Of course, it is impossible to beat someone.

Otherwise, the domestic violence man can be the hero, and the world will be really messed up.

Zhao Jiaqiang doesn't know how to hit people, but if it's not nice, or with a cold attitude, that's for sure.

Even so, Sun Yumei was still wronged.

It's no wonder if he wasn't wronged, but he just ate a mouthful of eggs and was beaten for a long time by the three sisters-in-law. Mrs. Zhao stood there watching coldly, which obviously meant letting go.

After Zhao Jiaqiang came back, it was fine if he didn't comfort her, but he even said it was her problem.

What happened to her?

She is happy to be a mother, what did she say?

Like the original owner, she didn't just roll up Mrs. Zhao's coffin and run away. She didn't leave three children behind. Isn't that enough?

But, how did Zhao Jiaqiang treat him?

The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, at last Sun Yumei couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head towards the wall and cried for a long time.

As a result, when Xiaoya saw her crying, she also cried.

Zhao Jiaqiang was not happy: "You still feel wronged. If you don't take a bite, you will be fine. The little girl is still sick, so you just grab that bite with a child? How old are you, how old is she?"

Hearing Xiaoya crying louder and louder, Zhao Jiaqiang became impatient: "Okay, crying twice is enough, you can coax Xiaoya."

Sun Yumei: ...!

If it wasn't for the huge difference in strength between men and women, Sun Yumei really wanted to jump up and slap Zhao Jiaqiang twice.

This is completely different from the hero in the plot when she was reading the book.

In reality, the dream shattered into eight petals. Sun Yumei was really suffering.

Compared with the sarcastic remarks on her side, Wen Ling's side is much more enthusiastic.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is as sweet as honey.

Early the next morning, Jiang Shi was not in a hurry to go to the county seat.

He used to be like this too, it wasn't that he took the medicine one day and went to the county town the next day.

In this way, everyone can see that he has obtained the medicine and can sell it for money.

And it's not easy to go to the county town frequently, the road is too far to walk.

Therefore, Jiang Shi is generally saved.

Anyway, he knows how to deal with herbal medicine, and he won't spoil the herbal medicine and make it impossible to sell.

Therefore, there is no rush to go to the county seat.

Go to work normally the next day.

And she acted particularly Bailian, after all, what happened last night was quite a big deal.

Today, no matter whether people in the village are watching the fun, they still really care about Jiang Shi.

Everyone, if you say something to me, you will always say a few more words.

Regarding this, Jiang Shi always smiled naively, and then said: "It's all over, and it's hard for a family to hold grudges."

The more Jiang Shi said this, the more people in the village saw that Wen's family was not kind.

Look, Jiang Shi is such a good boy, and look at you Wenjia, what disgusting things you did.

Wen's mother directly said that she was sick and did not come to work today. This is also what Mrs. Wen meant. It was the time when the turmoil was on the cusp, and Wen's mother was asked to say that she was sick at home for two days, and then came to work after avoiding the limelight.

Although it is a delay in earning work points, there are also a lot of work outside the house, which happens to be done by Wen's mother at home.

However, Wen Xiang, who had been keeping the cat at home before, didn't go well with her recently, so she was simply not allowed to keep her at home, and let her go to work directly.

No matter how unwilling Wen Xiang is, she has to come honestly.

In addition, she also wanted to see the educated youth.

So, when Mrs. Wen said that, she didn't show any reluctance, but naturally followed to work.

As for Wen Jincai, he didn't study well, and now he spends his days in the village, but because of his young age, he can't do much.

If this child is ignored, in two years, he might be a bum.

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