The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

241 Chapter 241, Catching Fish by the Sea 1

Liu Xiaocui speculated seriously, "There are only two reasons, either because of love or because of hate!"

After speaking, Liu Xiaocui still felt complacent with what she said was too reasonable.

In her opinion, a woman is nothing more than these two mentalities to a man, otherwise what else would it matter?

She used to think that Lin Lianhua was a nice girl, but since what happened that night, she knew that Lin Lianhua was definitely not as well-behaved and sensible as she appeared on the surface.

Since this is the case, then her mind must not be simple, to make such a choice that is different from ordinary people, Liu Xiaocui thinks she must be playing some crazy idea!

Qin Anle frowned slightly, not quite understanding.

She felt that neither Zhao Qiang nor Qin Qiushou should be the type that Lin Lianhua would like. After all, Lin Lianhua's conditions in their village were considered very good. She could have chosen a better partner, but she didn't know why. To fool around with two people like that.

Mu Yiren said, "What do you think about so much, it doesn't care about our business."

"That's right!" Liu Xiaocui also realized that others don't worry about it, so what's the use of them thinking so much.

The three of them went down the hillside and came to the small beach. The sea breeze rushed towards them, which made the three of them shiver.

"It's so cold~" Qin Anle let out a breath into his hands, feeling that this place is colder than other places.

"Okay, let's get to work!"

The Muyi people also felt a little cold, so they had no choice but to hurry up and work, to finish work early and finish early.

They rummaged through the house and found two broken burlap bags. They opened the bags and sewed a few stitches of thick thread, and connected them to a large piece of burlap. It is easy to permeate water and can barely be used to leak fish.

There is no fishing net at home, so I can only use it in this way.

Secondly, it is a plastic bucket, an old enamel washbasin, more or less a usable prop.

Of course, this is just a superficial effort. If you can catch the fish in the sea by relying on these, it is simply luck and good fortune.

And she herself doesn't have that kind of luck, so she can only rely on her golden fingers to cheat.

"Sister-in-law three, are we just standing here?" Qin Anle's cheeks were a little flushed by the cold sea breeze.

"That's right, don't we need to go into the sea?" Liu Xiaocui also expressed her puzzlement, the three of them just stood on the seashore, what kind of fishing is this?

Is it possible that if you stand like this, the sea fish will be brought up automatically?

Looking at the endless sea, Mu Yi asked with a slight smile, "How dare you go into the sea in such a cold day?"

The two shook their heads in unison. They were crazy. Just stepping their feet in the shallow sea in this weather would probably make their feet freeze, right?

The Muyi people laughed softly, "That's right, we definitely can't go into the sea, then we have to wait for the sea fish to come up by themselves, look, the waves lapping on the seashore, in case some sea fish are unlucky, If we accidentally get photographed on the beach by the waves, can't we miss it?"

"...." Liu Xiaocui and the two suddenly felt speechless.

I feel that what I said is quite reasonable, but I always feel that there is something wrong?

The three of them stood side by side on the beach, two steps away from the three of them was the shallow water area, and the waves were slightly rippling.

This is the first time for Mu Yiren to target marine life, and she doesn't know if it will work. She tried her best to calm down, focused on looking at the sea surface, and silently said in her heart: Shrimp and fish, come here quickly!

Suddenly a strong wind blew up on the surface of the sea, and a big wave suddenly rolled on the surface of the sea, and the waves rushed towards the beach.


Liu Xiaocui was terrified and ran back.

It was also the first time for Qin Anle to see the scene of the rolling waves, and she couldn't help feeling a little timid in her heart, and subconsciously avoided it.

Although it wasn't a big wave, it was still more than one meter high. If it came over, they would definitely be drenched completely. It's no wonder that they didn't have a serious cold.

On the contrary, the Muyi people looked calm and avoided the safe zone without haste, but kept watching the sea surface with a trace of excitement and expectation.

Suddenly a fish jumped across the sea.

"There are fish! I just saw there are fish!" Liu Xiaocui shouted excitedly.

What a fish!

Immediately afterwards, there were a few sea fish jumping on the seashore, their tails swaying happily in the shallow water.

A swell is a wave passing by, coming and going back quickly.

After the waves dissipated, only shallow traces of seawater were left behind. On the edge of the beach with slightly rippling seawater, many sea fish wagging their tails appeared instantly.

"My God, it's a sea fish!"

Qin Anle pointed to the edge of the beach and shouted excitedly, she really didn't expect them to run into her.

"Hurry up and catch the fish!"

The Mu Yiren raised the corners of his mouth and rushed over quickly.

Knowing that they were going to catch fish, the three of them put on rubber shoes when they went out, and stepped on the shallow sea water on the beach without worrying about their shoes being soaked in water.

The Muyi people quickly picked up a yellow croaker, which is the most common species of sea fish in the sea. It is understandable after thinking about it. After all, the sea is so vast, and only ordinary sea fish can be attracted to it in such a short period of time. .

"Wow, so many fish!!" Liu Xiaocui shouted while catching fish.

"Sister-in-law three, those fish are about to run away~"

Qin Anle pointed to the sea fish with half of its body floating in the sea water. Following the rippling sea water, it was wagging its tail desperately, trying to slip back into the sea.

"Hurry up and stop it with a coarse fishing net!"

There are too many sea fish being beaten on the edge of the sea, and the fish that have water seem to become flexible in an instant, and they all want to escape into the sea.

At this moment, the three of Mu Yiren were still picking up the sea fish on the beach, and the three of them couldn't keep up with their work for a while.

Hearing this, Qin Anle and Liu Xiaocui immediately unfolded the fishing net made of coarse cloth, put it into the shallow water, and caught the sea fish swinging there.

At this time, the two of them didn't care about whether the shoes were not permeable or whether their feet were cold or not. Seeing so many fish, they just wanted to take all of them home.

"An Le!"

Suddenly, a shout came from afar.

The three people on the beach heard the reputation and saw a group of people running towards them in a hurry.

The one who ran in the front was Qin Mingsheng. He was working at Carpenter Qin's house, and Wang Ying and his mother came back in a hurry, carrying buckets and basins, and went out. After asking casually, they found out that the three of them went to the beach to catch fish. .

Qin Mingsheng couldn't stay still, he also left Qin Carpenter's house.

Behind Qin Mingsheng was Qin Hongbing, and behind by a certain distance were Wang Ying, Qin Hongmei, Huang Jinhua and Huang Qiuhua, and Grandma Jian.

"Third brother, come quickly! A big wave rolled over just now, and a lot of sea fish were brought in!"

When Mu Yiren saw Qin Mingsheng, he greeted Qin Mingsheng happily and explained to everyone by the way.

"Red Soldier, help me!"

Qin Mingsheng gestured in the direction of Qin Anle and Liu Xiaocui, and looked at the two who were stepping in the sea water with some difficulty.

Qin Anle and Liu Xiaocui were very willing to hand over the coarse fishing net to them, after all, men are much stronger than their two women.

"Aunts, Grandma Jane, let's catch the fish first!"

Mu Yiren said to a group of women who had just rushed to the beach.


"My God, why are there so many fish!"

"No, I haven't seen sea fish for several years."

"Yeah, I almost forgot the taste of fish."

"Hey, this sea fish is really big."

"What kind of fish is this?"

"Haha~ Now some people may feel regretful~"

A group of women stepped on the beach, picking up sea fish with excited faces, talking happily without stopping.

Huang Qiuhua originally went to Jinhua to discuss the banquet menu, but after talking a few words, the two felt that they had discussed with Wang Ying, because the specialties of the three were different.

As a result, they bumped into Wang Ying's mother and daughter who were walking behind, and then at the foot of the mountain, they met the old lady Jian who came out for a stroll and wanted to pick some wild vegetables.

Seeing the hurried expressions of the few of them, Mrs. Jian thought about the Muyi people's help to their grandparents, and thought that something had happened, so she wanted to follow to see if there was anything she could do to help.

Mu Yiren was pleasantly surprised to find that not only sea fish but also sea prawns were slapped on the beach. Mu Yiren picked up five Jiwei shrimps and two Pippi shrimps on one side.

Although the quantity is very small, you can still try something new and live a gluttonous addiction.

Mu Yiren couldn't help but looked at the blue sea, and pursed his lips, it's so good!

Her lucky traits actually have an effect on the creatures in the sea, so she won't worry about seafood products at all from now on.

The sea, this is a treasure house, and there are countless delicacies hidden in this sea.

Mu Yiren suddenly felt that she was blown away! When she learned that this place is close to the sea, but it has become a place that the villagers can't avoid, she had a faint thought in her heart.

This will, that thought becomes clearer and firmer!

When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, it's time for her to flex her muscles!

She must do her best to bring out the infinite value hidden in this sea.

"Oh, what should I do, I can't fit it!"

Liu Xiaocui was extremely depressed, wondering why she didn't bring an extra bucket.

"We're full too."

The bucket that Wang Ying brought and the basin that Qin Hongmei brought were all full, and Huang Qiuhua carried a basket when she went out, and this meeting made the best use of everything, and it was full of fish.

As for Mrs. Jane, she was also carrying a small basket because she was going out to find some wild vegetables, which also contained four or five sea fish.

The old basins brought by Mu Yiren were also full, and even Qin Mingsheng and Qin Hongbing also picked up a bag full of sea fish, there were at least twenty or thirty fish.

And there are at least a dozen or twenty fish on the seashore slowly swinging their tails.

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