The Truth of Magic

Chapter 19 Battle Force

Chapter 19 Battle Force

"Mentor, do you want to continue watching "Path of the Arcane" today?"

Zhao Xu asked, and the next day he opened this book, he understood that it was really a specially processed magic book.

After the book is read and closed, the contents inside will change automatically, and new contents will appear every time it is opened.

And if you want to retrieve the content you have read before, you only need to read the relevant memory silently in your heart, and then open the book cover, it will automatically emerge.

This kind of book with its own artificial intelligence retrieval technology was only seen by Zhao Xu in this life.

In his previous life, he had heard that some equipment could communicate with the owner.

Zhao Xu basically spent the past few days on that book and lectures.

"No need." Antinoya said.

Even after getting along for a few days, Zhao Xu couldn't formally see through the face covered by the shadow of her cloak.

"In the past two days, the organization has had some objections to your future route."

Zhao Xu regained his energy as soon as he heard it. He didn't have the slightest burden to be a pawn.

To live well is his pursuit.

"The main reason is that some people put forward new views, but this is because of your status as a double elite."

"Actually, Arthur also has the practice of not going into the advanced level, pure mage profession and pure priest profession all the way. They are also one of the few pure professions that are not weak."

Zhao Xu understood as soon as he heard it that Master Faye and Muye hanged. It was true that even if they did not have an advanced channel, they would not be weak if they were solid.

"After legend, the benefits of pure mage's feat are also very rich. And—"

Speaking of this, Antino Arah paused, "A pure mage can get in touch with magic more purely, which is beneficial to magic research."

"Therefore, some people in the organization proposed that you should become a pure mage directly instead of pursuing short-term combat power improvement."

Zhao Xu understood now. After observing these days, he seems to be able to be cultivated?

Instead of taking the field route, become a researcher route?

But when Zhao Xu thought about it carefully, what Antinoya told him actually happened after he set foot on the floating city.

Therefore, the opinions of more people in the organization were actually formed in these two days.

Compared with three days ago, no one knew about Arthur's existence.

"Before we said that we wanted to decide your career path, we were afraid that you would waste your own advantages and advance to some rubbish advancements. Save me from abolishing your career level with energy absorption, in fact, our organization is still very free , so this time I came here to ask you what you think."

"Do you want to pursue the advanced route of combat power, or go straight to the pure mage and stay in the floating city to do research."

Listening to Antinoya's explanation word by word, when Zhao Xu heard the name "energy absorbing technique", his hairs shivered.

There are many negative states in Arthur, such as attribute damage, attribute absorption, energy absorption, dizziness, blindness, deafness, trembling, fear, panic, trance, confusion, fascination, fatigue, exhaustion, nausea, nausea, slowness, Dizziness, proneness, grapple, suppression, entanglement, shock, paralysis, immobilization, restraint, sleep, coma, petrification, paralysis, etc.

But among them, the most frightening thing for players is this energy absorption.

Energy Absorption is a ninth-level arcane spell, which can directly erase the opponent's 2D4 (level 2-8) character level.

2D4 is the sum of two four-sided dice, with a value between 2 and 8.

It will be heart-wrenching to encounter this spell. If the level of the character is not as high as the level absorbed, it is a direct death.

If exceeded, the spell lasts for 24 hours before a saving throw is made for each level absorbed.

If the save is successful, the negative level disappears. If it fails, the negative level disappears, but the character is permanently reduced by 1 level.

A permanent reduction of one level is the real punishment.

An extremely powerful friend of Zhao Xu's previous life was hit by a lich's energy absorbing spell. He failed all the way to save and fell directly into the mortal world, losing his power.

That's why Zhao Xu and the others, who depended on rank for their livelihood, were afraid to avoid them.

Thinking that he might be involved in some kind of ideological dispute, Zhao Xu asked after choosing his words, "Teacher, may I ask, was it proposed by someone with some orientation?"

"Strictly speaking, our final scroll is just a big force in the headquarters of the Arthur Mage Association. The goddess has prestige, but it doesn't have the final say. This time, the proposal is the opinion of some of the association headquarters who study old antiques. I’ve been stuck on the subject of the barriers of art for a long time, so I hope someone like you, who is born with both spiritual and Austrian skills, can join me.”

When Zhao Xu heard this, he immediately felt relieved. After all, a researcher is not as quick as stabbing someone with a knife, and he probably won't be remembered for rejecting the other party's kindness.

"I heard that Arthur can use the advanced level of a mystic, can he also cultivate both Shenao and God?" Zhao Xu suddenly remembered an incident in his previous life and asked.

Antinoya's expression froze, and even Zhao Xu, who was separated by the shadow of the cloak, could vaguely feel the sharp eyes.

"The advancement of the mystic has always been very secretive. It's not surprising that you players know me in the future. But I didn't expect you to be able to get in touch with it in only three days?"

Zhao Xu was suddenly embarrassed. He didn't expect that he would kick a rock without intending to blow water.

In fact, senior figures like Antinoya and the others knew that Zhao Xu had an Internet channel on earth, which should have been publicized by the gods. So Antinoya always answered Zhao Xu's inexplicable questions about Arthur instead of questioning them.

"Are you wondering why I have questions?"

Zhao Xu nodded quickly.

"The advanced level of the mystic does not have any professional ability. The only function is that each level of its caster level can be superimposed with the level of arcane spellcaster and divine spellcaster at the same time."

When Zhao Xu heard this, it suddenly dawned on him that the mystic who was blown up to him in his previous life was hanging here.

A level 12 character with a level 1 mage/level 1 priest/level 10 mystic is equivalent to casting spells like a level 11 mage and a level 11 priest.

Then what's the point of him being an elite pair.

No, wouldn't he be able to?

But Antinoya immediately shattered his fantasy.

"The premise of an advanced mystic is to be able to cast level-2 arcane spells and level-2 divine spells. At the same time, you two elites cannot advance to this profession."

It was only after hearing this that Zhao Xu realized that it was in this place that he was trapped. How could he have heard of the advanced level that players can only access at level seven? No wonder it aroused suspicion.

The second-level arcane and second-level divine arts indicate that the player must be a level-3 mage/level-3 priest, and they are already level-6 characters, so even if they can work part-time as a level-10 advanced profession, to maximize their ability, at level 16, You can only cast seventh-level arcane spells and seventh-level divine spells.

At this time, the pure mage already has eighth-level spells, and even the next level is within reach of ninth-level spells.

Slow step by step, if you directly generate a level 20 character, then the advancement of the mystic is okay, but if you start playing from level 1, this kind of profession without any professional ability, Zhao Xu can definitely play well It hurts so much.

This is also the biggest advantage of his double elite, watching the pot and eating the bowl.

"Mentor, I'll choose the direction of battle." Zhao Xu doesn't care if he gets here. He has two elites, so he has to make good use of this advantage. test number.

I received a signing text message today, and I will write it down carefully. Thank you for your comments and encouragement, thank you.

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