The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 270: People are supreme and everyone is equal

In the dim meeting room, the blue figures projected by the holographic representatives of civilizations began to shake slightly, and some places were constantly changing between blurred and real, as if confirming the shock in their hearts.

The three short sounds translated by the simultaneous interpreter were no less than a supernova explosion to them. Being human, these three notes shocked them more than anything that had happened in the past two years.

The representative of Mochizuki Civilization asked with a slightly trembling voice: "What does this mean?"

Shentu replied: "Literally, the People's Federation invites all civilizations in the Milky Way to join the alliance and build a world that only belongs to people."

The representative of Mochizuki civilization continued to ask: "But we are not human beings. According to what you mean, the People's Federation should be an alliance that only belongs to the human race. At the same time, how do you become a human being as you said?"

From the name, it can be heard that the People's Federation is an alliance of all human civilizations. At this time, according to the current information, there are at least two human civilizations hidden in the universe. All civilizations feel that this speculation is very absurd, but all kinds of facts are in front of them, so they can't help but believe it.

Why is the human civilization that has long been determined to be extinct reappeared, and it can be seen from the two huge fleets engaged in the war that they do not belong to the same civilization. Coupled with the title of the People's Federation, it is basically confirmed that there is more than one human civilization.

"No." Shentu shook his head and said, "The People's Federation is not an alliance that belongs exclusively to human beings. Just like what I said before, the People's Federation belongs to people."


All the civilization representatives were dumbfounded now, they felt that the human representative in front of them was playing with them.

You have said that the People's Federation is not a league that belongs exclusively to humans, but you also said that the People's Federation belongs to humans? ! Is not this contradictory?

Seeing everyone's slightly bewildered expressions, Shentu asked back: "Everyone, do you know how a person is defined? Or do you know what a person is?"

definition of person? Aren't people just human beings? Humans are not just carbon-based organisms, they use body fluids to exchange energy by eating organic matter, and their adult height is generally 140 cm to 200 cm...

For hundreds of years, various civilizations in the Milky Way have conducted extremely detailed research on all aspects of human beings. Although there are great differences between the new humans and the old humans, and it can even be said that the two are not the same species at all, various civilizations have conducted various researches on the social structure and individuals of human civilization.

With the continuous research on human beings, various civilizations are increasingly unable to understand the human race. The vast majority of human beings are outright egoists, always inclined to the individual by nature, but at a certain moment they will act against their nature. Obviously every individual has a dark side, but on the whole they miraculously pursue justice.

Man is an extremely complex individual with strong desires and self-destructive tendencies. Easily affected by emotions, sensibility will always overwhelm rationality, and is not suitable for living in the universe.

This is the evaluation of the human race by various civilizations, and it is also their understanding of the human race. Then the representative of civilization did not take this evaluation as an answer to answer the question of the representative of human beings, because this sentence obviously does not conform to the diplomatic etiquette of human beings.

As for why they have to abide by human diplomatic etiquette? Because they are weaker than humans, the weak should abide by the rules of the strong, which is also the eternal truth of the universe.

However, they have not yet fallen into an absolute disadvantage, and they don't need to completely accommodate humans, but it is still no problem to abide by the other party's superficial rules, which is simply to save face.

The representative of Mochizuki civilization shook his head and said, "Please explain clearly to the representative of human beings."

In the past, various civilizations sneered at the hypocrisy of human beings, but now they have learned the hypocrisy of human beings and learned the etiquette of human diplomacy. That's the beauty of strength, creating ritual with brutality.

Shen Tu said: "Humans refer specifically to us, but humans are not. Humans are defined as creatures that can use language, have complex social organization and technological development. And the most notable manifestation is the ability to establish groups and institutions to achieve mutual support And the purpose of assisting, that's what people are."

A character [人] appeared in front of everyone. Looking at this hieroglyph, the faces of all the representatives of civilization finally couldn't hold back. Through the definition of human beings given by the representatives of human beings just now, everyone has more or less realized what human beings want to do.

Shentu ignored their expressions and continued: "People do not specifically refer to a certain race. People are a symbol, a collective term for all intelligent life forms that can learn, communicate, and restrain their own nature."

"Man is all intelligent souls, all sentient souls, man is supreme, and all are equal."


All the civilization representatives looked at the human representatives in disbelief. They didn't expect human beings to be so arrogant and tolerant. Human arrogance is defining all intelligent life in the universe by its own name, which is a kind of arrogance and a kind of overreaching.

Human beings are tolerant because they are willing to regard races that are completely different from themselves as the same kind, and do not regard life forms as races, but only regard ideas as compatriots.

No matter how true the words of this representative of mankind are, the mere fact that human civilization dared to shout this slogan shows its courage and ambition.

In the past, they would definitely scold the arrogance of human beings, even trying to define their own existence. In the words of human beings, why don't you go to the key distributor and ask if you deserve it?

However, human beings are powerful now, and they cannot refute this sentence with the current strength displayed by human beings. Once they refute what humans said just now, it means that they don't want to get along with humans and only regard humans as dangerous aliens.

Although they really think so in their hearts, human beings are a group of monsters, a bomb that may explode at any time. But now this sentence can't be put on the bright side, just think about it in your heart, and they will be the ones who will blow up in a second after saying it.

After the scene was silent for dozens of seconds, the representative of the Mochizuki civilization came back to his senses and said, "May I ask, what system does the People's Federation operate, what is the depth of communication between the various civilizations in the alliance, and how to make decisions when encountering problems? "

"The People's Federation is an alliance that advocates equality for all. Every civilization that joins the alliance is equal, so when making decisions, the minority obeys the majority." Shentu replied.

"At the same time, in order to promote the harmonious development of various civilizations, all civilizations should actively carry out trade exchanges and technological exchanges, make up for each other's shortcomings, develop together, and advance hand in hand."

The communication mode mentioned by Shentu sounds very beautiful, and they develop together and make up for each other's shortcomings. But in essence, it only provides a platform and a bridge for Daxia to infiltrate other civilizations with soft power.

For the next half an hour, Shentu continued to draw big cakes for various civilizations according to the manuscripts he had prepared. The painting is exquisite, well-founded, and a beautiful galaxy that coexists in harmony slowly unfolds in front of representatives of all civilizations. However, these civilization representatives are not fools, and they will not be fooled by human beings for a few words, and they will really believe human nonsense.

In the end, representatives of various civilizations did not agree to join the People's Federation, but they did not directly refuse, obviously wanting to delay time.

The representative of Mochizuki civilization said slightly apologetically: "I'm sorry, the People's Federation is indeed a great organization. I believe he can lead all civilizations in the galaxy to prosperity. But I can't decide this matter myself, so please give us some time. "

Shentu nodded, and replied: "Of course there is no problem. This is a major issue related to the entire civilization, and it really needs careful consideration."

Shentu was not surprised by the answers from these civilizations. I just couldn't help but sigh in my heart. Sure enough, there are two states of strength and no strength. Even these alien civilizations have begun to learn how humans play Tai Chi.

All representatives of civilization breathed a sigh of relief when they heard such empathetic words from human beings. What they are most afraid of is that human beings will go crazy like before, without seeking any benefits, and slaughtering all intelligent life for no reason.

In the past, no matter how crazy humans behaved, they were not too scared. After all, it was difficult for the opponent to hit them. If I can't beat humans, it's a big deal not to go to the solar system, but now that human civilization has not died out and has a large fleet, the situation is different.

However, the next sentence of the human beings once again made everyone's faces become amazed and uncertain.

A kind smile appeared on Shentu's face, and he said, "Everyone can go back and think about it carefully. As for those races that oppose the peaceful coexistence of all intelligent life in the Milky Way and want to start a cosmic war, let us humans handle it."

After finishing speaking, Shentu directly hung up the meeting.

A deep silence fell as the human representatives disconnected from the virtual meeting.

For the first time, human beings showed a friendly attitude towards them, putting down their hatred and wanting to live in peace with them. It didn't make them feel at ease. On the contrary, their fear of people became stronger and they wanted to be afraid of evolution.

If they can, they want human beings to return to what they were before, even if there is no room for negotiation between them and human beings, wars cannot be avoided.

Human beings who only think about revenge and slaughter all intelligent life indiscriminately are a danger and a time bomb for all civilizations.

And humans who put down their hatred and want to create a galaxy where all civilizations coexist peacefully are monsters! A monster that wants to swallow everything!

The idea of ​​humanity chills everyone, and it's a beautiful idea, but it's also a terrifying idea.

If other civilizations propose this concept, everyone will only regard him as a fool, a stupid race who is overwhelmed. Living in this dark and cruel universe with the so-called idea of ​​peaceful coexistence will only lead to extinction in the end.

And why all civilizations feel fear when human beings propose it, because human beings have the ability and determination to do so. Even the hatred of the death of civilization can be let go, there is nothing these lunatics can't do.

What scares civilization the most is not huge fleets, advanced technology, or absolute power, but ideas.


The meeting ended peacefully, but the repercussions were not peaceful. The name of the People's Federation and the definition of a person spread throughout the Milky Way as this meeting spread, and the entire Milky Way instantly became darker and more turbulent.

After all civilizations know human thoughts, their first reaction is not to feel relieved, nor to express goodwill to human beings, but to destroy him and this dangerous thought! This time, the idea of ​​destroying human beings is stronger than when the original human beings appeared before, even for the Moon-Watching civilization, which tends to live in peace with human beings.

However, as the pioneer civilization and the fleet of the Earth Federation continued to advance, the torrent of steel and the wave of monsters all over the sky descended into the abyss one civilization after another.

Daxia's soul-destroying weapon turned one planet after another into a death star, the Earth Federation's anti-star weapon destroyed one star after another, and the fire star of the pioneer civilization burned out countless glass balls.

All civilizations just woke up suddenly, they want to destroy human beings, and human beings are destroying them now.


Earth, in a desolate city.

In an unknown park, two men and two women stood beside a green lake.

A man has a handsome appearance and a peaceful temperament, but he has a majesty that makes people dare not look directly at him.

The other man has a handsome face, wearing a white robe, and his hair is tied up with a bamboo hairpin. His whole body is full of a scroll, like an ancient scholar.

The two women have long silver-white hair, and their facial features give people a perfect feeling, as if they are not what they should be in the world.

It is self-evident who these three people are, and today they came here to explore the secrets of this world. Why is there so much high-dimensional energy suddenly emerging from the earth? Why is it only on the earth and not elsewhere?

A will that seems to be the source of all knowledge and all truths in the world has come to this world to analyze this world.

Ten minutes later, this imperceptible will slowly subsided, and the silver-haired girl floating in the air opened her eyes and slowly shook her head.

Seeing Goddess of Knowledge No. 2 shaking her head, Xia Xuan sighed and said, "Isn't that okay here too?"

Since two months ago, they have launched a survey on the earth, searching along the veins of energy. I wanted to use this to find the source of energy, but in the end I didn't find the source, only nine nodes with the most energy. These nodes all have an extremely powerful king, and these kings did not stop their investigation, but provided some help.

The man dressed as a scholar suggested: "Brother Xia, it won't work here, don't be discouraged, you can ask the writer."

For Xia Xuan and his party, the scholar has a great affection, not only because Da Xia helped them take revenge, but also because Da Xia stopped those compatriots who only knew revenge.

Due to the original plan, the number of human beings has become extremely rare, and there are even fewer human beings with sanity. From the very beginning, scholars were extremely opposed to those kings' actions that were almost begging for death, or rational people.

As the kings guarding the nine major nodes, each of them is a rational person, and their strength is only slightly inferior to that of the general. If it weren't for most of their power relying on the earth, they would have taken the lead in the charge.

Xia Xuan shook his head, and said: "We have already asked the writer before, and he doesn't know where the energy comes from."

At present, there are nine energy nodes on the earth, and most of the high-dimensional energy gathers in these nine nodes, and then flows out from these nine nodes. All the energy on the whole earth is like a complete cycle system.

But so far no one knows where the source of these energies is, only that the energies will slowly flow around these nine nodes.

At this time, Xia Xuan felt that someone was pulling the corner of his clothes, and turned his head to see the Goddess of Knowledge with glowing eyes and flushed face.

"Xia Xuan, try your trick."

Xia Xuan asked with doubts on his face: "Which trick?"

The Goddess of Knowledge smiled and said, "It's the move that can trigger miracles."

Hearing this, Xia Xuan's face darkened instantly, and he firmly refused, "No."

[Non-daily life] A skill Xia Xuan swore he would be an idiot if he used it again.

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