The Villains' Pampering Is Too Great!

Chapter 171: Nightmare Cat

When the black cat was struggling, its tail, which was twice as long as its body, wrapped around Lu Xiaocha's arm a few times.

The tail tightened in waves, like a dexterous snake.

But it was obvious that this amount of strength was useless to Lu Xiaocha.

The black cat was dejected, and its tail quickly spread out and drooped like a rope.

There was panic in those golden pupils, shaking his beard and cursing.

Lu Xiaocha "Let me go back, or I'll beat you up!"

The black cat suddenly stopped, drooping its paws and shaking its ears, it didn't understand.

Why is this woman's brain circuit so different?

If others have a chance to do it all over again, they will definitely take revenge and make themselves stronger and dominate the world. She has this ability, even when she finally fights with those ugly things. passed.

But she could choose to die together without hesitation.

Isn't this two-legged human being stupid! She can die without hesitation for such a good thing!

Just mad at it.

"I'm not convinced. I have arranged such a good way for you. How can you die without any nostalgia!"

Lu Xiaocha stared at the black cat for a long time, and then said slowly after staring at it to the point of fury.

"Because what I miss is not here."

The black cat drooped his head "Okay."

It has been to those human dreams before, they all like money, beauty and supreme power.

But this woman...

Forget it, I have never seen such a worthless person.

With a flick of the black cat's long tail, Lu Xiaocha returned to reality.

The black cat was on the tree she was leaning against.

The whole body is pitch black, the size of a normal black cat, with a pair of golden eyes with agility, and the long tail hangs in the air with a flick.

She took out her mobile phone, opened the app that detects a paragraph, and scanned the black cat.

[The s-level heretical nightmare cat is fast, can enter people's dreams, and can also create illusions. 】

It turned out to be an S-class!

Nightmare Cat stared curiously at the square box in Lu Xiaocha's hand.

"What is that of yours?"

Lu Xiaocha asked curiously, "Can S-level heretics speak?"

Nightmare Cat looked proud, "That's not it, big demons basically don't speak human language, because they don't bother to learn human language at all. I've seen a lot of humans, so naturally they will."

It stood on the tree and licked its paws.

"You haven't told me what that thing is in your hand."

Lu Xiaocha replied perfunctorily, "Mobile phone."

"What about my other two teammates?"

Nightmare Cat was dissatisfied with her answer, but it couldn't beat this man, and snorted.

"It's still in fantasy."

Although the Nightmare Cat is not a heresy of the fighting type, the existence that can create illusions and spy on people's hearts is the most dangerous.

For example, now, Yin Shi'an, who is one level higher than it, is trapped in an illusion.

Lu Xiaocha carried the cat and let it take him to find someone.

But before the Nightmare Cat destroyed the illusion, Fu Ye woke up by himself.

He opened his eyes to meet Lu Xiaocha's face, who was only one palm away, and he hissed.

"what's the situation!"

At the moment, his mood is still a little dull.

Lu Xiaocha pointed to his face, "You're crying."

Fu Ye touched it, and it was true.

Not only did his eyes turn red when he cried, he laughed at himself.

"I didn't expect to dream of my dead father and mother here."

Lu Xiaocha looked down at the black cat.

Nightmare Cat flicked its tail in annoyance, "Why are you looking at me? I'm all a fantasy based on everyone's most unforgettable memory. The most feared memory in his heart is the memory of his parents' death."

Fu Ye was silent for a few seconds, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What is this?"

Nightmare Cat Fried Hair "You're the thing, this uncle is a Nightmare Cat, do you know that noble Nightmare Cat!"

Lu Xiaocha "It's what made us fall into an illusion."

Fu Ye had itchy teeth.

His father was a soldier and his mother was an anti-drug police officer. His mother was exposed. Later, those drug dealers caught him when he was still young and tied a bomb on him.

In order to save him, his parents were killed by a bomb.

This has always been the thorn in his heart.

Because he is the only seedling in the family, my grandfather actually never wanted him to join the army, but he was stubborn. He went to the military academy by himself, and went to the training camp every year to participate in training, in order to make himself stronger.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been looking for clues about those people back then, and he wants to avenge his parents with his own hands.

He hadn't dreamed of his parents for a long time, but he didn't expect to return to that point of time again in the illusion.

This time, he did not wait for his parents to come, and directly perished with the group of drug dealers.

The black cat shrank his neck in Fu Ye's sight, curled up and didn't dare to look at him, for fear of being beaten.

But he was swearing in his heart, how could these two people like to die together, and they didn't play cards according to common sense!

Yin Shi'an also struggled to wake up.

Of course, his environment is also what he experienced in the palace as a child.

But this time, instead of waiting for the emperor and the national teacher to torture himself, he grabbed the guard's sword to kill the emperor, and finally committed suicide, giving the national teacher no chance to accumulate grievances.

Nightmare Cat "..."

As expected of his teammates, each and every one of them is this dog's virtue.

Lu Xiaocha patted Nightmare Cat's head.

"Teach you to be good, it's best to cover up their memories when pulling people into the illusion in the future."

Nightmare cat flicked its tail "really?"

Lu Xiaocha "I can't do it now, come with us."

The Nightmare Cat struggled, "Where are you going? I don't go, I don't go out, the two-legged humans outside are very bad, and they will fight and destroy people's homes at every turn, and they are so panicked that they always want to hit me, saying that a black cat is not auspicious. , bah... they are the most unlucky ones!"

Lu Xiaocha asked, "How long have you been here?"

Nightmare Cat shook his ears, "It's only a hundred or two hundred years."

"Do you know what the outside world has become?"

Nightmare Cat shook his head, "I don't but I know that humans are not good things!"

When it came here, the humans outside were still fighting for territory, and the fight was so hot that many humans were so skinny and skinny that they saw it as if they saw meat.

Just like the zombies in that girl's memory, it's scary.

He was caught and nearly boiled once, and managed to escape by putting them to sleep.

Since then, it has never dared to go to a place where there are people. It walked into the deep mountains, and then found this feng shui treasure land that humans cannot enter, and then settled down.

The three who knew about the nightmare cat encounter "..."


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