The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 182 What does this have to do with me, Xia Xuan? (Part 3)

"Excuse me, can I take off the glass cover?" Deng Weibo asked.

Wu Feng nodded and said, "Please go ahead."

Deng Weibo carefully took off the glass cover. There was no frost on his skin. Obviously, the surrounding temperature was indeed 16 degrees Celsius. Deng Weibo's expression became more and more excited, they moved slightly with each other, and took a light breath of air.

After 17 years, he finally got a breath of natural air. Maybe this air is no different from the air in the dungeon, but it has a special meaning to him.

A minute later, Deng Weibo's excited expression gradually calmed down, and he said, "Sorry, I lost my composure."

"Nothing." Wu Feng shook his head.

After Deng Weibo admired this miraculous safe zone technology, he quickly got to the point and asked, "What is the purpose of your country coming to our planet? Maybe we can provide you with some help."

Deng Weibo's words can not only ask the purpose of this group of people who claim to come from another universe to come to the earth, but it will not make people feel that they are questioning.

Wu Feng replied: "The purpose of Da Xia's coming to this world is to explore and figure out this new world. There is no other purpose for the time being."

"So that's how it is." Deng Weibo was stunned at first, and then sent out an invitation. "Since this is the case, Huaguo is willing to provide some help. Would you like to return to the dungeon with me? There are various detailed information there."

It was actually not Deng Weibo's decision to lead these people into the Nanchang underground city, and he did not have the right to do so. After seeing this safe zone just now, Hua Guo's high-level officials have basically believed the words of this group of people.

In order to obtain technology or solutions to solve the plight of human beings from this group of people, Huaguo decided to help these people understand the earth, sell them a favor, and draw the relationship between the two sides closer. After all, the earth can be said to be poor and empty now, with nothing, so what if they know it.

If they can really travel through the universe, they should have no shortage of resources and territory. How could they fall in love with this battered earth?

Moreover, based on the technology in the safe zone just now, Huaguo can basically confirm that this foreign civilization has developed energy shield technology. If they want to forcibly break into the Nanchang underground city, they cannot be stopped with the current weapons of human beings.

Wu Feng readily agreed to Deng Weibo's invitation.

Then the pioneer troops turned on the anti-gravity device again and soared into the air. This scene invisibly increased the credibility of Wu Feng's words.

Then, led by Deng Weibo, the pioneer troops entered the supply station of the Nanchang planetary engine. Immediately afterwards, Wu Feng asked the other pioneers to stay outside, and he took the five pioneers into the underground city by taking the elevator leading to the underground.

In the elevator, Deng Weibo asked, "Captain Wu, from which aspect do you want to understand the world first?"

Wu Feng replied without hesitation: "I want to know the entire history and culture of Hua."

The pioneers have two tasks this time. One is to contact the coalition government of this world and establish diplomacy. The second is to understand the history and culture of Huaguo, and see if they can understand why Huaguo is so similar to Daxia.

"Understanding the history of our country?" Deng Weibo was a little confused. Shouldn't this be a direct understanding of the current state of the world?

And knowing the history is enough, why do we need to understand the culture?

Although he was very puzzled, Deng Weibo brought Wu Feng to the reference room, downloaded all the recorded Chinese history into a USB flash drive, and handed it to Wu Feng.

The old days were always storage devices.

Wu Feng glanced at the USB flash drive, and then put it into the place inside the armor for storing small items.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Weibo began to introduce traditional Chinese culture to Wu Feng.

Wu Feng's expression became more serious when he heard it, because they were so similar, except for some slight differences in some places, the traditional culture of this Hua country was basically the same as that of Daxia. There are also various festivals. Although the nature and name of worship are different, the way of action is roughly the same.

And Deng Weibo felt very strange about this Wu Feng, he listened so intently to such a boring content. If he is from China, he can still use his love for the traditional culture of his own nation as an excuse, but why is he, an outsider, so interested in Chinese culture?


Hua Guo did not hide the news about the pioneers, but immediately reported it to the coalition government. When countries heard the news, their first reaction was that Hua Guo was making fun of them. With a look of disbelief, how could there be a civilization from another universe.

For hundreds of years, they human beings have continuously sent signals to the universe, but have not received any reply so far. Humans haven't even encountered alien civilizations, so how could they encounter civilizations from another universe.

Immediately after seeing the video sent by Huaguo, countries all over the world still couldn't believe it. You said that these people may be civilizations from another universe, but why do they look exactly like humans. It's a Chinese person who just looks at it properly, and speaks such fluent Chinese.

Be serious about acting, even if you don't find a green-skinned creature to act as an alien, at least don't just use a group of Chinese-speaking Chinese as aliens, right?

Half an hour later, various countries detected that the videos and pictures sent by Huaguo were not special effects or P, and instantly overwhelming voices of inquiries came oncoming.

All countries are eager to figure this out, and even planes from some countries have begun to fly to China. Because this matter is so important, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a matter of life and death for all human beings.

If it is true as Hua Guo said, a group of civilizations from another universe came to the earth. And from their current behavior, it can be seen that this group of people came with good intentions.

If this is the case, then can humans get their way out of their predicament. After all, for a civilization that can travel across the universe, it should be easy to solve their current problems, right?


Three hours later, Wu Feng took the elevator back to the supply station on the ground again.

Wu Feng thanked: "Thank you very much for your country's help."

"You're welcome." Deng Weibo waved his hands repeatedly. "We didn't give much help, just a negligible amount of information."

Afterwards, Deng Weibo asked: "Captain Wu, are you going back?"

Wu Feng nodded. After all, he has temporarily obtained it from Hua Guo, and also obtained the contact information. The next diplomacy should be left to those professionals, and their main goal now is to send the information back.

"In this case, then let me send..." Deng Weibo's voice stopped suddenly, his mouth was slightly opened, and his expression was dull.

At this time, a black spatial crack appeared beside Wu Feng.

"Mission complete, retreat!" Wu Feng ordered.

"Yes!!" The pioneers walked into the space portal in an orderly manner and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, everyone around opened their mouths wide and looked dull, because the scene in front of them was really astonishing.

"Farewell." Wu Feng turned around and entered the space portal, and then the black cracks slowly closed.

This scene made the coalition government completely believe that this group of people really came from a civilization from another universe. After all, this space crack is too magical.


Goblin Slayer World, Base 0.

Xia Xuan, who was learning all kinds of magic knowledge, suddenly received all kinds of information and history about Huaguo.

"Did you get it so soon?" Xia Xuan flipped through it a few times and then removed it, continuing to look at the magic book in his hand.

Next, the speculation that Xia Zu might be a time traveler should spread quickly, but what does this have to do with him, Xia Xuan?

For the sake of safety, most of the transactions in Wandering Earth are skipped. If you take it for granted, there is nothing you can do about it. After all, intrigue cannot be written.

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