The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 189 Change 1 (Second Change)

Cut the red pupil world, the imperial capital, the third generation of the ultimate individual armor research institute.

bang bang bang bang...

A 5-meter-high, thick, silver-white mecha is doing various actions, walking, running, squatting and jumping...

His heavy body does not affect his movement speed and agility. On the contrary, he is very flexible and can make various movements quickly.

This white mecha is the 3rd generation extreme individual soldier: [Sunday]

[Yaori]: The third-generation extreme single soldier, this set of mecha is different from the second-generation magic mecha, which is a stitch monster forcibly combined by magic and technology. The Sun Mecha is all made up of technology and does not use any magic.

The Sun Mecha is equipped with an energy shield reversed from the interstellar explorer, a newly developed plasma cannon, and an anti-gravity device. In terms of energy, there is the latest graphene battery developed by the goddess of knowledge, which has a continuous combat capability of up to 48 hours. Even if the energy shield and plasma weapons are turned on at full power, they can support 8 hours of combat time.

At the same time, the control system of the Sunshine Mecha uses nerve bugs. Soldiers control this mecha as sensitively as they control their own flesh.

[There is no problem with the sensitivity of the fuselage, the movement of each joint is normal, the conduction of nerve worms is normal, and the energy supply is normal. 】

Afterwards, the Sun Mech conducted a running speed test and a flight speed test.

[Currently, the maximum walking speed of the Sun Mecha can reach 8 meters per second, and the limit flight speed has reached Mach 1.3. 】

The researchers recorded various data of the [Yaori] mecha.

An Pingyi frowned slightly as he looked at the Sun Mecha jumping up and down in the experimental field. Although judging from the current data, the Sun Mecha is very successful, and can even be directly moved to the battlefield.

But the more Anping Yi looked at it, the more he felt that something was missing. He turned to look at the fashion doctor next to him, and asked, "Doctor fashion, do you think there is something missing in this set of mechs?"

"I think this set of mechs is perfect, it's simply a fashion star." Doctor Fashion replied while looking at the various data on the virtual screen in front of him.

"If there is something missing, I think it should be that if the mecha is destroyed, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers driving the mecha will plummet. Also, if the energy shield fails, or fails to open in time, the impact force will Or an attack such as a sonic wave that could kill the driver outright."

"By the way! The protection for the driver is not enough!" Anping Yi suddenly realized. "Doctor Fashion, how about we convert the exoskeleton armor into a driving suit?"

"This can provide soldiers with an extra layer of protection, and even if the armor is damaged, the soldiers still retain a certain amount of combat power."

"This is indeed a very good idea." Dr. Fashion brought up two virtual screens, one is the pilot suit of the Sun Mecha, and the other is the first-generation exoskeleton armor.

"But if you really want to design it like you did, the size of the Sun Mecha must be enlarged again."

"It's okay, it's just expanded from 5 meters to 6 meters, and it doesn't have much impact on the performance of the mecha itself." Anping Yi said.


Outside the imperial capital, in the construction area.

At this time, the tens of meters high city walls on all sides of the imperial capital have been demolished, and the surrounding dense forest has disappeared, replaced by tall buildings that are being built. The imperial capital has a radius of 5 kilometers. Looking at the past, there are construction sites everywhere, high-rise buildings under construction, various large-scale construction machines, and countless construction workers wearing hard hats and blue overalls.

Ring ring ring ring!

This is when the loudspeaker rang. The foreman in charge glanced at his identity bracelet, and the time displayed on it had reached 11.30.

The foreman took out the walkie-talkie hanging on his waist and said, "During the break, everyone can eat."

The voice of the male boss reached the ears of every construction worker on the construction site through the radio, and most of the workers stopped what they were doing in unanimous agreement, and walked towards the dining place, talking and laughing.

"Eat, eat, I heard that there seems to be pork to eat today?" said a senior construction worker.

The companion nodded and said: "There is indeed pork in today's meal list, but this pork does not seem to be the pork we used to eat, but a kind of artificial meat."

Since the industrial system of the main world has been hit hard, it can even be said that the entire social system has completely collapsed, and the shortage of meat supply is one of the impacts. In the world of cutting red pupils, meat cannot be bought with money, and each person can only buy half a catty of meat at most every month.

"Whatever, it's good to eat something." The senior construction worker complained while taking off his civilian exoskeleton suit: "Speaking of which, when will I develop a taste simulator, which will allow me to directly You can eat all kinds of food in the game.”

Another companion replied: "Research on taste simulation has not made much progress over the years. Even the most advanced taste simulator can only make you feel the simplest sweetness and bitterness. But recently, a person who is good at spiritual magic The great magician proposed to use spiritual magic to interfere with the brain, allowing it to achieve the effect of taste simulation."

After the construction workers received their lunch boxes, they found a cool place to eat with their companions.

On the other side, the office of the construction site superintendent.

There were two people sitting on the sofa in the office, one was a man wearing black-rimmed glasses and dressed in an unusually refined manner, and the other was a middle-aged man who was also wearing a workman's uniform with the word "responsible" hanging on his chest.

Zhu Qingsheng, the person in charge of the construction site, asked, "Mr. Miao Chen, is there anything I can do to help you?"

There was a trace of respect in the tone of the person in charge of the construction site. Although the man in front of him was not a wealthy person, he was an extremely influential writer.

Miao Chen: A famous writer of realistic novels, his works often reflect the pathology behind this highly civilized modern society through some seemingly glamorous people.

Miao Chen smiled slightly and replied, "Mr. Zhu, I'm only here to interview the aborigines of this world and the Daxia people who entered this world."

Before Miao Chen came here, he had already conducted interviews with various people, and most of them were the people at the bottom. Only through the people at the bottom can the truest appearance of a society be reflected. Now that the old society has been destroyed, Miao Chen really wants to know what this unprecedented new society is like?

"Of course there is no problem. How many people does Mr. Miao need to interview?" Zhu Qingsheng agreed without hesitation.

Miao Chen replied: "Two are fine, one from Daxia and one from an aboriginal."

Zhu Qingsheng picked up the phone and asked someone to bring a Daxia person and aboriginal person here. During the period, he also asked Miao Chen for an autograph, which he could brag about in the future.

A few minutes later, two construction workers in blue overalls and hard hats walked in.

"You guys sit here." Zhu Qingsheng pointed to the sofa opposite, and when the two sat down, he pointed to Miao Chen next to him and introduced: "This is Mr. Miao, don't be nervous if he wants to interview you. Just asking a few questions."

Miao Chen nodded and said with a kind smile, "Hello, I just ask you a question, and it won't take up too much of your time."

At this time, although the construction workers mentioned that they were a little excited during the interview, their expressions were generally calm. But the aborigines were just the opposite. At this time, he was a little restless and his expression was extremely nervous.

Miao Chen was the first to ask the Daxia people: "This gentleman, how do you address him?"

"My surname is He." The construction worker replied.

Miao Chen said: "Mr. He, I want to ask you a question, that is, how do you feel about entering this new world? How does this new society bring you changes?"

The construction worker thought for a while and replied: "Because my homeland was destroyed by aliens when I first came here, I was full of confusion about the future, and I didn't know how to live in the future."

"At the same time, the rapid decline in living standards made my inner pessimism even stronger, but as time went by, I figured it out. Although our home was destroyed by aliens, it doesn't mean we are finished."

"Everything is just starting from scratch. As long as people are still there, one day we will return to our original position, and we will go further and climb higher."

"Although life is a bit bitter now, in my opinion, he has become more exciting. This world has magic, various magical races, and methods that can extend human life. This is simply the only thing in film and television works. world that exists."

The destruction of their homeland has indeed hit the vast majority of Daxia people, and at the same time, the cliff-like decline in living standards makes people easy to be pessimistic. However, novel things such as magic and high-dimensional energy have greatly eased the blow that the Daxia people suffered from the destruction of their homeland.

High-dimensional energy can allow people to obtain extraordinary power, which makes Daxia people not excited. Who would not want to master the supernatural power that only appeared in film and television works?

The Daxia people with magic talents are constantly learning all kinds of basic magic knowledge, while those without magic talents learn the power system of warrior adventurers. For the Daxia people who know martial arts, it is easier to become a warrior than a magician.

Of course, some people did not learn magic or warrior adventurers, they tried to use high-dimensional energy to sublimate martial arts. The foundation of Daxia Wushu is the body and skills. After thousands of years of evolution, the skills of Daxia Wushu have reached their peak.

And Flesh Body Daxia has also explored a set of Duan Ti method, but this Duan Ti method needs to use a lot of precious medicinal materials, which is not something ordinary people can afford. And the effect of high-dimensional energy that can improve the level of life can just replace expensive medicinal materials, and the effect is hundreds of times better than medicinal materials.

The martial arts masters of Daxia are committed to transforming martial arts into martial arts in film and television works.

For the Daxia people, life is indeed a bit bitter now, but their world has also become so magical and interesting.


After 10 minutes, the construction worker finished talking about his feelings.

Miao Chen briefly recorded what the construction worker said, and continued to ask: "Since Mr. He is not dissatisfied with the current life, what is the most satisfying thing for you?"

The construction worker pointed to his face and said, "The most satisfying thing for me is that I have become handsome, and the second thing is that my hair volume has returned to its peak."

After two years, with the help of high-dimensional energy, the physical fitness of Daxia people has been improved. The facial features of modern people are called correct, and the main reason for their poor appearance is rough skin. But now with the help of high-dimensional energy, everyone's skin is getting better and better, and their appearance has also been significantly improved.

Miao Chen asked: "Mr. He, in this new era, what is your greatest pursuit?"

The construction worker hesitated for a moment and said, "My biggest pursuit is to marry an elf back home."

He spoke of the dreams of most Daxia men, but unfortunately the possibility of this dream being realized is very slim.

Due to the long lifespan, the elves' concept of time is very slow. For example, a year for humans may be just a month or a day for elves.

It is very easy to gain the favor of the elves. After all, all Daxia people have received 16 years of compulsory education, and they are not weak in culture. It is very easy to deal with the elves with their own high quality. But if it is from the perspective of a lover to gain favor, it is very difficult.

Use three words to describe the elves: face control, romantic, perfectionist.

The appearance of Daxia people has generally been improved. They could be called handsome men and beautiful women in the past, but they are obviously not enough in front of the elves.

It's not that the Daxia people are not popular with the elves. On the contrary, the elves like to make friends with high-quality and educated modern people, but it's difficult to say a word about mate selection.

Of course, there is also a group of people in Daxia who are very popular with the elves, and that is the pioneers.

The pioneer's life level has reached the third level, and he has also undergone genetic evolution. He is perfect in terms of appearance and temperament. The most important thing is that the mysterious, powerful, and indifferent pioneers deeply attracted countless elves.

Of course, it's not just the elves who are attracted to the pioneers. The power and mystery of the pioneers make all races in Daxia yearn for them.

This has created a very strange phenomenon. The best way to pursue the elves is to become a pioneer. And those who have the ability to become pioneers have already dedicated everything to the country, and very few people will talk about love.

After all, from the establishment of the pioneer to the present, the mortality rate of the pioneer is as high as 52%, and once he becomes a pioneer, it means that wars and missions will occupy most of his time in the future.

Those who have the courage to become pioneers are already prepared to die, and they will never promise a home to others.

"It's a very lofty ideal, but before that, I suggest that Mr. He raise his life level to the third level." Miao Chen nodded with a smile, and then turned to look at the aborigines.

He took out the simultaneous interpreter and handed it to the aborigines, and the aborigines had obviously used the simultaneous interpreter before and turned it on proficiently.

Miao Chen asked, "Hi, my name is Miao Chen, what should I call you?"

"My lord! My previous name was Groom." The aborigine shuddered, straightened his back and replied quickly: "But when the empire registered its identity, such discriminatory or object-oriented names were not allowed. So my name is Ma Anzhi now!"

From his expression and tone, it can be seen that Ma Anzhi is still very nervous at the moment. Although after two years of meeting, the aborigines are not as in awe of the Daxia people as they were at the beginning, but they still maintain a very high awe for some Daxia people who seem to have a high status.

grown ups? groom? Discriminatory or objectifying name? It seems that he used to be a coachman for the upper class of the Old Empire.

Based on what he just said, Miao Chen immediately guessed Ma Anzhi's former identity. In the past two years, Miao Chen conducted interviews with many aborigines in order to understand what the social environment of the old empire was like.

Among them, the people living in rural villages are remote, coupled with their own strength and special status, it is difficult for the decay of the old society to affect them. Therefore, people in the countryside think of the old empire as heavy taxes, officials greedy for money, and many profiteers.

The people living in towns or cities have a distorted, dark, and crazy view of the old empire. In the era of the old empire, they were like animals kept in a pigsty and allowed to be slaughtered by the upper class.

In many cases, their lives and even their will do not belong to them. They are obviously not slaves, but they live like a group of slaves. In this dark and crazy society, everyone's hearts have become more or less distorted.

After Great Xia completely shattered the old empire and completely destroyed that crazy society, everyone cheered from the bottom of their hearts, and everyone slowly came out of the distortion and madness.

In this beautiful era full of hope and order, the people gradually came to life from numbness. Some people came to their senses and repented for their crazy behavior.

Some of the believers of the Anning Church who had performed blood sacrifices fell into endless remorse, but Daxia did not liquidate them, because everything they did was done before the arrival of Daxia.

If the previous evils are also to be liquidated, then nearly 80% of the believers of Anning Church are guilty. The empire has a total population of 201 million, and nearly 150 million people used to be followers of the Anning Church.

If it is really necessary to liquidate all crimes, it will eventually evolve into the massacre of more than 100 million people, an ethnic cleansing.

It is impossible for Daxia to do this, and he will not do so. It is a mistake to look at a society full of madness and darkness from the perspective of modern society. In the dark age, no one can judge who is right.

Although Daxia didn't give them liquidation, the remorse in his heart is not a kind of liquidation.

"Mr. Ma, don't call me your lord, this is no longer the old society." Miao Chen reminded. "Besides, I'm just an ordinary person."

Miao Chen continued to ask: "Mr. Ma, did you ever work as a coachman for nobles?"

Ma Anzhi nodded, and replied: "That's right, three generations of my ancestors have been coachmen of aristocrats."

"Then what do you think of the old empire?" Miao Chen asked.

When the old empire was mentioned, Ma Anzhi's expression turned pale, his eyes were full of fear, his lips moved slightly, and he slowly uttered two words: "Hell..."

Next, Ma Anzhi began to talk about the various things he experienced during the era of saving the empire. As an aristocratic coachman, he knows much more about the darkness than ordinary people.

In his eyes, it is normal for nobles to kill civilians and plunder women. The more terrifying things are hidden in noble manors, in their warehouses and basements.

In the middle, because what Ma Anzhi told was too crazy, twisted, and dark, the person in charge of Zhu Qingsheng and the construction workers left the room. Only the pale Ma Anzhi and the cheerful Miao Chen remained.

After telling everything, Ma Anzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This is my view of the old empire era, the era when one man cannibalized another."

After recording a large number of precious subjects, Miao Chen continued to ask: "Then Mr. Ma, what do you think about this new era? And what do you think about the Third Army incident that has caused widespread heated discussions on the Internet during this period?" ?”

During this period of time, based on clues, someone discovered that Kizawa Castle, known as the city of religion, was massacred by the Third Army. The story spread quickly online, sparking a heated debate about whether the Third Army was doing the right thing.

The government neither blocked the news nor acknowledged it, but took a laissez-faire attitude.

After all, the Great Xia will connect more worlds in the future, and in the future, for its own benefit, the Great Xia will even completely exterminate a certain race. The reason why Daxia let this matter go, no matter what, is to let all Daxia people come out of the moral society once constructed by humans.

Let all Daxia people put their sympathy on their own compatriots, not on outsiders, regardless of whether they are innocent or not.

In the universe, between civilizations, no one is innocent. The so-called innocents are nothing but civilizations swept into the dust of history.

"This era is heaven." Ma Anzhi replied, and then revealed a bitter smile: "As for what the Third Legion did, I think they were right to destroy Muze City. crazy."

"Ten years ago, I went to Muze City to witness their celebration as a coachman of the nobles..." Ma Anzhi recounted the crazy experience again. "Are you saying they're crazy?"

"They are indeed crazy." Miao Chen recorded this precious material again, and then continued to ask: "According to the comments of the opposition on the Internet, there are children and old people in Muze City. It is undoubtedly wrong for the Third Army to do so." Moral abuse."

"It's already a luxury to live in the old empire era, who cares about morality." Ma Anzhi shook his head.

"As for those children, it can only be said that their lives are not good."

Ma Anzhi didn't think that the Third Legion was at fault for destroying Muzawa Castle, as massacring a city in the old empire era was a common occurrence. The aborigines are very unclear why some Daxia people on the Internet lashed out at this matter.

At that time, Muze City, and even the entire empire had not been occupied by Daxia, and Muze City belonged to foreigners at that time. To sympathize with foreigners and attack one's own army, isn't that a matter of eating inside and outside?

In fact, there is a huge opposition on the Internet, but the real number is pitifully small. They jumped out to become moral warriors, but in the end they just became tools of the government and catalysts for people to change their minds.

Miao Chen wrote down this point, and Ma Anzhi's point of view was roughly the same as that given by the hundreds of aborigines he had interviewed before.

Miao Chen put down the pen in his hand, and asked with a smile: "The last question, Mr. Ma, what do you think of the prosperous world created by Daxia?"

Ma Anzhi was stunned for a few seconds, a tear fell from the corner of his eye, a smile appeared on his face, and he said: "I am very lucky to have lived in this era and enjoy this paradise-like prosperity."


It was originally 2 in 1, but it was classified as the 2nd update

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