Chapter 42

The Tokyo Giants’ professional gamers, one of whom went out, fought fiercely as if they were really supported by evil.

Perhaps it would have been difficult if we had five ordinary Bronze players, even if we had an advantage in numbers.

However, streamers ‘Konmuljui’ and ‘King Jongwoo’ showed much better performances than expected, and fought fiercely, and I joined them.

Map Dokdo consisted of 5 rounds, but thanks to the activities of the streamers, we were able to quickly determine the victory in 3 rounds.

The number of kills I recorded in the third round is 80 kills in total.

In the first round, I couldn’t record much because I felt the fun of fishing, but in the second round, I cut off the enemies’ necks in earnest.

Although the handicap was as many as 50 kills, I overcame the handicap and proudly took first place.

Since then, our party has quickly won 4 of the remaining 4 matches, and we have been able to completely finish a total of five combined streamers.

Waiting room after all the games.

The streamers who finished the bet cheered.

“Escape Bronze!”


“Hey, I’m not Bronze anymore, so you’re treating me like a human being, right?”

As soon as Dongsoo hyung checked his ranking, he looked at me with anticipation.

I replied with a smirk to Dongsoo hyung.


“Why, nervously another why?

“Hyung, do you happen to know the word ‘BSG Play‘?”

“Hey! You’re also playing.”

“I’m me.”

– lolololololololololol

– Agreed, agreed again lololol

– Platinum, who is a ranker, is a different story lololol.

– Ah, there was no other line for today’s broadcast lolol

– Japanese kids, even pro gamers, aren’t good at games lol

– Breaking news has appeared.

– Breaking news is a bit exaggerated

– What?

– (Link)

– ??? a virus link?

– wow hahaha

– You’re hitting the real sniper patch right away.

– You’re the one who patches him right away because you’ve ruined its pride.

– It’s Japanese level.

The link was shared in the chat room, and soon the viewers responded enthusiastically.

As soon as I finished talking with Dongsoo hyung, I immediately went in through the link.

The site accessed via the link is the official site of Samurai Words.

There was a notice just posted.

</p><p><script src=/d/js/ad/ad02.js></script></p><p>Content: Unexpected buggy play was discovered in the game’s hero ‘Yoru’, so we quickly started an inspection. Yoru’s skill in question is ‘Hook’ and the expected inspection time is 3 hours…..</p><p>There is an old proverb that says, ‘Losing a cow and fixing the barn.’</p><p>If you’re going to patch it, patch it earlier.</p><p>Whew.</p><p>Compared to indie games.</p><p>“Japanese indie games are like that. Don’t you think so?”</p><p>At my words, the rest of the streamers, including Dongsoo hyung, could not continue to speak.</p></p> <div align="center"><script src=/d/js/ad/page_02.js></script></div> </div> <div class="chapternav skiptranslate"> <a title="Chapter 41" class="prevchap" href="/novel/the-villain-is-too-good-at-broadcasting_41.html"> <i class="material-icons">chevron_left</i> <span>Prev</span> </a> <a title="The Villain is Too Good at Broadcasting" class="chapindex" href="/novel/the-villain-is-too-good-at-broadcasting.html"> <i class="material-icons">home</i> <span>Index</span> </a> <a title="Chapter 43: A new bait is needed (1)" class="nextchap" href="/novel/the-villain-is-too-good-at-broadcasting_43.html"> <span>Next</span> <i class="material-icons">chevron_right</i> </a> </div> <div align="center"><script src=/d/js/ad/page_03.js></script></div> <div class="guide-message"> <span class="mobile">Tap the screen to use advanced tools</span> <span class="desktop">Tip: You can use 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