell game”, the whole world’s eyes noticed the game’s to hold, whether it was Martial Artist still ordinary, who was concerned about the fate of Earth. Battle.

In a town near West City, a dark-haired girl stared at a man’s face.

Satan looked at her daughter with helplessness. “Videl, Dad is going to participate in the Cell game this time. This is a great move to save the world. You have to support it!”

“Hey, you go for a few years each time.”

“No, I used to train at Korin Immortal, and now my dad is already very good.” Satan showed off his muscle and volleyed an Energy Wave.

“Call, how is it so good?” Satan gasped and sweated, and everyone was out of power.

“Dad is so good.” Videl said with a double eye.

“Hah, of course, Hahaha…”

Satan head high, chest out. Satan is a small problem, love is small and convenient, but the sense of justice is there. As a few Martial Artists who have boarded Korin Tower and completed training, this time he has to stand up.

“I am leaving!”

Satan waved his hand and left the car with a cigarette.

There are many people like Satan who are willing to save the world. They come from all over the world and will gather at the “Cell game” to hold.

For the “Cell game”, Central City is also very important. In addition to appease the people of the whole world, the kingdom has also selected the formidable Martial Artist from all over the world, and sent a large number of talents to live broadcast the Cell game, and the host is awesome. “First Under the Heavens” Martial Arts Tournament’s blonde-haired announcer.

The 25 “First Under the Heavens” Martial Arts Tournament was postponed for two years by the invasion of the Fliesa Legion and was completed until two years ago as a senior Martial Arts Tournament host, blonde-haired announcer I have been eager to explain the high physical strength of the martial arts competition.


After a few days, Cell game to hold.

28KS5, a city in the northwest of the central city, is a small place that was not well-known because of the decisive competition and the attention of all the world.

In the center, it is a square platform with a length of 100 meters, and a pointed stone pillar stands on each of the four corners.

Cell stands in the middle of the martial arts stage with his eyes closed.

Behind the rock, the fully-prepared blonde-haired announcer is wearing a black suit and holding a microphone. He is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Martial Artists with his camera team. The high-resolution camera is coming out and aligning with Cell. Pass signals to the whole world.

“Now the distance ‘Cell game’ starts at 30 minutes, and the fordable Martial Artist from all the world is coming. Everyone, Mr. Satan, Mr. Gabriel, Mr. Upa… these successful people who have challenged Korin Tower It is already here.”

The camera turns, and the direct pair is on the warm-up movement of Satan et al.

Watching the camera, Satan fancyly poses in a victorious position, with her hands on her hips, smirking and laughing. Satan’s ridiculous faces are transmitted through the lens to the world, for a moment world.

鈥沦atan 锛佹垜浠敮鎸佷綘銆傗€

鈥淯pa 锛屾墦璐ell 闾d 娣 娣 娣 娣 泲銆傗

鈥滆闾e浼欑湅鐪嬫垜浠珽arthling 镄勫姏€€€

澶ц灏忓 锛屼 缇や腑鐖嗗彂鍑 缇や腑鐖嗗彂鍑 锛屼粬浠琫 锛屼粬浠琫 锛屼粬浠琫 ach and every one 绁炴儏婵 锷纴娆 锷纴娆 三 三 三 三 三 三 三浣涜 umbrella 浜沇arrior 镄勫嚭鐜 纴 纴 Cell 宸茬粡杈揿畾浜嗐€

瓒佺潃杩欐椂 chain欙纴 blond-haired announcer 缁х画璇撮璇撮锛气滃憡璇夊ぇ瀹滃憡璇夊ぇ瀹滃憡璇夊ぇ瀹竴涓濂嬬殑娑堟伅锛屾牴鎹浗鐜嫔濂嬬殑娑堟伅锛屾牴鎹浗鐜嫔浼犳潵镄勬秷鎭纴瀛蕊 oku 鍏堢敓銆乀ien Shinhan 鍏堢敓銆 rillin 鍏堢敓鈥[€〈粬浠篃灏嗗弬锷犺伞娆$殑姣旇禌锛屽ぇ瀹剁湅锛屼粬浠凡缁忔潵浜嗭紒鈥

闀滃ご鐬勫悜钄歜lue 镄勫ぉ绌猴纴闾i噷涓€杩炰簩鍗侀死 light 鏁撮绨镄勫垝杩囧ぉ绌 monkey纴鐒跺悗simultaneously 钀戒钀

Xiaya 銆佸瓩Goku 銆乂egeta 銆丳iccolo 銆丆hichi 绛変汉鎺掓垚涓€鎺掞纴each and every one 姘斿畤杞╂槀銆侀搴〈笉鍑★纴鏄庝寒镄勭溂鐪哥洴镌€鎿效彴涓ぎ镄凛ell 銆

闅忕潃浠栦 镄勫埌鏉ワ纴 镄勫埌鏉ワ纴 plating factory atan 闾f牱镄刼rdinary 浜虹 by strong person 锛岀灛闂翠豢浣涜澶鸿蛋浜嗗厜褰╋纴鍙桦缑鏆楁贰浜嗕笉灏戙€

璇文Warrior 镄勯棯浜甮ot on stage 锛屼竴涓嫔瓙璁╁叏world 镄勪汉閮芥哺罐 donating 捣鏉ワ纴浠栦 娆 (2) 榧撹垶锛屾縺锷ㄥ纾宁纴鐪嫔摢锛岃 纴鐪嫔摢锛岃 纴鐪嫔摢锛岃 槸 槸 槸 槸 id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id

鈥滃瓩Goku 鍏堢敓锛孴ien Shinhan 鍏堢敓锛佲€

鈥滆缮 chain埘iccolo 鍜孠rillin 锛屽姞娌罗晩锛佲€

鍏╳orld 镄勫憪锽婏纴杩滃湪涓儴 掓紶镄勪 掓紶镄勪 笉鍙兘钖锛孋 笉鍙兘钖锛孋 笉鍙兘钖锛孋 cold 镄勪 镄勪 鍏夋拠镌 瀛 瀛 oku oku oku oku锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 鍏夐棯锷 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛 粓浜庢潵浜嗕箞锛岃繛

鈥滃瓩 Goku 锛屼綘浠竴璧 peak 嚭 gallium 嫔惂锛佺渷寰楁 nitrogen 璐箃 銆傗 銆傗

Cell coldly cold 镌

韬綋鐢靛厜闂︻儊锛屼竴鏉°C浔sparkling and translucent 镄剆 镄剆 镄剆 镄剆 镄剆 electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical electrical Super Super Super Perfect Form 銆侰ell 韬 Androids 镄勫悓镞讹纴涔熺 镓 夸 夸 S Saiyan 镄勮嚜璐燂纴浣嗕笉鐭ラ 杩欐槸镞犵煡 杩欐槸镞犵煡 still 镒氲牏锛屽亣濡 粬鐭ラ 粬鐭ラ 粬鐭ラ 鐪 鐪 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜 墠杩欎簺浜

鈥沦uper Saiyan 2 锛佲€

Trunks 娣卞惛浜嗕竴鍙f皵锛岃嚜瑷€镊︼銆

Cell 姝ゆ椂琛ㄧ幇鍑 潵镄勫姏 忥纴璧劧灏 槸 槸 槸 槸 Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa

鈥滀粈涔圫uper Saiyan 2 锛熲€漋egeta questioningly 闂€

鈥淴iaya key 锛岃 锛岃 杩渟 urpass Super Saiyan 杩欎 灞傛镄刡 transformation transformation 锛屾墍浠ュ彨 Super Saiyan 2 漈€漈runks watching Vegeta 瑙 銆

Vegeta 钖畲澶 侪澶辫壊锛屼 侪澶辫壊锛屼 Super Super Saiyan 2 渿鎯娿 渿鎯娿

Trunks facial expression 澶嶆潅鍦皋atching Vegeta 锛屾殚镊徆浜嗕竴鍙f皵锛屼竴鐩 inch嫭镊猼raining 镄勪綘涔熻宸茬粡阌栾tensionary book褰┿€

鈥滃垰 嶉偅涓狢 嶉偅涓狢 璇 璇 璇 璇

Host 涓嶆暍鐩镐俊镊繁镄勮

鐢佃 chain 哄墠镄勪 涔熶笉鏁 涔熶笉鏁 (three) 浉 淇 ° °

鈥滈偅涓浼欑珶鐒剁妫濡勭殑璇 鎴戜 镓 镓 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € me me me me me me me me me me me鎴樿儨鎴戜 镓 € € € € € € € tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan 锛屽お锸 锛屽お锸 锛屽お锸 锛屽お锸 锛屽お锸 锛屽お锸紒

姝h璇翠簺浠€涔堬纴Satan 鐪嫔埌浜哬ajirobe 锛屽眮璺屽眮璺岀殑闱犱简杩囧幓锛屽搱鍝埚ぇ绗戠潃锛气€渊ajirobe key 佸ぇ锛屼綘璇撮偅涓狢ell 鏄笉鏄緢锏 棿锛屼粬浠ヤ 棿锛屼粬浠ヤ 镊 镊 镊

Yajirobe 灏嗗ぇ鍒 寰 寰 鍦 鍦 椹 椹 椹 椹 椹 椹 潃鍒 潃鍒 潃鍒 镆勶纴鍑濋 镆勶纴鍑濋 鈥沦 鈥沦 鈥沦 鈥沦 鈥沦 鈥沦 鈥沦 鈥沦 tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan纴绛変竴浼 纴绛変竴浼 ba ba ba ba 镄勬椂 绂诲缑杩滀竴镣癸纴 绂诲缑杩滀竴镣癸纴 绂诲缑杩滀竴镣癸纴 浼欙纴寰埚嵄闄╋紒鈥 浼欙纴寰埚嵄闄╋紒鈥 浼欙纴寰埚嵄闄╋紒鈥 浼欙纴寰埚嵄闄╋紒鈥 浼欙纴寰埚嵄闄╋紒鈥 浼欙纴寰埚嵄闄╋紒鈥

鈥渄on鈥檛tell me 浠栨瘮浣犲拰Korin 浠欎汉杩桦帀瀹帀瀹Satan 涓纴Yajirobe 鍜孠orin 浠欎汉灏 Identify 槸extraordinary 镄劫reat expert 銆

鈥沧牴 chain 笉鑳 瘮锛屽纰涓嶅ソ杩 ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar


Satan 涓€涓嫔瓙鍌荤溂浜嗐€

Blonde-haired announcer 涔熸槸 嗘粸浜嗕竴浼 嗘粸浜嗕竴浼 嗘粸浜嗕竴浼 锛屼絾 still 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 矗镄勬 矗镄勬 銆 銆 銆 銆

鈥沧 庝箞锷烇纴 庝箞锷烇纴 庝箞锷烇纴 ell 璇 璇 鎴戜 涓 璧 璧 璧 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃

鈥滈偅灏卞浠栫殑镒 傗 傗 濆瓩 濆瓩 濆瓩 濆瓩 濆瓩 oku 濆瓩 濆瓩 濆瓩 濆瓩 濆瓩 总 总 总 总 总 总


璇村畲锛屽瓩 Gooku 銆丳iccolo 銆乀ien Shinhan 銆丆hiaotzu 銆 and rillin 绛夊崄鍑犱汉铏氶棯涓€涓嬶纴鍑虹幇鍒版Tuo 鍙Xiaya銆乆iling 銆丮yers 銆丄ndroid 17 銆丄ndroid 18 杩滆 镄 atch atching 锛屾姢浣廱londe-haired announcer 鍜屼粬镄勫洟阒熴€

鈥渂attle 瑕佸紑濮嬩 钖楋纻鈥濊 钖楋纻鈥濊 钖楋纻鈥濊 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴

鈥 数 嗘満鍓岖殑 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 笘鐬╃洰镄凛 濮嬩 濮嬩 濮嬩 濮嬩 锛屽簲 锛屽簲 锛屽簲 锛屽簲 锛屽簲 锛屽簲 € €夋澃鍑虹殑Martial Artist 閮借皢涓皢涓璧璧嚭嚭嬧嬧[€[€

闀滃ご缁欎 鎿 鎿 彴涓 涓ぇ澶 涓ぇ澶 殑鐗 殑鐗 锛屽悇绉嶉鑹茬殑 锛屽悇绉嶉鑹茬殑 锛屽悇绉嶉鑹茬殑 锛屽悇绉嶉鑹茬殑 锛屽悇绉嶉鑹茬殑 Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki

Super Perfect Cell 琚 鍏塻 鍏塻 鍏塻 鍏塻 鍏塻 滃瓩 滃瓩 滃瓩 滃瓩 滃瓩 oku oku oku oku 铡籋 铡籋 铡籋 铡籋 铡籋 镄勫嗳澶囦


瀛蕊 oku 鍜 涓嫔槾鍞囷纴 涓嫔槾鍞囷纴 ㄧ劧鏄 ㄧ劧鏄 ㄧ劧鏄 鏀槦浼岖殑镙 pil pil pil pil pil pil pil pil pil pil 锛冤 锛冤 锛冤 锛冤 枬涓 枬涓 枬涓 枬涓 枬涓 枬涓 澹Attle 锛佲€

涓 澹 澹 涓嬶纴 涓嬶纴 cc cc cc cc Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 嵎寮 鏉ワ纴鍑屽帀镄勮兘 鏉ワ纴鍑屽帀镄勮兘 鏉ワ纴鍑屽帀镄勮兘 皵镞嬶纴濡 皵镞嬶纴濡 皵镞嬶纴濡 皵镞嬶纴濡 埇 埇 埇 埇 error error error ° ° ° °杩滃镄勬墍 chain 変 蹇冨ご锛屽喎姹椾笉浣忔 蹇冨ご锛屽喎姹椾笉浣忔 蹇冨ご锛屽喎姹椾笉浣忔 蹇冨ご锛屽喎姹椾笉浣忔 涓嬨

鈥滆伞鈥[€〉氨鏄畤瀹欑骇镄别xpert 钖楋纻鈥

Satan 鍜 涓 涓 涓嫔彛姘 涓嫔彛姘 纴鑴 纴鑴 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 濮媡 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶

鈥滀笁 chain岾aio-ken 漃€漃iccolo 澶у枬锛岀槠鑹茬殑鐢靛厜闂姩镌€锛屼笁chain岾aio-ken 涔嬩笅锛屽师链姏Android 17 鐩 綋镄 ic iccolo 锛宐attle 锷涚洿阃 up up uper Perfect Cell 銆

鈥滃崄 chain岾aio-ken 锛佲€漈ien Shinhan muscle 鐩樿櫖锛岄澶撮潚绛嬬洿鍐掋€

钖屾牱Chichi 銆 and rillin 銆乊amcha 涔熶 鍑 Ka Ka Kaio-ken 銆

瀛蕊ohan 銆乆ia Qing 銆丼ilica 涓嬩竴鍒诲敖镄嗗彉鎴急 uper Saiyan 锛宖or a moment 鎿effect彴涓姹olden rays 闂︻儊锛屽眰灞效彔鍙犵殑姘旀 nitrogen宁嵎寮€鏉ワ纴鎿效彴杩樻湭寮€灞曪纴灏卞凡缁忛缇瑁效嚭涓€鏉°C浔瑁傜绅銆

“Super Saiyan !”

Vegeta 涔熸槸angry 鍦板ぇ钖硷纴涓€镶$洿杈緁ull Power 镄凷uper Saiyan 锷涢噺娑岀幇鍑 潵锛屽湪绗簩娆¤繘鍏 bolicperbolic Time Chamber 涔嫔悗锛孷egeta sur张 surpass 浜呜嚜宸便

But the next scene made him look silly.

I saw Sun Goku and Trunks hold their breath, and the aura of surging forward with great momentum came out. The electric light flashed and turned into Super Saiyan 2.

“Haha, it’s fun!”

Mei Feiya’s mouth glowed like a silver bell, golden aura rose, then golden rays turned greenish-yellow, greenish-yellow’s hair rose high, although not Super Saiyan 2, but aura Not weaker than Sun Goku.

“Mr. Goku really reached this realm.” Trunks smiled at Sun Goku.

“You too.”

“This… how can the power of Kakarrot and Trunks surpass me so much!” Vegeta clenched his fist and was dumbfounded.

Also missing is Cell.

With so many opponents, he seems to be…no fight!

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