The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 712 Excited to death?

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Winterfell, the abandoned tower...

"Your Majesty, I personally advise you to reconsider. Book tasting" Liu Rui'an, who was hidden by Bob Baratheon, said:

"Compared to the fast method, I personally feel that it is safer to go slower."

As the king of the Seven Kingdoms, Robert Baratheon was actually not ignorant of this, but seeing the two bodies entangled not far away, the anger in his heart became more and more intense.

"Don't think about it, do it in a quick way, my court magician." Robert Baratheon, whose face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water, said coldly.

"Then as you wish, my lord."

Liu Ruian, who shook his head, didn't talk nonsense after finishing speaking, and pointed at the two bodies that were entering the "peak" period of their physiology, and invisible power instantly penetrated into the bodies of the Lannister siblings.

In an instant, the two entangled bodies ushered in wave after wave of more intense physical pleasure.

After this intense physiological reaction broke through a certain limit, after a burst of violent trembling, the Lannister siblings, you have me, and I have you, let out a long breath in unison, and then collapsed to the ground together.

Then, no more...

"Are you ready?" Robert Baratheon asked, looking at the two bodies that had not moved for a while, with pink skin showing.

"Okay, my majesty the king." Liu Ruian replied.

After getting an affirmative answer, Robert Baratheon walked directly from the shadows towards the two bodies lying limp on the ground.

"Dog man and woman!!"

Lifting his feet and kicking his face, Robert Baratheon held the hand with the hilt of the sword, his veins bulging.

Liu Ruian knew very well that the other party wanted to chop the couple into minced meat, so he immediately reminded:

"My lord, we still need the corpses of these two people to do something, so..."

"I see, do as you say, send me out of this ghost place first!" Robert Baratheon, who had a rather ugly face, suppressed his anger and said.

After ten minutes. The people who cleaned up the old towers and prepared to reinforce and renovate found the Lannister brothers and sisters who were already so excited.

Even Robert Baratheon intervened at the first time and kept the news under strict control.

However, the circumstances of the death of the siblings were still passed on to the Lannister family in King's Landing through some secret channels.

Sudden illness and death was the explanation given by King Robert Baratheon.

At the same time, because of this incident, the king and his party, who originally planned to stay in Winterfell for a longer period of time, had to head back to the imperial capital, King's Landing.

Except for those people who came here. Around Robert Baratheon, there were four more people, two big, two small, and four.

In addition to Liu Ruian, the two older ones also included Ed Stark, the lord of Winterfell.

Although because of someone's intervention. The development of the plot has long been beyond recognition, but Robert Baratheon still brought his most trusted partner with him, and prepared to let him be the hand of the king after returning.

As for the two young ones, one is the second son of Ed Stark, the younger Mrs. Bran Stark.

The other is naturally Eddard Stark's second daughter, little loli Arya Stark.

Before the group left, Robb Stark became the acting castellan, in charge of all affairs of Winterfell.

The wife of the castellan, Catherine Tully Stark, stayed in Winterfell to assist her eldest son in managing the frontier city.

Marriage between eldest daughter Sansa Stark and Prince Joffrey Baratheon. It is because someone's appearance has not had time to be mentioned and completely forgotten.

Except for Liu Ruian and the others,

There were seven more four-wheeled carriages among the returning team.

The car is not loaded with people, but seven kinds of goods.

The first cart is loaded with various weapons, from traditional knight swords to exquisitely shaped and high-quality swords, which are enough to arm a large army.

The second car was filled with silk, the value of the top-quality silk with bright colors and delicate texture was even more valuable than a golden dragon of the same weight.

The third car was filled with jewels, different from the loose stones that had been dedicated to the Starks. These jewels have all been made into finished products.

From the king's crown to gemstone rings, they are not only numerous but also extremely valuable.

The fourth cart is full of spices. In addition to the "Thirteen Fragrances", it also includes a batch of essential oils and perfumes extracted from plants.

The fifth cart was filled with fragrant tea bricks, which were the ultimate drink. The value of this thing is also not lower than that of a golden dragon of equal weight.

The sixth car is all made of delicate porcelain, except for the complete set of tableware, tea set, wine set, lamps, and various colorful decorations that are both practical and stylish.

The last car contained bags of wheat seeds, although in the eyes of many people, these wheat seeds were far less valuable than the first six cars.

But for Robert Baratheon, who was almost killed by the Lannister family and had rekindled his ambitions, the first six loads combined were not as important as this high-yielding wheat seed load.

It is said that there are more than seven cars of valuable goods that are truly priceless. The king's team rushing back to the imperial capital should be vigilant and keep a low profile.

But actually, Liu Ruian and the others hadn't left Winterfell yet, and the news about the seven carts of goods had already reached the ears of many people.

For those high-level people parasitic in the Seven Kingdoms regime, the value of these seven trucks of goods is indeed extremely high, but it is not so important compared to the source of the goods.

Besides, is that court magician a ghost?

Although there are indeed many mysterious legends about wizards circulating in the entire continent of Westeros, even in the entire continent, there are indeed many witches and wizards, but what is a magician?

Compared to these two things, the Lannister siblings died in Winterfell, and most people just waited to see the joke.

To be honest, this kind of messy thing is not uncommon in the entire Westeros continent, and it is even more exaggerated, but no one will lift this fig leaf.

Being caught straight away without saying anything, the most speechless thing is that the two of them were so excited to death.

Well, it's not that no one suspects that this is Robert Baratheon's method, but according to the news from those dark threads, Lannister did die of overexcitement.

When all the secret and overt forces paid more and more attention to the king and his party who were rushing to King's Landing, the Lannister family in Lannisport soon broke another big news.

As the Duke of Casterly Rock, the Shield of Lannisport and the Guardian of the West, Tywin Lannister, who is also the current member of the Lannister family, was directly pissed off because of his daughter and son... (To be continued. )

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