The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 21: : Master, are you alright?

If it wasn't for Xia Ye, the ultimate licking dog, it would be impossible for the Lin family to climb to this position so quickly.

It can not only help the Xia family get out of this difficult stage, but also take the opportunity to bring down the Lin family. This is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

More importantly, it was Linnaeus's temptation.

She wanted to see where Xia Ye's forced bottom line was, if Xia Ye had to deal with the collapse in person.

Then forcing Xia Ye, the danger level will be very high.

It can even be said that he is involved with the Lin family, so Zhao Hao is probably the key person in it.

On the other hand, if Xia Ye agrees to his own method, the person who forced Xia Ye to do these things has not fully controlled Xia Ye.

But in Xia Ye's eyes, the situation is completely different.

This woman is so scary.

If such a big thing was thrown on the Lin family's head, the Lin family would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

However, it is still beneficial, because once this matter is really done, Lin Nai's attitude towards the Xia family will change from indifferent to extremely bad.

"Clap clap clap!"

First, Goudan was convinced, followed by everyone in the hall!

Applause after wave of applause clapped, completely ignoring Xia Ye's darkened expression.


Lin Naiyi's plan, no matter where you look at it, is a method that will benefit the Xia family without any harm.

The shopkeepers who had been in the hall for decades now looked at Lin Naiyi with admiration.

In addition, they are also loyal servants of the Xia family. Naturally, they don't want their young master to pursue fruitless pursuits, even licking dogs!

This plan will definitely make Ning Ruxue and Xia Ye part ways completely!

For the Xia family, this is a good thing!

Could it be that you are really a transmigrator?

Xia Ye looked at Lin Naiyi with a serious face and asked, "Can you tell me how you came up with this method?"

Xia Ye's voice contained a three-point coolness.

Three points of helplessness.

Four points of powerlessness!

Lin Naiyi slapped his hands on the table, facing Xia Ye, bent down and returned: "I've always wanted to take action against the Ning family, but I just didn't have a chance, didn't I just think about it when this happened? "

Lin Naiichi's voice was full of temptation, without a trace of strangeness.

It is still unknown who is forcing Xia Ye, and Xia Ye must not know about his rebirth.

Otherwise, you will also be in danger.

Lin Naiyi's thoughts turned very fast, and Xia Ye's attitude also made Lin Naiyi very satisfied.

It is certain that Xia Ye was not completely coerced.

Otherwise, he would definitely not agree to this at this moment.

In other words, there is still a turning point in Xia Ye's affairs!

Lin Naiyi smiled even more, looking at Xia Ye's frowning face and smiling: "I can't bear it? Husband won't tell Ning Ruxue secretly about this, this is a major matter of the Xia family, husband should think twice. ~~”

"I know, you don't need to tell me."

Xia Ye glanced at Lin Naiyi angrily, then leaned back on the chair a little tired and said, "Let's do it like this."

Now that the plot has collapsed, it is better to use Lin Naiyi's hand to make Ning Ruxue hate herself even more.

In this way, the villain himself is not a loss.

"Okay, let's do our part!"

After all, Xia Ye got up and walked out of the hall as if he wanted to break the jar.

In the past few days, there has been no drama. Lin Nai, a woman, can do whatever she wants.

Xia Ye didn't want to stay any longer, and Lin Naiyi's eyes were clearly determined by himself.

Why don't you go back to your room and find Xiaochun to play.

Xia Ye suddenly left, in fact, in the eyes of the major shopkeepers, it was no surprise. After all, Master Xia used to be seldom concerned about family affairs.

If it wasn't for the old man's words, Xia Ye wouldn't have come to discuss matters.

As Xia Ye left, the people in the hall also looked at each other and asked if the boss left, can we go too?

Just when several people got up, Lin Naiyi's voice sounded again: "Did I let you go?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Lin Naiyi was half as charming as when Young Master Xia was present.

Just like a cold-faced queen.

The air around Linnaeus became a bit icy with these words.

"Young madam, that young master Xia..."

Goudan also wanted to say that Young Master Xia had already left. After all, this matter is not a trivial matter, and it will definitely not be finished in a day or two.

"Heh, it's not like you don't know what your husband's attitude towards that **** Ning Ruxue is. If you delay, I'm afraid it will change again. We have to cut through the mess quickly."

"My husband is not here, I am the biggest here, and everything follows my arrangement, dog, come with me to Ning's house!"

If Xia Ye was still there, Lin Naiyi would definitely not leave immediately, but luckily Xia Ye left.

Instead, Lin Naiyi became cruel.

Ning Ruxue, this slut, looked at her unhappy in the last life!

I almost thought that I would be the harem of Zhao Hao's **** in the future, hehe.

God has eyes!

Hearing that Lin Naiyi was about to leave for Ning's house now, Goudan's face was immediately filled with excitement.

In fact, he also doubted in his heart that Young Master Xia's attitude would not be impossible if he changed his mind tomorrow!

Instead, it was the young that made Goudan feel a lot more at ease.

"I'm willing to go with the young lady!"

Goudan vowed, and several people around nodded in praise.

Linnai didn't say much, put on his shoes and walked out of the hall.

Dog Dan immediately followed Linnai.

Let's not talk about the hatred in the last life, my husband has been chasing you for so long, and you are still proud of yourself!

Ning Ruxue's attitude towards Xia Ye made Linnai very upset!

This past, it was a face-to-face showdown!

Taking advantage of Xia Ye's failure to react, let Ning Ruxue out!


On the other side, Xia Ye was too tired at the moment, lying on the bed directly and didn't want to move: "Xiaochun, give me a shoulder."

With Xia Ye's order, the maid Xiaochun immediately agreed, but looking at Xia Ye who was lying on the bed motionless, Xiaochun felt a little worried.

How do you press your shoulders while lying down?

Especially face up?

Xiaochun paced twice on the head of the bed, took a deep breath, took off her shoes, knelt beside Xia Ye, stretched out her hand and gently massaged Xia Ye's arm.

"Master~ is it alright?"

"Okay, you don't need to move too much, I'm a little sore."

"Okay~ If the young master is uncomfortable, tell Xiaochun, Xiaochun, stop for a while~"

Saying that, Xiaochun's green hands slowly pressed from Weitian's arms.

Oops. This is the life of a villain.

Xia Ye lay comfortably on the bed, enjoying the moment of tranquility after crossing over.

The whole bed is very big, but the length is average. The pillows are placed low in the summer night. When the whole person is lying down like this, his feet can reach the board at the end of the bed by a few centimeters.

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