The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1356 Allowing You to be the Empress (End)

Chapter 1356 Allowing You to be the Empress (End)


The cheeks, which had been exposed to the sun for many years, were already dark and extremely rough.

Looking at it by candlelight in the dark, it looks like solid wood, tall and black.

Xiaoxi blinked her eyes, she understood.

"Then... I wish you the best of luck."

She raised her hand, waved it, and tried, "I hope you have a bright future."

Ruan Tingyi was slightly silent.

After a few seconds,

He seemed to want to say something more.


In the end, he still didn't speak, just nodded, then turned and left.

Xiaoxi watched him go.

When the room is quiet,

She lowered her head, looked at the purse in her hand, and thought for a while.


The money bag was also placed in the cabinet and never moved again.



Historical records:

On May 20th of the fifth year of Zhaoyuan, Emperor Zhao got married.

Empress Yun Fusheng, the daughter of the prefect of Yuncheng, is sixteen years old.

Emperor Zhao named her Empress, amnesty the world, and celebrated with the whole world.

On the second day of the wedding,

Regardless of the objections of all the ministers, Emperor Zhao decreed to abolish the draft, leaving only the empress in the harem.

In the sixth year of Zhaoyuan,

Emperor Zhao appropriated a thousand pieces of gold and ordered to repair Yunhu City and reorganize the border defense lineup.

In the Spring Festival of the same year,

Emperor Zhao brought the queen back to Yuncheng, visited the queen's biological father, and stayed for a few days.

In the sixty years of Zhaoyuan,

The queen accidentally contracted a cold and died.

Emperor Zhao was so sad that he left after three days.

In September of the same year,

Emperor Yuan ascended the throne, buried the first emperor and the latter two in the cemetery, and bestowed the title Yizu.




After the wedding,

Fu Sheng always wanted to go home and see his old father.

She haunted King's Landing for days,

In the end, Jun Lin promised her to take her back when the Chinese New Year was celebrated.

With one month left until Spring Festival,

A group of people set off from the palace in a carriage, and arrived at Yuncheng under the escort of the army.

It was winter, and Yuncheng was located in the northwest, so it was the coldest time.

Jun Lin was afraid that his wife would catch a cold, so he prepared thick winter clothes and a cloak for her to wear.

While sitting in the carriage,

Fusheng huddled in his arms obediently, holding him without moving.

Jun Lin straightened her neckline, then held her hand to keep her warm.

The tightly wrapped little girl blinked her eyes and hummed softly,

"Bai Bai, there are too many clothes, I'm a little hot..."

The man glanced at her lightly,

"Yesterday someone also said it was hot, but he took off a piece of clothing and sneezed immediately."

"..." The guilty little girl didn't dare to speak for a moment.

"Then...then I didn't mean to..."

She is really hot.

Not counting the cloak, she wore six layers just inside and out, and she really turned into a big rice dumpling.

Not only is it difficult to move, but it is also hot...

She muttered, broke away from his hand, and fanned herself,

"Besides, do you think I'll catch a cold?"


She is also considered a fairy, how could she catch a cold?

The man looked at her and touched her face.

Cheeks are soft and puffy,

It seems that it is indeed too hot, it feels warm to the touch, and there seems to be a little sweat.

He paused, but still reached out to help her untie the cloak.

After missing a piece of clothing,

The little girl was obviously much more comfortable, and she didn't mutter anymore.

She sat on his lap and hugged his waist, a little excited,

"Bai Bai, you said, you want to take me to ride a horse together."


"Then I'll sit on your horse!"


"Also, we need to go back and see the Merlin!"

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