On the other side, Gu Ruo leaned into Xu Youyou's arms and choked softly: "Yuyou, I was scared to death just now."

Xu Youyou looked at the direction they were leaving, and couldn't help but ask, "That Xu Ci, you used to jump very high?"

"Well, I heard that I often participate in competitions and have won gold and silver medals several times. In sports school forums, all the award-winning posts for students are topped.


"Why, do you feel sorry for Xu?"

"It's a pity, why didn't Shen Qing kill him?"


Gu Ruo withdrew from Xu Youyou's arms and left silently. Now Xu Youyou is a bit scary.

The world is so messy, she wants to go home.

On the bus, Xu Ci has been following Xu Youyou. Wherever Xu Youyou goes, he follows wherever he goes, helping Xu Youyou to stop the flow of people.

They go to and from school during peak hours and the cars are crowded.

Today's buses are all air-conditioned. The cars are warm, and the passengers are all dressed very thick. It is even hotter when people are crowded.

Xu Youyou's cheeks were pink, which was too thick with blush, and became like a singer.

Other students in the car saw Xu's remarks and still whispered.

"He really turned 1?"

"Can he keep up with his studies? It must have come in through the back door."

"I heard it's a sports specialty."

"They have money at home, and they can go anywhere."

Xu Youyou could hear their discussions, and she could certainly hear the speeches beside her, but they didn't explode.

According to the level of irritability two days before Xu Ci, it is estimated that he will be swearing, showing that Xu Ci is in a good mood at this time.

After getting off the bus, Xu Ci was suddenly thrown away by Xu Youyou because his legs and feet were inconvenient.

"Well, Xu Youyou, come here to help me." Xu Ci limped to the community with a cry.

Xu Youyou ignored him and went straight ahead.

"You said, the photos are shown to the school leaders, will you be fired?" Xu Ci continued to ask loudly.

Xu Youyou suddenly stopped, turning back to glaring at Xu Ci.

Xu Ci smiled and walked to Xu Youyou: "Just help me, I was kicked by Shen Qing, and now it hurts and my feet hurt.

Xu Youyou was reluctant, but she reached out and helped Xu Ci: "Don't go too far."

But Xu Ci was too extreme, grabbing Xu Youyou's shoulders and relying on Xu Youyou to walk, making her walking very difficult.

It was simply carrying a giant gas tank.

"Your height is really suitable for a walking stick." Xu Ci commented.

"Suddenly I think you deserve it."

"Then you deserve to be caught by me."

"Why didn't you and Shen Qing fight?"

"He's doing it for me, and I won't fight back. Besides, I don't necessarily beat him like this now, knowing current affairs is Junjie, you know?"

The two men helped each other to the community, entered the unit door together, and then Xu Ji stopped: "No one at home cooks for me. I'll go out to eat, see you in the make-up class."

Xu Youyou was very puzzled, and leaned her waist and asked, "Why don't you stop at the gate of the community?"

"I just want to be next to you."

Xu Youyou was so angry that he cursed: "Smelly rogue!"

After listening to Xu Ci, he went back to Xu Youyou and said condescendingly, "You say it again."

Xu Youyou was not afraid of his resignation, and repeated again: "Smelly rogue."

"Hey!" Xu Ci raised his eyebrows and smiled particularly brightly. "It's not strange that you say it. I hear you scold me, and I feel comfortable. Is this the power of love?"

"It's you!" Xu Youyou said, and went into the elevator.

Xu Ci watched the numbers change in the elevator, smiled, turned his head out of the unit door, and went to eat.


When Xu Ci arrived in the make-up class, Xu Youyou was already there, holding a thermos cup in front of him and drinking hot water in a sip.

He sat beside Xu Youyou, glanced at the probe, and couldn't help but sigh, "I'm going, you're soaking a chrysanthemum in the cup."

"This is chrysanthemum tea." Xu Youyou's eyes now looking at Xu Ci are always particularly disgusting, but Xu Hui has returned to her soul. She has recently felt that Tang Qi is especially cute.

"I see the chrysanthemum now, and it's easy to think crooked. I always think that the chrysanthemum has long external hemorrhoids, one by one, can you imagine?" Xu Ci said, seeing Xu Youyou glaring at him, he closed down mouth.

The two were quiet for a while, Xu Ci pouted his mouth, and suddenly said: "Taste for me."

"No, watch out for hemorrhoids in your mouth."

"I'll taste it."

"No! Here!"

"The photos are pretty good ... Would you like to see them?"

Xu Youyou threw his pen and looked at Xu Ci with a poor look.

Xu Ci ran down to find Meng Meng to borrow a cup. After returning, Xu Youyou reluctantly poured half a cup for Xu Ci.

"Give me some petals." Xu's speech was not enough, staring at Xu Youyou's thermos cup, staring at the chrysanthemum.

"This is a whole flower. It can be bubbled repeatedly. It's a waste of you."

"Give me a few flaps, otherwise how can hemorrhoids grow? I think it's kind of sincere to grow hemorrhoids, do you mean?"

Xu Youyou was so speechless that he gave all the flowers to Xu Ci.

Xu Ci took a few sips while holding the cup, then took out the flowers, bite off a few petals, chewed for a while, and spit it into a paper towel: "It's not delicious."

"Why are you so stingy, this is not food."

"The color is pretty good, it aroused my appetite, and I just wanted to taste it."

Xu Youyou was a little speechless, but was laughed at, so he stopped talking about him and continued to write questions.

Xu Ci continued to drink the half cup of chrysanthemum tea, staring at Xu Youyou leaning on the back of the chair.

Xu Youyou's appearance is quiet and gentle, her soft hair is pierced into a ball, and her forehead and horns are slightly broken. She is pinched behind her ears, exposing her beautiful and delicate side face.

His eyes turned around Xu Youyou's jawline and ears, and he took another sip of tea.

The ears are really small.

Xu Youyou's nib didn't pause, and he wrote questions that he couldn't understand. The font was beautiful and neat.

He suddenly felt it was a pleasure to watch Xu Youyou write his homework.

When speaking today, Mr. Meng seemed to have slowed down the rhythm deliberately. Starting from the basics, Xu Ci listened to his chin, and really heard two questions.

So he cheerfully sent WeChat to Shen Qing and them.

Xu Ci: Dad will do physics.

After sending the phone, he put it on the desktop and was taken away by Xu Youyou.

"I have backed up the photos," Xu Ci whispered.

Xu Youyou deleted the photos in the album, gave Xu Ji a white look, and returned the phone to Xu Ci: "Just said about chemistry."


At the end of the make-up lesson, Xu Ci and Xu Youyou walked side by side, while still sending WeChat messages, walking and typing were inconvenient, he said in a voice: "You all come out at night, I will talk to you."

Soon Shen Qing replied, "Now my mother picks me up and goes to school every day. I can't go out at night!"

"I'll pick you up at your house later, I'll treat you in the evening, okay?"

"It's pretty much the same."

Xu Youyou held the thermos cup in her hand and turned to look at Xu Ci.

Xu Ci also looked at Xu Youyou and asked with a smile: "Why, Dad is charming at night?"

"Being a dad is addictive? See whoever calls himself dad."

"I can't be your boyfriend. I can be your father."

"Get off! I just want to tell you that staying up late is bad for your skin."

"Oh ..." Xu Ci raised his hand, wiped the tip of his nose, thought, and then answered, "OK, I know."

"Why is Shen Qing willing to call your father?" Xu Youyou asked.

"When I met him, I was thirteen or four years old, and I was in the middle of two. I felt that the fight was extremely powerful, and I didn't have a cigarette addiction, so I smoked and played handsomely. If we didn't accept anyone, we wanted to let each other listen to ourselves. We The two worked for more than a year, and later caught up with a match. We were all participating in such a big game for the first time, and we bet. Whoever loses will be called the other's father in the future. "

"In the end you won."

"Well, yes, I have a filial son since then, and now I have the strongest relationship with him."


Xu resigned from the parking lot and secretly drove the old car that Brother Xu had eliminated to pick up Shen Qing and Deng Yiran.

At the nightclub, Xu Ci sat with Shen Qing and talked about transfer.

Xu Ci took a sip of wine and said, "I called my dad at noon, and he promised me to keep my school status at the sports school. I still have to go to school here."

When Shen Qing heard it, he was upset: "What are you doing? Dual status, spy or undercover sent by our army?"

"No, I originally entered the 1 in the capacity of a sportsman, and it is normal for me to train from time to time."

"Then what are you still doing in 1?"

"The situation is a bit complicated, and I am too lazy to explain." Xu Ci said deeply.

"Is there anything I can't explain? Let's keep it simple." Shen Qing was a little upset.

"Yeah, I transferred a lot of money in the transfer specialist, and the money was taken out, or I would not come back. In order not to waste it, I will get it, do you mean it?" Xu Ci said particularly sincerely, sincere Until Shen Qing didn't know how to refute.

Two people leaned against the backs of the sofas, the gorgeous lights in the nightclubs passed by them, and the deafening sound of music stimulated the eardrums.

Many people are unaware of such a noisy environment and have already entered the night.

The city that never sleeps, belongs to the world of young people, they are wantonly crazy here.

As a result, Xu Ci suddenly went to the bathroom and washed his face. After returning, he sat on the sofa, took out the mask from his bag, and put it on his face.

"I am ?!" Shen Qing was silent when he saw Xu Ci's move.

"Xu Youyou said, staying up late is not good for the skin, I deliberately bought a box of masks to be a delicate blue kid." Xu Ci answered with a mask.

Shen Qing laughed as soon as he heard: "That Xu Youyou is very interesting. It is completely different from the first impression. Just closing the classroom door and clearing the field, I always think she has a kind of model that can be my mother."

"Do you think we are a good match?" Xu Ci opened his eyes and looked at Shen Qing, with a little excitement in his eyes.

The more he looked at Xu Youyou, the more he felt more energetic.

"No, I think she can control you."

"Fart, I'm much better than you, okay? Need a tube?"

"Don't be excited, the masks are all misplaced. Come, I will help you pull them." Shen Qing said and helped Xu Cifu with the front mask. "It's a quality life ...

Xu Youyou stepped out of the elevator, and her expression was not very good, mainly because of Xu Mei's breakfast ... Every time after eating Xu Mei's meal, Xu Youyou didn't want to take a nap, or she would still remember the taste.

As soon as I came out, I saw Xu Ci waiting in front of the wall opposite the elevator, holding a mobile phone in his hand, as if brushing a circle of friends or Weibo, and flicking his fingers.

Seeing her coming out, Xu Ci immediately put away her cell phone and arrived at her, apparently waiting for her.

Xu Youyou gave him a nasty look and continued to walk outside.

Xu Ci followed Xu Youyou, put her hands in her pockets, smirked and stepped on her heels with her toes, stepped down on her shoes, and then leaned down and reached out to pick them up and hold them in her hands.

The shoes are quite small, it is estimated to be 36 or 35 yards.

She looked back at Xu Ci and immediately asked, "What are you doing ?!"

"I'll send you to school." Xu Ci answered with confidence.

"No need." Said to grab shoes.

"Okay, don't hold back, let's go." Xu Ci raised his shoes, Xu Youyou couldn't catch even jumping up, and finally gave up.

Height is an insurmountable gap between them.

Xu Ci said walking to her, holding her waist with one hand, lifting her up, as easy as holding a cat with one hand. The other hand also held her shoes, and apparently they would not return them to her without following him.

Special rogue!

At the door, Xu Ci stopped and motioned: "Open the door."

Xu Youyou was so uncomfortable being choked and walking, but still pouting, opened the door reluctantly, and said after going out: "Okay, go with you, return your shoes to me, and freeze your feet."

Xu Ci threw the shoes to the ground, and Xu Youyou immediately put on his shoes, turned his head and kicked him, but he had already prepared and avoided him.

Alas, who was the sister-in-law who needed her help yesterday?

Walking to the garage and seeing Xu Ci driving the bicycle, Xu Youyou couldn't help complaining: "Isn't it cold to ride?"

"A lot of students are still riding bicycles. Are you dressed thick enough?" Xu Ci pushed out the car and asked.

"A lot, just ... can you ride a bike?"

Speaking, looking at Xu Ci's legs.

"Love is powerful. Why, look down on the disabled?"

"This adjective is good, you have all the disability and mental retardation."

"This is also my ability." Xu Ci was not ashamed but proud.

"You are so embarrassed." Xu Youyou said, sitting on the back seat of Xu Ci, wearing a down jacket hat, and a scarf, and putting his hands in the down jacket's pocket, ready.

Xu Youyou entered the state very quickly.

On the way, they also met Gu Yinshu and Xunxin.

Xu Youyou always knew that they were a couple, but did not expect that they would get tired all day long. Somewhat embarrassingly, they met him on the road.

"It's a coincidence, whatever you want."

He also smiled willingly: "I didn't expect to meet you on the road."

"Will you go to school together?"

Thinking that the two were at the same table, Xu Youyou really wanted to start getting along with them.


Hearing the response, Xu Youyou was relieved.

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