The Truth of Magic

Chapter 70 The Road to Return

Chapter 70 The Road to Return

Standing in Hurricane City, Zhao Xu once again felt the familiarity of a bustling commercial town without any trace of magic.

This is more like the world where the majority of Arthur's people live.

Hurricane City can be regarded as the hub city north of the Tianduan Mountains.

This city, which is said to have been destroyed by a legendary mage with a storm spell, has become extremely prosperous after nearly a hundred years of reconstruction.

Every day in the city, countless caravans set off or return here to transfer supplies from dozens of towns under the entire "Tianbei Business Alliance".

But after the familiarity passed, Zhao Xu still felt a little headache when he looked at the map of the entire Tianduan mountain range in his hand.

The task Antinoya gave him was very simple -

She threw Zhao Xu from Mystra, south of the Tianduan mountain range, to Hurricane City, north of the Tianduan mountain range.

Let him, a level 1 character, go back to Mystra, the capital of magic, without teleportation.

The distance between the two big towns is hundreds of miles in a straight line, not to mention the huge risk of crossing the Tianduan Mountains.

With the strength of the "Tianbei Business Alliance", it has not yet been able to open up a safe post road.

Zhao Xu estimated that when he really spent half a month back to Mystra, he would have been promoted to level 2 mage, and another career line could also be promoted to file scholar.

In the last six years of his previous life, Zhao Xu had participated in countless wild adventures, and he wasn't worried at all about his experience.

The only problem is that his health and fault tolerance are not enough.

After Zhao Xu was promoted to a monastic priest, his Hit Dice had become the D6 of a monastic priest. Although it was not as good as the D8 of a traditional priest, it was still enough to dislike the D4 of a mage.

His current health is 8hp, which has been greatly increased by 2 points, and his waist has also become stiffer by two points.

A legendary mage with 1 HP dares to run rampant on Arthur, because others have the capital to be immune to various injuries.

With Zhao Xu's 8 hp, not to mention receiving a round of concentrated fire in the wild, just a little aftermath was enough for him to go to the Temple of Creation.

But death was also another way for Zhao Xu to complete the task. Anyway, he would be resurrected in Mystra.

It's just that, I'm afraid he won't get any good rewards in the future, and it will greatly delay his own upgrade progress.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Xu still walked towards the secret alley in the north of the city with his Howard convenience bag on his back.

This latest piece of information is currently appearing on the information panel of Zhao Xu's character card.

[Adventurer Zhong Xia conducts a "knowledge" test for a monk. The result of the test = 1 (priest) + 3 (intelligence) + D20 = 1 + 3 + 8 = 12, which is greater than the difficulty DC10, and he gets "generally widespread rumors". details as follows……】

Compared with traditional priests, monastic priests are weaker than force and stronger than culture.

"Learning" is the unique ability of monks. It is similar to the "anecdotal knowledge" of bards. Zhao Xu's knowledge and skills are not low-level, and they are more specific.

Therefore, directly understanding the local legends is not as fast as the ability of "knowledge".

He immediately knew the most convenient place for him to go through the general rumors.

The location of the secret alley in the north of the city is very remote, the surrounding buildings are densely packed next to each other, the entire area lacks direct sunlight, and the ground is somewhat damp.

A few people who looked like minions stood at the street and chatted. They glanced at Zhao Xu's clothes and didn't pay any more attention.

It's just that Zhao Xu's target was them. He walked over and asked in a low voice, "I need a ticket to 'Southern Capital'."

Nandu is located in Hurricane City, referring to the magical city of Mystrana.

Mystravi's name is so famous that ordinary people dare not mention his real name easily.

One of them was tall and thin, the leader in a linen shirt. He looked at Zhao Xu's robes and said disdainfully, "What capital do you have?"

"Spellcaster, take me to meet your heads." Zhao Xu said lightly.

The contemptuous attitudes of the people around suddenly froze, and the leader lowered his eyebrows and said, "My lord, please come with me."

Zhao Xu followed without making a sound.

Back in these mortal towns, Zhao Xu's previous experience began to be useful again.

No longer as if he was facing Antinoya, he was just a student who was taught.

He judged at a glance from the body shape knowledge of these people dressed as minions that most of them are ordinary people who have not received professional training, that is, first-class civilians.

Even the most basic first-level warriors are not enough.

The warrior is already a weakened version of the warrior.

Not being able to work as a warrior, but turning to a warrior with lower requirements is the ecology of Arthur's most common people.

Zhao Xu walked for about ten minutes, and came to a lively tavern, which was also the location of "Caesar", the leader of the underground forces in the secret alley.

When going upstairs, Zhao Xu estimated the surrounding environment, and it was true that the lights and shades were all in place.

However, when Zhao Xu went to a place he was not familiar with, he always estimated the route to break out first.

In his backpack, there are three killer maces that Antinoya gave him, and a reward will be deducted for each one used.

But if it's really inappropriate, he will use it without hesitation.

Caesar, who was originally sitting in a corner and chatting with his buddies, sat up a little after hearing the report from his subordinates, and looked at Zhao Xu, "You mean you are going to Nandu?"

Zhao Xu nodded.

"Earth player?" Caesar, an ordinary person, can tell at a glance.

After a month of nurturing, the native Arthurs are now used to calling this group of earth adventurers players.

It was Zhao Xu's temperament that made Caesar hesitate to think that he was an Arthur resident like them.

"That's right," Zhao Xu said.

Players are currently not involved in too many forces, and many forces also like to arrange players to be peripheral thugs.

Dare to work hard and not be afraid of death, and it is very affordable.

"Heh, you players on Earth should know what's going on in the Tiannan Mountains now?"

"I know that the two towns at the foot of Beishan are trying to break away from the business alliance. Basically, regular business travelers have given up their plans to cross the Tiannan Mountains in the near future. This is why I came to you."

At this time, only the smuggling teams of these underground forces dared to take the risk of crossing the Tianduan Mountain Range.

They are the only ones who are not afraid of black and white, and dare to take outsiders on the road together.

"It seems that I have inquired about it first, Mr. Spellcaster, how much are you willing to pay for such a ticket?" Caesar said after thinking for a while.

Zhao Xu, who was a security officer in his previous life, took control of this kind of underground force's lair more than once, and no less than three people were beheaded by him on the spot.

In addition, he still has a killer weapon in his backpack at the moment, and he has enough psychological advantages.

If he really wanted to bargain, he could charge an escort fee in reverse.

It's just that these are things outside the body, and what is more important for him is to reach Mystra.

"When encountering a battle, I will join in and provide spell support. However, if the situation is not right, I will also leave the battle on my own."

Hearing what the other party said, Caesar felt relieved, this was his bottom line.

It is not difficult to really turn around and kill this spellcaster, but the subsequent troubles are too great.

A few days ago, a habitant from the neighboring faction secretly stole the wallets of players all over the world, and was discovered by the other party.

On the spot, the leader of the thief summoned people to drive those players away.

Who knew that that night, the female adventurer was able to gather dozens of adventurers of various professions to besiege and kill the thief organization.

It made the whole secret lane almost change color when it comes to players.

They are opening the door to make money, not to invite trouble.

"The earth adventurers under the bar are also going to the southern capital together. I think you are probably in the same status as them. Later, you will join their team and act together."

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