The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 75: : There is a great master there!

Back in the room, Xia Jiu carefully locked the door frame before taking off her clothes.

There were two dark red streaks under the armpit, and the long white cloth was wrapped around again and again.

Xia Jiu frowned, took a breath of cold air in her mouth, and slowly untied the long cloth, the scars on the white rabbit could ooze blood.

"I really feel sorry for you."

Xia Jiu gently rubbed it a few times and walked into the tub. Although she looked good, she had a faint scar on her face.

Generally speaking, trauma like this, although it is time-consuming to heal, is not incurable.

Xia Jiu specially kept this scar in order to make herself more like a man.

But her pair of white rabbits couldn't settle down.

A pot of potion was thrown into the tub, and steam began to come out. Xia Jiu had long been used to this medicine bath, and the marks on his upper body gradually began to fade a lot.

Xia Jiu still follows the cultivation method of aura. After all, all the warriors in this world use qi to cultivate.

Naturally, no one uses the spiritual energy. Although it is rare, if only Xia Jiu is alone, it is completely sufficient.

As soon as the sun went down, a carriage stopped at the gate of the Xia Mansion, and Lin Nai walked towards the courtyard.

Xia Ye and Xia Jiu were playing Go in the courtyard.

Of course, Xia Ye must have been killed and defeated. After all, it was only in the afternoon that Xia Jiu handed over the basic Go rules to Xia Ye.

This is just the beginning.

"Sister-in-law is here, sit down."

Xia Jiu quickly got up and moved away.

This sister-in-law made Lin Naiyi happy. Now that Xia Yan agreed, and Xia Jiu agreed, entering the Xia family shouldn't be too smooth, okay?

"I don't want to sit. I agreed to go to dinner tonight. Let's go."

"Where to go?"

Xia Ye also stood up. After all, it was a matter for Xia Jiu to take care of the wind and dust, so it should be paid more attention. After all, Xia Jiu is a capable person in the plot.

Lin Naiyi first twitched the corner of his mouth, then after a charming glance at Xia Ye, he spit out a few words:

"Yichun Building."


The Midtown Poetry Festival is an idea that a bunch of so-called talents came together to come up with, and it was held in Yichun Building.

The world in Xia Ye's pen actually doesn't pay much attention to such things as poetry.

After all, it is a world where martial arts are respected, and martial power is the first among them.

As for poetry, only those who have completed the martial arts path, or such scholars who have no force at all, will play.

two extremes.

Thinking about it, it's quite reasonable. Rich people are bored to pass the time, and those who don't have money pass their time by studying with money. As for the middle ones, they just make money.

Xia Ye thought Lin Naiyi was joking, but the carriage did stop at the door of Yichun Tower.

The courtyard of Yichun Building is the place to sweat at night.

As for the main hall in front, it's actually similar to a tavern, except for a large table.

The girls here play and sing on this stage every day.

Commonly known as......

Xia Ye was nothing, but it was the first time that Lin Naiyi came to such a place. Those women were almost naked, walking around in the middle of the courtyard.

Even Xia Jiu's face was a little rosy, but this was in Xia Ye's eyes.

It's fine if Linnai is shy, you are a shy man!

Why did Lin Nai come here? In fact, Xia Ye has already guessed a lot, and the matter of Yunmei in the morning has never passed!

Don't underestimate a woman's sixth sense.

Today, Lin Naiyi's mind always flashes what Ning Ruxue said, the more he thinks about it, the more likely it is.

Lin Nai didn't believe it, such a beautiful woman, Xia Yehui didn't react at all?

The last time I was in the carriage, I guess I just lied to myself.

This is to let Xia Ye know that Lin Naiyi thinks this way, and he will definitely shout that he is wronged. He thought he had nothing to do with Yun Mei.

It was only after the carriage incident!

But Xia Ye, who got off the carriage, didn't want to go inside. Lin Nai turned around and stared into Xia Ye's eyes and asked, "Are you afraid?"


Of course I'm scared!

Xia Ye cursed angrily in her heart, the woman sitting here is a great master!

Great Master, do you know?

Yun Mei can strangle you with a finger!

Xia Ye knew that Yun Mei had a serious mania. Although she was able to suppress her, but there was no third party, she really wanted to let these two women meet.

The consequences are simply unimaginable!

"No, this place is not suitable for eating. My brother finally came back. I think it's better to eat better."

Xia Ye said nothing and was unwilling to take another step inside.

Stop pulling me!

When the real devil inside becomes mad, he will kill me together!

"Then tell the truth, do you have anything to do with Yun Mei?"

In fact, with the development of the matter up to now, and Xia Ye's appearance, Lin Naiyi has already guessed almost ten times, but she didn't know why, so she continued to ask a question without giving up.

Even if there is only one in ten million hope, what if Xia Ye really thinks about his brother?

Once a woman enters this mode of excusing men, she can't stop...

"I really..."

"Master Xia~ Long time no see, why didn't you come in~~"

Deadly Charm!

This voice can make my bones numb!

Great Master - Yun Mei!

When the three raised their heads, they saw a woman with a veil walking towards her with a graceful figure.

"That's Miss Yun?!"

"Damn, I'm really lucky today to see Miss Yun come out!"

"Stop talking! Didn't you hear the name of Miss Yun? Young Master Xia! You want to fight against the Xia Mansion!"

"How about that! Do we pursue... pursue..."

Before the little scholar could finish speaking, Xia Jiu's icy gaze came over, if you want to say dandy, Xia Ye is the number one in Zhongcheng.

But if you really want to say that the reputation is fierce, you have to be the second master.

Almost no one in the martial arts circle in Zhongcheng did not know about the deeds of Wujin's double crutches.

The veiled Yun Mei obviously didn't make people lose their minds, but with this extreme voice and seductive figure, it's hard not to make people wonder.

Xia Jiu didn't react at all. She cultivated spiritual energy and had a strong resistance to this kind of thing, and she was a woman.

To Yun Mei, she just complimented herself on her beauty, and she didn't have anything to say.

With Yun Mei's appearance, Lin Nai's whole body became vigilant, and he subconsciously stood in front of Xia Ye.

Have you ever seen a puppy protect food for the first time?

They will put their own food behind them, and then look at anyone who invades their territory with a bad look.

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