Not far from the camp established by the Dragon Emperor, there was a towering black stone obelisk, standing in the wilderness. It was majestic and majestic, but also made the land look even more desolate.

Chen Mo was not surprised at all that this world was so desolate, without even some decent vegetation.

Tens of millions of years ago, when the Necrons decided to let time kill their old enemies the Eldar through a long slumber, the tomb worlds they carefully selected were deliberately resource-poor and barren.

The purpose is to remain undisturbed during these long years, and only after all the enemies of the Necrons have declined in these long years will they wake up again and reunite the galaxy.

Originally, the Necrons had made complete preparations for this, and countless technologies that humans could not imagine were applied to this.

However, tens of millions of years are too long. Although the Necron's old enemies did decline as they thought, it also caused the Necrons themselves to suffer huge damage in the long years.

"A race that has been sleeping for tens of millions of years is simply unimaginable." Dragon Emperor, who went to the Black Stone Obelisk with Chen Mozheng, couldn't help but marvel at this terrifying and powerful race after listening to Chen Mo explain the story about the Necron. : "This race is really extraordinary! I wonder what they look like? How prosperous and powerful they were in the past!"

Facing the Dragon Emperor's praise and exclamation, Chen Mo's face revealed an indescribable sadness.

At this time, they had arrived in front of the black stone obelisk. Looking at the huge building in front of them that was obviously a little dilapidated but could still make people feel its original grandeur and splendor, Chen Mo said in a faint tone: "Although the Necrons are powerful, , but they were never able to call themselves prosperous.”

Chen Mo's comments immediately aroused the Dragon Emperor's interest, and he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Why is this? Your Majesty, you said they once dominated the Milky Way. They must be an extremely powerful country. Why did you say they Never prospered?”

For people who don't know the Necrons, Chen Mo's comments will indeed make people feel strange, even contradictory and confusing, and they can't figure out what he means.

But if you are familiar with the stories about the Necrons, you will sigh like him, lamenting the misfortune of this race.

The predecessor of the Necrons is a race called the Necrontyr. They are an ancient and powerful race that have existed since the beginning of the universe. However, they were cursed by the poison of the stars in the galaxy and became very short-lived. .

This also makes the culture of death quite prevalent among the Necrontarian civilizations. They build huge tombs for themselves in order to withstand the radiation emitted by the poisonous stars. They feel that life is preparing for death from birth.

If only this were the case, the fate of the Necrontyr might not be so tragic.

However, the universe is always unfair. The Ancient Saints, another race that is even older and more powerful than the Necrontyr, are born with near-immortal life and unimaginably powerful technology. In a sense, they have nothing to do with gods. the difference.

In fact, throughout the Warhammer universe, the Old Ones are indeed the creators of many races and are worshiped as gods by them, including the Necrontyr's old enemies, the Eldar.

The strong contrast between eternal life and short life made the Necrontyr fiercely jealous of the Old Ones. After unsuccessfully asking the Old Ones to share the secret of eternal life, they angrily launched a war against the Old Ones.

In this ancient and vast war that later generations called the War in Heaven, the powerful army of the Necrontyr was defeated in less than a hundred years.

Their numerous colonies in the galaxy fell one after another, and their vast empire was compressed back into the galaxy where they were originally born.

The entire race of Necrontyr was almost on the verge of extinction. valley

At this time, the culprit that caused their star to become extremely poisonous, an ancient and evil existence called the Star God, approached this miserable race.

This is an ancient energy creature that lives by sucking stars. It is said to have existed at the beginning of the universe. It can be said to be the embodiment of the physical laws of the universe.

They tricked the Necrontyr into forging bodies of living metal for them, and in exchange they granted the Necrontyr the immortality they had always dreamed of - being transformed from flesh and blood into bodies made of living metal. .

The C'tan did fulfill their promise, and the Necrontyr gained immortality, no longer confused and troubled by the brevity of life.

But in this process, their flesh, blood, and souls became the food that the Star Gods devoured.

The entire Necrontyr race was completely destroyed the moment they accepted the transformation.

What was transformed was just a group of empty shells with the thoughts and memories of the Necrontyr, and their souls had already fallen into the belly of the Star God.

This undoubtedly made the transformed Necrons full of hatred and anger from the beginning of their birth.

After they defeated the enemy Ancient Saint with the help of the Star God's power, they immediately turned back and defeated the Star God, and cut it into countless pieces for sealing.

After doing all this, the Necrons also suffered unimaginable losses, leaving them unable to destroy the remaining enemies.

So the Necrons chose to sleep and use their time to destroy their enemies.

Flesh will eventually decay, but machines will last forever.

"...Just like that, a race that once dominated the entire galaxy has withdrawn from the stage of history." Chen Mo told the story about the Necrontyr and the Necrons, while also inspecting the black stone obelisk in front of him.

After listening to Chen Mo's story, the Dragon Emperor on the side couldn't help but sigh at all the things this race has experienced.

However, the Dragon Emperor was an iron-blooded emperor after all. He quickly calmed down his emotions and asked Chen Mo: "Your Majesty, do you mean that this world is also the place where this clan sleeps?"

"Yes, these black stone obelisks are their creations. If my inference is correct, there is a tomb world of Necrons under this land." Chen Mo nodded affirmatively, and at the same time turned to look at a certain He raised his voice in that direction and said, "You two have been listening for so long, why don't you come out and meet me?"

When the Dragon Emperor heard Chen Mo's words, he immediately turned around and looked in the direction of Chen Mo's shouting. He had not noticed it just now, which made him feel scared.

To be able to approach them silently, the person coming was undoubtedly very powerful, which made him wait attentively.

However, something that surprised the Dragon Emperor was that what appeared in front of him were two skeleton-like things whose entire bodies were made of silver-gray metal.


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