The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 483 Give You a Candy (27)


in the library,

Fu Sheng quickly finished a paper with her fingertips, and then sent it to the buyer.

When the money came in, she took a quick glance at the amount and passed it directly to the detective.

"This is the first deposit."

The other party quickly replied, "Got it!"

get it all right,

Fu Sheng stretched wearily,

She covered the computer, put back her schoolbag, and left with her schoolbag on her back.

Walking under the big tree beside the school gate,

Uncle Zhou hasn't arrived yet.

Fu Sheng had to wait.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening,

Most of the students on the street have finished walking, and the rest are mostly white-collar workers who are off work, walking in a hurry.

Suddenly, she was tapped on the shoulder,

"Are you that Su Muhan's sister?"

The voice of the visitor was filled with deep malice.

"..." Fusheng glanced back vigilantly, then subconsciously took a step back,

Unexpectedly, four men appeared from behind the tree.

"...Sorry, you misidentified the person."

Fu Sheng counted a few people, and changed positions calmly,

She tightly held the hand of the braces, her face calm.

"Admit it wrong?"

Among them, the one who seemed to be the leader rubbed his chin treacherously, his perverted eyes lingered on her body, and his yellow teeth were exposed in a smile.

"It's okay to be wrong, such a tender girl, it's not bad to have fun."

Fu Sheng felt a little chilly, put her hands in her pockets, touched the phone, and nodded calmly.

"Brothers, it's against the law for you to do this. Is this good? I'll give you money, and you let me go."

"Give money?"

The leader rolled his eyes and signaled his subordinates,

He stretched out his hand lewdly, with dirty dirt on his rough fingers.

"Little sister, let's have fun first, and then talk about money."

"Don't worry, have fun, I don't want a penny from you."

"..." Fu Sheng kept backing away,

Those few people surrounded them in a circle, their faces were full of lewd lights eager to try.


Fu Sheng squeezed the strap tightly, swung it violently, and hit the face of the man on the far side,

There are homework and computers in the schoolbag, and it weighs at least five or six catties.

It is equivalent to a big watermelon smashed on the head.

Seeing the timing was right, Fusheng bent over and rushed past him, then ran with all his strength.

"I hate your mother, dare to run?!"

Several men chased after him immediately.

Facts have proved that in times of crisis, the body can really explode its potential,

Fusheng's delicate body did not lose the chain at the critical moment,

She hid behind the big tree, then shook her body, closed her eyes and meditated.

The next second, when everyone caught up, there was no trace of the girl under the tree.

"Fuck? This bastard runs so fast?!"

The boss slapped the fifth boy who was smashed just now,

"A broken schoolbag will smash you open, you are not enough to do anything!"

"Woo...boss, that schoolbag hurts from being smashed..."

The old man was big and round, but he rubbed his forehead aggrievedly.

"Also! The ducks that reach their mouths are flying!!"




Fusheng didn't move far,

She squatted at the door of the classroom, panting heavily,

The sequelae of running too fast just now appeared,

My heart is aching, obviously I can't bear the load,

She still coughed twice from time to time, and her throat was a little dry and sore.

[Miss... are you okay? ] Tuanzi was a little worried.

"I'm fine, I just need to take it easy."

Fu Sheng's entire face turned pale, without even a trace of color.

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