"This guy is such an old bastard..."

Sigmund took a breath.

Bernardo heard the abnormal noise in Nick's room, so he didn't even have time to lock the door when he left in a hurry, but who would have thought that even so, this guy still set up an ambush at the door.

If someone takes the opportunity to touch the door and loses vigilance due to excitement and excitement, then the moment the door is opened is the moment when the head falls to the ground.

Montana was not without vigilance, but at that time, Bernardo was downstairs comforting Nick, and he might return at any time.

Even the most cautious people would miss out on such a race against time, and if it wasn't for Sigmund's confusion about the smell in the room due to his enhanced senses, he probably wouldn't be able to detect the anomaly in the first place.

Although she was nearly cut off by the door, Montana was quick to react, and saw the crisis and hope clearly at the same time when she was attacked.

That's why they were able to cooperate with Sigmund and help him close the door in time, which completely blocked Bernardo from the door and created a glimmer of life for the two of them.

"Soon, the servants under Bernardo's control will come to the door. This door won't last long... We need to get rid of this monster before then."

Montana's face was pale, she took a deep breath, and then looked towards the end of the room, where a muscular man was nailed to a stake naked.

The man's body is covered with all kinds of weird patterns.

"Then wake up Gildor."

Montana let out a breath, and then took out a silver pistol from the drawer of the desk beside her.


Before she finished speaking, she slammed the trigger.

Montana's movements seemed random, but her shooting accuracy was extremely high. The monster's forehead was pierced instantly, and black-red blood flowed out.

But after receiving such fatal trauma from others, the thick monster became even more irritable. He grabbed the chair beside him and threw it at Montana while striding towards her.

Although she was injured, Montana's movements were extremely agile. She jumped onto the desk, then bounced again to avoid the attack, and then her pupils suddenly lit up.

"Calm down!"

A short syllable came out of the throat, and the furious monster instantly became dazed, and then Montana hummed a melodious ballad in her throat.

After just one or two breaths, the monster seemed to have completely lost its desire to attack Montana, and turned to face Sigmund.

【Song of Tranquility】

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Montana endured the pain to reload the pistol. Although the gun in her hand fired continuously, it could only fire two bullets at most.

"Give me the gun, you can't kill him like that." Sigmund dodged the attack and said to Montana.

The monster in front of him looked scary, but it was actually just a irrational flesh and blood puppet. Sigmund was now much stronger than ordinary people in terms of mental state and physical fitness, and he could still avoid the opponent's attack if he was careful.

"You?" Montana hesitated.

"Trust me, I know how to kill it."

Sigmund's face was calm, and while he was constantly moving, he had activated his ability to find the weak point of this monster.

The woman growing from his back.

Montana threw out her pistol without thinking too long, and at the same time interfered with the monster, trying to create a chance for Sigmund to attack.

Although the abilities of all parties have improved, Sigmund will not be arrogant to think that he can suddenly become a sharpshooter.

So if you want to hit the monster's weak point, you can only take the risk of rushing in and shorten the distance between each other.

Thanks to the strengthening fruit and the body transformation after the enlightenment, Sigmund is now full of motivation. More importantly, his eyes can capture many details that he usually does not notice. Although he cannot completely predict the monster's attack, combined with He can always make the best response to the surrounding environment.

At this time, there were noisy footsteps outside the door, followed by countless roars, the door trembled, and a sharp ax smashed through the door panel.

"Hurry up!" Montana urged loudly.

But Sigmund was unmoved, until the monster rushed in front of him, he quickly passed through the opponent's armpit, with a sliding shovel, the barrel of the pistol was aimed at the place where the monster's back connected to the woman .

bang bang!

He pulled the trigger continuously, and the projectile shredded the rotting flesh. The roaring monster suddenly stopped moving, and then let out a miserable scream.

Immediately, large pieces of flesh and blood dripped down like melting.

"Go and wake up your companions, we are running out of time!" The monster was obviously not dead yet, and Sigmund yelled loudly while dodging calmly.

"What the hell is this thing made of?"

He noticed the mechanical structure hidden under the monster's flesh and blood, and some of them even had wooden blocks. This rough assembly completely broke his understanding of science.

At this time, Montana had already reached Gildo, singing loudly, and the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

The traces on the man's body wriggled like living things, as if resisting something. As time passed, Montana's face became paler, her entire arm and half of her chest were stained red with blood, and her body was even more crumbling. .

After Sigmund reloaded the bullet and fired repeatedly, the joints of the monster's body were completely broken and turned into a pile of rotten meat and fell to the ground.

At this time, Montana seemed to have reached the most critical point. Her long hair was moving without wind, and the power in her body was agitating layer upon layer like ocean waves.


There was a loud bang, and the overwhelmed wooden door was completely breached, Sophie was the first to bear the brunt, and other servants also rushed to squeeze into the room.

A sudden message flashed in his consciousness, but Sigmund only had time to glance at it, "Hold on, I'll block them!"

He roared and charged forward!

But at this moment, a strange melody suddenly sounded from everyone's minds, and under the influence, Montana's body suddenly stopped, and her face completely lost all color.


The wall not far in front of him suddenly burst, and a majestic and burly figure broke through the wall with a violent posture against the debris!

"Secret door... There is actually a secret door hidden in this room!"

Montana opened her eyes wide, she wanted to do something, but the sudden mental shock made her consciousness feel like wading through a quagmire!

"It turns out that the so-called whistle and call were all Bernardo's conspiracy. He had long hidden behind the plank through a secret passage, and at a critical moment..."

"We're fucked!"

Montana was heartbroken.

But just when she was feeling desperate, a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Old bastard, I finally caught you!"

Sigmund, who was clearly controlled by the music, unexpectedly turned around flexibly at some point. In his hands, two thick and long iron barrels almost hit Bernardo's eyes.

"How do you..."

Bernardo only had time to let out a roar, but Sigmund didn't have the slightest thought of explaining, and pulled the trigger in his hand immediately.

Bang... bang!


The first bullet exploded in Bernardo's left eye, followed by the second piercing through the same wound, into the depths of his mind!

The smell of gunpowder filled the air, blood mixed with eyeball fragments splashed everywhere, Bernardo's body continued to rush forward under the maintenance of inertia, and then was kicked away by Sigmund like garbage.

At this time, Montana had just been freed from the weird mind control, she turned around and looked at Sigmund who blew away the smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

He looked at Bernardo's body lying on the ground again, with a dazed expression on his face.

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