The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

214 Chapter 214, Scrap Station Taobao

The Muyi people did not bring white paint home, but planned to bring it back tomorrow in the name of going to the town.

Just wandering around the village and brought back a few buckets of paint, how to explain?

It can't be said that it was picked up, can it? She didn't believe it herself.

After dinner, the Muyi people mentioned what they thought about going to town tomorrow.

Huang Qiuhua didn't ask any further questions, and said, "Okay, you can go shopping by yourself and see if there is anything else you want to buy."

"Mom, I want to go too!" Liu Xiaocui enthusiastically raised her hand to announce.

Huang Qiuhua glanced over, "Go ahead, what are you doing, there's still work to do at home."

Seeing this, Chen Chuncao immediately swallowed her words. She also wanted to talk about going to town.

Mu Yiren noticed the expressions of everyone, and hurriedly reconciled, "How about this, let's go to the county town next week for a stroll, anyway, my third brother and I have to go to the county town to buy some things, we can go together and help Carry something, and the end of the year is approaching, so the county town must be more lively."

If she didn't have other important business tomorrow, it wouldn't be a problem for everyone to go to the town together, but she has arrangements for tomorrow, and it is inconvenient to follow too many people around.

But seeing that everyone wants to go out for a stroll, it's better to go into the county town together, there is nothing to do in the town.

Living in the country, it is inconvenient to go out. There are not many opportunities to go out and have a look all year round. Far away places are not good, but closer counties are still possible.

Mu Yiren understands everyone's thoughts very well. If she is kept in one place without going out for several months, no matter how fat she is, she probably will not be able to bear it.

Even if you don't buy anything and just go shopping, female comrades are willing to make a fuss, even if male compatriots don't like shopping, but they are happy to go out to let the wind go and have a look.

"Okay, okay! Then I won't go, let's go to the county town together next week." Liu Xiaocui responded immediately with a smile on her face.

"Little aunt, can my brother and I enter the city?"

Goudan's face was full of excitement and joy, he pulled the corner of Mu Yiren's clothes and asked, he has grown so big, he hasn't been in the city yet, what does the city look like?

I heard that there are big houses in the city, a lot of delicious food, and honking cars...

Seeing Goudan's eyes full of anticipation, his little face blushing with excitement, Mu Yiren lovingly patted Goudan's little head.

"Of course, our family will go together then."

"Yeah, yes! Enter the city, enter the city!" Goudan happily patted the wooden table and cheered.

In the end, it was such a happy decision that the family went to the city together!

Mu Yiren deliberately dawdled while washing, just to wait for everyone to go back to the room and have some space to be alone with the third brother.

It was too cold outside, so the two of them nestled in the kitchen and talked.

The Muyi people talked about what happened at Jian's house today, and also talked about the destination in the town tomorrow.

"Well, I'll go with you tomorrow."

Even with companions, Qin Mingsheng was a little worried, not to mention collecting antiques and relics tomorrow, which was very important to his family, Yiyi, and his family benefited even more.

He had to be by her side, and it would be good to help with cover.

As for his family's Yiyi exchanging kerosene lamps for Jianyan, Qin Mingsheng has already seen it before, and it doesn't sound strange now.

"Okay." With her third brother by her side, she would feel more at ease.


At seven o'clock in the morning, Mu Yiren was carrying an army green cloth bag, and Qin Mingsheng went out with a pannier on his back.

The two of them hadn't reached Jian's house when they saw Jian Yan walking towards him with a cloth bag on his shoulders. The Muyi people noticed that Jian Yan's face looked much better today, not as gloomy as he saw yesterday.

I guess it has something to do with mood!

"Morning, Jane!"

"It's early too!" Jian Yan responded with a smile.

Instead of taking a detour to Jane's house to call someone, the three of them walked directly along the main road towards the entrance of the village.

"Mingsheng, are you bringing your daughter-in-law into the city?"

"Well, go to town and buy some necessities."


On the road, I met a few folks saying hello, even if they said hello to her third brother, they would nod and smile at me as a gesture.

But Mu Yiren found out that everyone skipped the brief words during the whole process, and at the end they still looked at people with squinting eyes, their eyes were full of strange winks.

Mu Yiren was a bit annoyed, but when she glanced sideways, she found that Jian Yan's expression was calm and unaffected at all, as if everyone was not treating her differently.

Mu Yiren really admires Jian Yan's determination and courage. Some things in her manner are a little petty, and she can't bear it.

Jian Yan seemed to feel Mu Yiren's gaze, and a slight smile appeared on the side of her head.

"I'm fine, I don't care anymore."

It's not that she meant to comfort others, but that she really thought it through.

Even if she didn't say anything about her, the other party must know everything about her, so she didn't have anything to hide. She had heard those rumors for many years, and she was tired of hearing them.

She has long been used to the attitude of some people in the village. If one day everyone suddenly becomes enthusiastic, maybe she is not used to it.

If other people don't care about your feelings, why should you care about what they think of you?

It is the most useless thing to feel sad for someone who is not worth it.

Mu Yiren put aside the unpleasant topics and found some interesting things to chat with along the way, during which she even asked her third brother to talk about interesting things in school.

Jian Yan was very happy to hear it, her eyes were full of curiosity. She dropped out of school after finishing elementary school, and she was full of curiosity about school and the outside world.

Although there was no bullock cart to ride in today, the three of them chatted and laughed along the way, and soon reached the town.

When we arrived in the town, Jianyan was the guide.

Even Qin Mingsheng never went to the waste recycling station. Before the famine, his time was not only studying at school, but also working at home to help during the busy farming season. He didn't have the time to inquire about other things.

During the three years of the famine, he went straight to the destination when he went to the city, sold his prey, bought the necessities for the family, and then went home directly, without going to other places for a stroll at all.

There is only one street in the whole town, and the road conditions are very simple and clear. The area it occupies is not as large as the commercial center of later generations.

The waste recycling station is located in an old factory building in the center of the street. The previous workshops have been sorted and piled up as waste recycling.

"What are you doing?"

When the three of them walked to the door of the waste recycling station, they were stopped by an old man guarding the door for questioning.

Jian Yan grabbed a small handful of toffee from the cloth bag, which was given to her by Yi Ren just now. She had originally prepared a white candle, but Yi Ren disagreed, saying that she was going to the waste recycling station, She should be the one to come out with this sort of thing.

Mu Yiren's expression was very strong, and Jian Yan reluctantly accepted it.

Jian Yan handed the toffee directly to the gatekeeper, and said in a brisk and familiar tone.

"Uncle Li, don't you remember me? I have been here two or three times before. This is my brother and sister-in-law. They are getting married soon, so they want to find some wood to make something. This is my brother-in-law's wedding candy. I specially brought it for you, Uncle Li, to make you happy, and you bring it home for your little grandson's sweet mouth."

Seeing this, Uncle Li immediately accepted it with a smile, and said politely, "Hey, why do you look so familiar? It turns out that you are an acquaintance. Uncle remembers you, girl, and knows that you are an honest and responsible person. The three workshops can be flipped at will, but the two inside cannot be entered."

There are no less than ten people coming and going to the waste recycling station every day. How can his old man remember who is who, but those who know the rules are good, and there is nothing to gain by guarding piles of waste recycling.

But the residents of the town, when there are always missing corners and pieces in the house, occasionally come to look for something, but it is not a contraband, and the above is also open-eyed, anyway, it is a little cheap to make up for him, a bad old man.

"Thank you, Uncle Li, don't worry, I've been here a few times, and I know the rules." Jian Yan assured with a smile.

Immediately, Jian Yan winked and led Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng into the waste recycling plant.

Mu Yiren, who was walking behind, admired secretly in his heart, looking at Jian Yan who had just dealt with people, it seemed as if he was a completely different person.

The expression is calm and natural, bright and generous, and the smiles and demeanors are very polite. How can there be a bit of a "high-cold goddess" personality, this is completely a communicative person.

Hearing what she just said, she was really surprised.

It seems that in a different environment, without those people and things in the village, the burden that Jian Yan carried on his body seems to be gone, and when getting along with others, he is no longer taciturn and cold-faced.

That's right, those people in the village didn't give her a good look, how can I make Jian Yan look good to them?

"Yi Ren, Brother Ming Sheng, you guys take a look at this workshop. I'll go to the next workshop to see if I can find another kerosene lamp." Jian Yan said calmly, without explaining or emphasizing his performance just now. what.

"it is good."

For this proposal, Mu Yiren naturally agreed, and was very grateful for Jian Yan's thoughtfulness, leaving a private space for the two of them, no matter what she thought, but this proposal did greatly facilitate herself.

Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng entered the first workshop. The room was about 20 square meters. It was squarely filled with a lot of sundries, and there was no room left for them to set foot on. Find.

This room is full of books and newspapers, mixed with some wooden household parts, and some other unknown things, the whole room is completely messy.

"let's start!"

Mu Yiren rolled up her sleeves and secretly cheered her up. Before she came, she had explained to her third brother that everything that looked old and old-fashioned was put away.

I would rather find the wrong one than read it wrong, and I can't miss it!

Mu Yiren rummaged through it several times, looking at the messy piles of books and papers, he was a little dumbfounded.

So many things, how to quickly distinguish ah? The most important thing is that their time is limited, they can only stay for more than half an hour at most, any more will be suspicious.

Sure enough, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny!

It would be nice to have a radar scanner, so that the target can be accurately found.


Mu Yiren suddenly clapped her hands in surprise. She doesn't have radar, but she has the scanning function for object recognition! !

If there are really antique cultural relics in this pile of things, then scan the system to scan them, and the results will definitely be identified quickly!

"What's wrong?" Qin Mingsheng raised his head and asked eagerly.

Mu Yiren said with a smile, "It's too much trouble for us to find it by hand, I have a fairy method~"

"..." Qin Ming was silent, so is his little daughter-in-law really a little fairy?

Mu Yiren waved his hand with a smile on his face, "Third brother, get behind me."

Qin Mingsheng walked down from the pile of books silently, stood behind Mu Yiren, and saw his little daughter-in-law poke her palm a few times, then stared directly at the pile of waste in front of her, with a particularly focused and serious expression.

Mu Yiren's eyes were on the system panel in front of him, a scanned page appeared, and the entire panel scanned the room again and again.

Suddenly, a small red dot appeared on the lower right side of the pile of books, and Mu Yi was extremely excited.

"Third brother, hurry up, there is something in the lower right corner."

Mu Yiren stretched out his finger to point to the exact direction, and at the same time directed Qin Mingsheng to carry out the action.

"Huh? Oh."

Qin Mingsheng's face was full of bewilderment, did his little daughter-in-law really cast a magic spell? Found it so quickly.

Qin Mingsheng walked over in a daze, and when he was about to search, he suddenly came to his senses, what was he looking for?

"Uh, Yiyi, which one should I look for?"

Mu Yiren clicked on the little red dot, and said quickly, "It's "Complete Works of Herbs", a book on traditional Chinese medicine."

"it is good."

Qin Mingsheng was a little speechless, his little daughter-in-law's fairy art is really good, just staring at her like this, she knew where the good things were.

"Third brother, hurry up, there is a piece of golden nanmu in the middle."

"Third brother, there is a famous painting at this location..."

"Third brother, there is a famous calligraphy post on the left..."

"Third brother, there are..."

In an instant, the entire scrap workshop echoed with Mu Yiren's instructions one by one, and Qin Mingsheng ran back and forth to search.

Fifteen minutes later, the Mu Yiren collected a total of eleven cultural relics of various celebrities.

"Third brother, you've worked hard, let's hurry up and visit the other two workshops. After finishing this ticket, we don't have to worry about food and clothing for the next year!"

Mu Yiren's face was flushed with excitement, and her eyes were full of slyness. As long as she made a big deal today, she wouldn't have to bother looking for antiques for a long time.

Even, you can take out the hoarded supplies and sell them to make a fortune. In that case, you will have both supplies and cash.

That day, don't be too beautiful!

Qin Mingsheng is already numb at this moment, his little daughter-in-law is too cruel when she casts a magic spell!

In just over ten minutes, all the good things in a workshop were wiped out.

Mu Yiren put all the things into the system storage warehouse, and then led Qin Mingsheng to the second workshop happily.

I’m going out today, so it’s 4,000 for the time being, and I’ll make up for it tomorrow!

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