The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 78: : Is it really a monster?

This bold idea appeared, the more Linnai thought about it, the more likely it was!

After all, if Yun Mei was one of the heroines, she would definitely have a connection with Zhao Hao, but looking at Yun Mei's appearance, how could she have the demeanor of a heroine?

Every move is like a villain, Yichun's top brand, how does it fit with the villain Xia Ye.

Xia Ye: Good guess, don't guess again next time.

Although Yun Mei is the villain, she is completely different from Xia Ye's story line.

Xia Ye couldn't figure out how he could be related to Yun Mei.

Lin Nai glanced at Xia Ye viciously, what did you think of portraying the villain so beautifully?

Ling Lie's eyes made Xia Ye feel a chill, why is this woman crazy?

On the platform, Yun Meiyu raised her fingers lightly, revealing her slender and fair jade fingers. She stroked the surface of the piano and pondered deeply. The sound of the piano suddenly sounded in the air.

Yun Mei's eyes are like autumn waves, she smiles lightly, she lifts her right hand slightly, tactfully turns her head, and throws out her water sleeves, which just cover half of her cheeks. gurgling.

In the eyes of others, there is absolutely no problem with this kind of performance.

But in the eyes of Xia Jiu, who had spiritual power, there was a different scene.

Every time Yun Mei's fingers fluctuated, a pale pink demonic aura would be revealed. The pink demonic energy spread along with the sound of the piano and swayed in every corner of the Yichun Building. This kind of energy could only be seen by immortal cultivators.

Really a monster.

No, according to this world, it should be said to be a monster.

No wonder it attracts so many people to listen, this thing is really addicting!

With such skills, at least among the masters, how could it be a small top card of Yichun Tower?

No matter what it is, once I have any intentions for my brother, I will not let you get it.

Xia Jiu's eyes showed a hint of ferocity, but Yun Mei didn't notice it.

On the other side, Lin Naiyi, who was thinking, was stunned the moment the piano sound started.

It moves like a stream, flowing in the mountains, splashing beautiful water, rolling tirelessly all the way, which will make you wonder if it comes from the hands of a mortal.

The next moment.

The sound of the zheng suddenly tightened, and if the hurricane was knocking on the steps, the sound of the zheng would be like a drizzle brushing the trees, and the air would be like the wind blowing snow. dancing before his eyes.

Dancing in a swirling long gown and taking light steps, she showed a graceful figure.

Suddenly, Xia Jiu noticed something wrong with Lin Naiyi, and also noticed something wrong with these spectators.

The spiritual energy in his hand flowed into Lin Naiichi's body through the air.

This moment seemed like a thousand years, Lin Nai came back to his senses and looked unbelievable. He was actually moved by the sound of a woman's piano?

She involuntarily looked at Yun Mei on the stage.

This woman!

Will be his biggest rival in love!

For a long time, Lin Naiyi did not take Ning Ruxue seriously. The reason was very simple. Ning Ruxue couldn't compare to herself in terms of looks and skills.

Kong has the ability to hear Xia Ye's heart, but he won't use it.

But Yun Mei was different. Although the appearance of this woman had not been seen, Lin Nai dared to judge that with the character of a dog in the summer night, this woman would not be ugly.

Just by virtue of his body, he is slightly better than himself, plus a counterattack just now.

Yun Mei is not a simple person.

After tonight, even if nothing has happened to Xia Ye and Yun Mei, it will become something that has already happened.

A woman who has been cared for for three years, will the people believe that Xia Ye has not moved?

Speaking to the dog, all the dogs shake their heads, okay?

Seeing Lin Nai regain his sanity, Xia Jiu originally wanted to give Xia Ye some spiritual energy, but when he turned his head, he saw Xia Ye stretched out his hand and was cracking the chicken legs on the table, his cheeks bulging.


Xia Ye doesn't know what kind of piano, plus the automatic resistance of the beautiful man's mind, Xia Ye is not interested in what Yun Mei is playing, okay?

However, the things in Yichun Building are really good.

Naturally, Lin Naiyi saw Xia Ye's actions, and was suddenly laughed at by Xia Ye.

He laughed angrily.

Reaching out and picking up the handkerchief on the table, she wiped the corner of Xia Ye's mouth, she knew that Xia Ye could not be fascinated by a woman.

How can a person who only wants to go home like a Yichun Tower's top card?

Besides, what is the Yichun Building? Who knows if this woman, Yun Mei, is clean?

I still have obvious advantages. I have a marriage contract in hand, and I know it secretly.

Linnai had already made up his mind to turn himself into a common villain with Xia Ye.

"Don't just eat, drink."

Do you think Lin Naiyi can really hold back? She just took revenge in a different way!

Cup after cup of wine, Linnaeus half forcibly poured it into Xia Ye's mouth.


At night, Ning Mansion.

Zhao Hao was already awake. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that he was soaked in a medicine jar. There was a man and a woman standing beside him. They were about the same height. The two were wearing black night clothes. Who are you two under? "

At this moment, Zhao Hao regained his status as the heir of the family in the past, and his tone of speech was very indifferent.

"Master, after the family received your news, the two of us came first, and the owner of the family will arrive in less than three days."

With that said, the dark night man took out the token from his waist and handed it to Zhao Hao.

Although the wound on Zhao Hao's body has healed a little, his face still looks like a pig's head.

"What about the Lingshi Mine?"

Zhao Hao asked again.

"We still have a team that has already headed to Yunguanzong. I believe there will be news in a few days."


Zhao Hao originally wanted to approach Ning Ruxue as an ordinary person, but now it seems impossible.

The sudden appearance of Xia Ye disrupted his plans, and the matter of the Lingshi Mine made the Ning family breathless.

Not to mention chatting with Ning Ruxue, the number of times we met was pitifully less than before.

Xia Ye's second-generation ancestor even intensified, threatening Ning Ruxue with the spirit stone mine! How can this be tolerated?

Yes, until now, Zhao Hao still believes that what happened this morning was caused by Xia Ye's intentional threat to Ning Ruxue about the spirit stone mine.

Ning Ruxue and Zhao Hao are still clear, a woman who is pure and clean, she absolutely cannot be attracted to Xia Ye.

But he lifted a stone to hit Xia Ye, but accidentally hit his own woman, which Zhao Hao didn't expect.

However, it was just right. The showdown of his own strength made Ning Ruxue look at him with admiration!

Zhao Hao had already imagined that he would use his fists to save the Ning family from the fire and water, and then Ning Ruxue chased after him.

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