The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 296 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here

Tianhe City, inside the Taotie Civilization Interstellar Battleship, the command room.

"Successfully broke through the earth's atmosphere, arrived in China, and started to execute the mission. The first step is to destroy all major cities and military bases in China."

After thoroughly understanding the current technological level of the earth, the Taotie civilization decided not to wait for the arrival of a large fleet, and directly let the advance force composed of four interstellar warships launch an attack. With the current technological level of the earth, let alone a star warship, even one is not something that the earth civilization can stop.

The gluttonous civilization doesn't take the earth seriously at all. In their view, the earth civilization is just a group of ants. Even the famous Xiongbing company is just some people with a bright future, but they are not even gods at present.

If it weren't for the regulations signed with the devil, nuclear-level power should not be used on the earth. The gluttonous civilization has long been in the orbit of the planet, carrying out orbital bombing on all the major cities of the earth civilization, crushing the earth civilization with absolute force.

Of course, sending these five advance troops to take the lead in attacking, the gluttonous civilization also has people trying

"Anti-aircraft defense system activated, targeting chemically propelled flying weapons of all pre-nuclear civilizations."

The commander said: "Pay attention to me, because we have signed a regulation with the devil, we cannot use nuclear-level attacks, but humans can."

"And turn on the space shield immediately, don't let the space-time rose come in."

"Yes." The Taotie soldier said.

"The space shield has been turned on, rejecting all wormhole transportation."

"The mobile troops are dispatched to clear the small groups of troops in the city according to the mission content. The mecha troops are dispatched to intercept the Xiongbing Company according to the mission content."

Countless small black dots flew out from the huge interstellar battleship, and these black dots were gluttonous soldiers sitting on flying motorcycles. This kind of flying motorcycle is not suitable for interstellar battlefields in any aspect, and it can even be said that it is not suitable for surface battlefields.

In the interstellar battlefield, in order to cope with various extreme environments, the ideal fighter should be a fully covered vehicle like an airplane. This kind of vehicle can not only provide more protection for the driver, but also load more weapons and more energy, giving the driver more choices.

Like this kind of motorcycle, the vehicle with the driver exposed is simply an idiot's design. Let alone exposing the driver to the outside, the driver will directly face various extreme environments. Simply allowing the enemy to directly kill the driver is enough to kill.

It's like having a tank driver charge across the battlefield on a motorcycle with a small machine gun attached.

Of course, the gluttonous civilization is also very clear that this kind of vehicle is not suitable for the interstellar battlefield at all, and it is not suitable for large-scale battles between fleets. But the biggest enemy of their gluttonous civilization is not those civilizations with huge fleets, but a group of birdmen with wings.

In order to deal with the angels, the Taotie civilization gave up the easy-to-hit flying fighters and equipped them with the smallest flying motorcycles. This kind of motorcycle has various shortcomings, but the only advantage is that it is small in size and strong in mobility, so it is not easy to be taken away by angels.

And if conditions permit, the gun above can also be loaded with god-killing bullets, which can be used to kill angels by surprise.

Moreover, the gluttonous civilization rarely engages in large-scale fleet battles with other civilizations, and few civilizations can wage large-scale fleet battles with them. Because with the various high-tech support provided by Karl, the god of death, the gluttonous civilization can completely invade the opponent's fleet, causing the opponent to self-destruct or kill each other.

Unless the opponent's battleship is completely man-operated, this is obviously impossible. Even if they deliberately create a completely man-operated warship, they will not be able to defeat the advanced warships of the gluttonous civilization.

In the known universe, there are three forces that the gluttonous civilization cannot invade, one is the angel civilization, the most powerful civilization in the known universe.

However, these proud angels did not put too much energy on the battleship. They thought that with their perfect bodies, they could quell all the evils that opposed the justice of the angels. Therefore, the angelic civilization does not actually have an interstellar fleet in the true sense, and the most are only transport spaceships.

As for the Tianren Seven, it is not a star warship at all.

The second demon civilization, although these demons are not as proud as angels, they also believe that they can completely defeat the enemy with their powerful bodies, and they don't need those iron lumps at all.

The third Lieyang star, not to mention this, for some reason, there are very few Lieyang stars, but each of them is powerful. The fighting method is also similar to the previous two civilizations, relying on powerful individual strength.

Civilizations stronger than the Taotie civilization do not have a formal star fleet, and of course they don't need it. Civilizations weaker than the Taotie have regular star fleets, but are easily invaded.

A gluttonous soldier looked at the current weapon configuration of the battleship, and asked worriedly: "Sir, our battleship is only equipped with the lowest-level laser weapons and some mobile units without god-killing bullets. With these troops, we can really conquer the world." Earth? And Huaxia has a company composed of super genes left over from the Deno Galaxy."

Although the earth's technology is still in the relatively backward pre-nuclear era, it has the help of the Super Seminary.

The commander looked at the information about the Xiongbing Company on the screen and said: "Don't worry, although the Xiongbing Company is a troop composed of super genes left over from the Deno galaxy, and their name sounds very loud, but in the end they are not gods, even The second-generation super soldiers are not even considered."

"The power of the galaxy, the God of War on Nuoxing, hehe, it's just a group of remnants of the Denuo galaxy, they can't even be regarded as the fart of my god Karl."

Taotie Civilization was not intimidated by the so-called Xiongbing Company, but wanted to laugh when it heard the name of this Xiongbing Company. What is the power of the galaxy, Nuoxing God of War, they may reach this point in the distant future, but now they are just a group of ordinary people who are not even super soldiers.

Even if there are one or two gods among them, as long as they do not reach the strength of top powerhouses such as the holy Kaisa, the god of death Karl, and the demon queen Morgana, they will still be suppressed and beaten in the face of a large-scale fleet.

The commander looked at the human city on the screen in front of him. At this moment, the place below was in chaos, and countless people on earth fell into panic.

"Launch the laser weapon and kill a few million humans to warm up."


Outside, thousands of gluttonous soldiers rode flying motorcycles, flying around the huge interstellar battleship, waiting for the assault order from above.

At the same time, more than a dozen gluttonous soldiers who were completely transformed into machines left the team and flew towards a certain direction. Their task was to intercept the Xiongbing Company. Although the Taotie civilization looks down on the Xiongbing Company verbally, it is still a little afraid of this army composed of super genes left over from the Deno galaxy.


In the city below, looking at the huge steel monster in the sky, everyone's expressions changed from bewildered at first, then to fear, and finally to despair.

Aliens invaded, a huge interstellar war came over the city, and superheroes stood up to save the world. It's an old-fashioned thing, but when it really happened to me, it was no longer the excitement when watching a movie but fear, a kind of despair from the bottom of my heart.

Because everyone knows that this is not a movie, and there are no so-called superheroes. Even if there is a group of people who may not be saved by superheroes, it is more of a tragic death toll for this disaster.


"It's an alien warship!"

"Run away!!"

Everyone started running around, although they didn't know where the starship came from, and they didn't encounter aliens. But there was no notice of this situation. Suddenly, like an alien warship in a sci-fi movie, an alien warship appeared above the city. The only possibility is that aliens invaded.

Anyone who has seen sci-fi movies knows that when aliens suddenly descend on a city, the next thing to do is to attack the city below.

The chaotic city, the messy vehicles, the people fleeing everywhere, the cries of fear mixed with the cries of collapse.

The interstellar battleship above lit up with a dazzling red light, and this red light shone like a red star even in the daytime.


Some people looked at the red star in the sky, and they seemed to have lost their strength, and they sat on the ground, looking at the sky in despair.

Some people are running away in fear, some are crying because of fear, some are paralyzed on the ground in despair, some are saying goodbye to their family members far away with their phones in their hands...

The two thousand years of the earth, this era is the era of advanced science and technology, and the era of the most developed social production in the history of the earth. In this era, there are gods, angels, demons, and super soldiers with superhuman strength.

One after another, advanced civilizations gather on the earth, and one after another, people as powerful as gods proclaim their power. There are superpowers in the west, and heroes in the east, and they control extraordinary power.

In this era, the longevity that human beings have been pursuing for thousands of years is no longer a delusion, but something within reach.

This is the most prosperous era, this is the most magnificent era, this is the most beautiful era. However, the prosperity of this era has never belonged to mortals, and they are not even qualified to live. This is the era of gods.

No super gene will end up as an ant, no matter how fierce the struggle is, it will only add tragedy to the times in the end.

Super genes are like bloodline theory and caste system, which directly define the future achievements of most people.

A huge red light shot out from the battleship, the red light cut through the sky, and hit the steel forest below, ready to start the music for this feast.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded in everyone's minds.

Immediately afterwards, a bright meteor flew out of the city and rushed towards the terrifying red beam of light in the sky.

I made a mistake in the last one, it was Tianhe City

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