The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 214 Human Federation: No Loss

Wandering earth world.

At this time, the earth is still dominated by white, the entire surface of the planet is covered with a thick layer of frost, permafrost everywhere, without a trace of green, but this snow-covered world is not as desolate as before.

At this time, the land is covered with extremely special trees. The sizes and shapes of these trees are different, but their leaves, branches, trunks, and even roots are as crystal clear as ice. The trees made of ice emit a faint blue light, and the roots of each tree are intertwined and connected.

Countless ice numbers are connected to each other, and their trees are intertwined together, forming an intricate net that covers most of the earth.

Crystal-like trees bloom in this snow-white world, and a faint blue light illuminates the whole world, filling this originally cold and desolate world with a dreamy beauty.

In the center of the North Pole of the Earth, at this time, a giant tree with a height of more than 10,000 meters, exuding a faint blue light, stands like a crystal in the center of this polar center.

This tree is the body of the soul tree that has been gradually transformed by the goddess of knowledge. At this time, the tree is no longer called the soul tree, but the soul source summer tree.

Soul source Natsuki: After three years, Daxia spared no expense in the transformation, and purely high-dimensional energy has been invested in a total amount that can support the birth of a main god.

This is the destination of all Daxia people after death. All the intelligent races of Daxia, after death, their remnants will be taken into the Xia tree.

And around this giant mountain-like tree, there are huge buildings made of steel. These buildings are various research institutes, among which there are the most research institutes on soul research and dream world.

Under the Hunyuanxia tree, there is a tree hole more than ten meters high. Inside the tree hole is a passage. The passage is surrounded by dense and mysterious lines. You can feel the amazing high-dimensional energy flowing on the lines.

Walking forward along the passage, a few hundred meters will lead to a semi-circular space with a height of more than one thousand meters and a radius of more than 800 meters. The walls of the entire space present a golden atmosphere full of sacred aura. In the center of the space is a high platform with ninety-nine steps and a bronze throne.

The front of the bronze throne is engraved with two beasts, dragon and phoenix, and the back is densely packed with lines. After the lines are magnified hundreds of times, one can see pictures. These pictures are the history of Great Xia.

Sitting on the bronze throne was a handsome man with black hair and black eyes. The man was wearing a black dragon robe, and his expression was extremely indifferent. His eyes were indifferent to the front, giving people a feeling of looking down on the world.

Xia Xuan put his eyes on these beautiful women with different appearances in front of him, and said, "Goddess, how long will I have to sit here with this second body?"

Facing Xia Xuan's gaze, except for the goddess of knowledge, the others lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look at her.

Sitting on this bronze throne, the power of national destiny will be blessed on Xia Xuan, and similarly, he can't control his aura.

The Goddess of Knowledge thought for a while, and replied: "I'm not too sure about this. The fate of the country has come to a new environment, and there are fewer people in Daxia, so I'm a little uneasy, so I need His Majesty to sit down temporarily to appease."

"But judging from the current situation, the fate of the country with His Majesty here will no longer reject the container of Natsuki the Soul Source. Judging from the current situation, His Majesty will sit on this bronze throne for ten days and a half months."

Xia Xuan continued to ask: "By the way, how is the preparation for the global solidification technique presided over by the Mother Earth?"

"Hold on a moment, Your Majesty, I'll ask." The goddess of knowledge slowly closed her eyes, and the energy in her body turned slightly. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes again and replied, "I'm almost ready, and I should be able to activate this spell tomorrow."

Xia Xuan nodded in satisfaction, although he didn't know the reason why he hadn't formally met the four goddesses since they joined Daxia. Usually, they make long-distance calls. It seems that these four goddesses are more resistant to meeting him in reality.

Xia Xuan didn't pay too much attention to this, anyway, it's enough for these four goddesses to perform their duties. The most important thing is that the work efficiency of these four girls is very high. In the past two years, they have used their own strength to solve various things for Daxia.

For example, to improve the geological environment of the wandering earth, the Mother Earth has built an extremely large formula, intending to solidify the entire planet once and solve the problem fundamentally.

At this moment, Xia Xuan was stunned for a moment, then slowly closed his eyes and put his mind into the spiritual world of Guoyun.


Xia Xuan came to a majestic palace. The overall appearance of the palace was dark and black, which gave people a chilling and heavy feeling.

Xia Xuan pushed open the gate of the palace, walked into the palace, and saw a man wearing a black dragon robe sitting on the throne above the main hall. With a stern face as sharp as a knife, indifferent black eyes, and extremely domineering aura, the First Emperor Xia Yang.

When Xia Yang saw Xia Xuan, a smile appeared on his indifferent face, this smile really disintegrated the chill atmosphere in the hall.


Xia Xuan asked, "How do you feel?"

Like old friends for many years, the two greeted each other very accommodatingly.

Xia Yang replied: "It feels very strange. I never thought that the national luck that the system will finally reward can make me come back to life in this way."

Xia Xuan continued to ask: "Who do you think you are?"

Xia Xuan is very curious about how other personalities like him who have independent consciousness and a complete life will look at themselves. Do you think of yourself as a separate individual, or do you think of yourself as a part of him.

Although these negative personalities are indeed a part of him in essence, they have independent consciousness, their own cognition. It is very important to Xia Xuan, and it will affect how he treats these gradually recovering sub-personalities in the future.

If they think they are independent individuals and intend to resist themselves, then Xia Xuan can only suppress their self-awareness.

Xia Yang replied without thinking: "I am you, but you are not me."

The hall fell into silence. After the two sides looked at each other silently for a few minutes, Xia Xuan asked again: "I'm curious. During the last period, you clearly knew through the system panel that your eldest grandson harbored resentment towards you. But why hand over the throne to him?"

Xia Yang's final fate was that he was imprisoned in the deep palace by the new emperor, and starved to death without eating for four days and four nights in the second year. Except for the time when his mother was still alive, Xia Yang was only accompanied by power, betrayal, pain, and loneliness in the rest of his life... Finally, it ended in tragedy, which in a sense also fit his life.

Xia Yang replied: "Because I don't have much time, this new huge dynasty must have a strong emperor to maintain it, otherwise the end is very likely to be like the Qin Dynasty in the previous life."

"So I let my grandsons who are still alive staged a battle for imperial power, and let them fight each other until the final winner was determined. At the same time, I eliminated those ministers and generals who threatened the new emperor, so that the new emperor could Gained power smoothly."

Xia Yang was obviously in a very good mood, and began to tell how he played with those ministers and the selection of the emperor's queen.

At that time, everyone thought that the first emperor would lay down his power and choose the next successor. So everyone started to stand in line and provide influence to the emperors and grandchildren.

After all, if the grandson they support really succeeds in ascending the throne, then they can be said to ascend to the sky in one step and reap thousands of times the benefits.

At that time, the emperor appeared for the first time, and various taboos had not yet formed. In addition, the election of the city lord in the city-state era required the support of all forces. Therefore, the ministers of the court regarded the alternation of the throne as the election of the city lord in the city-state era, and provided help to the emperor and grandson they supported.

Most of the emperor's grandsons have nothing to shy about this, and they continue to win over the ministers of the DPRK and China as a matter of course, promising them various benefits to gain their support. Xia Yang didn't agree with their actions, nor did he come forward to stop them, but pretended not to see them.

This made the forces of all parties think that they are qualified to intervene in the succession of the throne, and became more unscrupulous, and even privately some emperors and grandsons promised the benefits of splitting the soil and ennobling the marquis.

And Xia Yang's eldest grandson is obviously a smart person, instead of using his status as the eldest grandson to win over various forces, he turned away all the ministers and officials who visited him. At the same time, he entered the palace as a grandson to do his filial piety for his grandfather.

The powers of all parties scoffed at the elder grandson's way of playing the emotional card. According to the traditional (city-state) power inheritance, it is often the most popular person who can sit in that position. Even if you do this to win the favor of the first emperor, the emperor will not hand over the throne to him because of the stability of the dynasty.

Stability can only be guaranteed if the throne is handed over to the most powerful heirs, if these powerful heirs do not inherit power. Then they will fight by force, and the entire dynasty will fall into civil strife, which is why many powerful city-states in the city-state era declined or even perished.

However, what they thought was all wrong. It was a mistake to look at the succession of the throne in a new era with the system of power succession in the city-state era.

In the end, the first emperor killed all the ministers and generals who intervened in the succession of the throne in the name of arbitrarily interfering with the succession of the throne, and made the eldest grandson the prince and finally inherited the throne.

This also formed the taboo that outsiders should not intervene in the alternation of the Great Xia throne. Even when the royal family was at its weakest, no one dared to alternate between left and right. Because people who usually interfere will always die in a strange way, and if there are too many people who die, everyone knows that this thing cannot be touched.

After listening, Xia Xuan asked: "You who have experienced so many betrayals, why did you choose to trust in the end?"

"This?" Xia Yang showed a self-deprecating smile, and said, "When people are old, they are always easily influenced by emotions."

"That kid does have family affection for me, but the fear of me in his heart finally defeated this family affection."

The next moment, Xia Xuan and Xia Yang set their eyes on the gate of the palace at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a man in brown linen with a vicissitudes of life walked in.

The man also showed a smile when he saw the two of them, and said, "Hello, it seems that I woke up a little late."


Pandora world, Pandora planet outer space.

At this time, a huge fleet composed of hundreds of huge interstellar spaceships came to the outer space of the planet Pandora. This fleet is the collection force and escort fleet sent by the Human Federation.

[Start a full scan of Pandora]

[Data correction, there is no special magnetic field that interferes with signals on Pandora]

[Currently no signal has been found on Pandora planet]

[The location of the surface base of Pandora given by the mining company did not find any traces of human activities, only a desert. 】

[The ecology on the Pandora planet has been severely damaged, and the reason is unknown. 】

After a few days, the fleet used various instruments to scan the entire planet in all directions, and found that this Pandora planet is very different from the Pandora planet in the intelligence.

According to the information given by the mining company, the vegetation coverage rate of Pandora planet has reached 80%, but at this time the vegetation coverage rate of this planet is obviously less than 30%, and a large number of places are in a desert.

Moreover, when they inspected the giant trees hundreds of kilometers high, they didn't find the so-called Na'vi tribe, and they didn't even see the shadow of the Na'vi people.

The most important thing is that they have not found any room-temperature superconducting ore so far. If the reserves of room-temperature superconducting ore are scarce, they have only been investigating for a few days. However, according to the information given by the mining company, Pandora planet is very rich in normal-temperature superconducting ore reserves. After three days of investigation, they have not even found it. This is a big problem.

If it weren't for the various image data given by the mining company, the Human Federation Fleet would have suspected that the mining company was fooling them.

On the fourth day, although the Human Federation Fleet did not detect room temperature superconducting ore, it detected an extremely special energy reaction.

[Unknown energy reaction detected]

Then the Human Federation Fleet found a black unknown cube ten meters wide in a rocky basin similar to an altar.

Using various instruments to check, the Human Federation Fleet discovered that this black cube actually exudes a special aura. This aura can actually slowly improve human physique and achieve the effect of prolonging life.

At the same time, this black cube contains a very special energy, which has never been discovered by the Human Federation so far.

Although no room-temperature superconducting ore was found, this strange cube alone made their trip worthwhile.

Immediately afterwards, the Human Federation Fleet activated special super-large communication equipment to get in touch with the earth.

After knowing that the black cube can actually improve human physique and prolong life, the high-level executives of the Human Federation asked the fleet to use short-distance migration to bring this thing back.

Human Federation: Although it didn't make a profit, at least it didn't lose.

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