The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 361 Discussing the Holy Spirit

However, Qiangu Dongfeng quickly reacted and said, "This must be the Beast God Emperor Tian. His strength is really unfathomable."

In response to Qiangu Dongfeng's compliment, Di Tian just nodded slightly and said nothing. However, Qiangu Dongfeng didn't care about Di Tian's indifference. After all, he also knew what their Qiangu family or the Spirit Transferring Pagoda meant to the soul beasts.

In order to study souls, the Spirit Transferring Tower often captures soul beasts from the Action Forest, and their Qiangu family is the first to do such a thing, so Ditian naturally cannot have a good look on them.

Qiangu Dongfeng also knew that Ditian didn't take action against them as soon as they met, probably because of Anping and Gu Yuena. However, these are not particularly important matters to both parties, so Qiangu Dongfeng said: "You three, please come in with us."

When several people entered the Qiangu family living room, the Demon Emperor was already waiting there. As several people walked into the living room, the Demon Emperor's eyes first fell on Anping and Gu Yuena.

The first impression Anping and Gu Yuena gave to the Demon Emperor was that they were good-looking. From a human perspective, they were the two most beautiful people she had ever seen.

In addition, in terms of temperament, Anping gave him a sense of emptiness, while Gu Yuena gave her a faint sense of oppression. It was like two people with completely opposite temperaments, but they gave her a very harmonious feeling when they walked together.

Then she realized that she couldn't see through these two teenagers, whether in terms of strength or character.

When the Demon Emperor saw Di Tian lagging behind Anping and Gu Yuena, following Anping and Gu Yuena like inferiors, the Demon Emperor couldn't help but have doubts about the true identities of Anping and Gu Yuena.

The Demon Emperor thought he had some understanding of Di Tian. First of all, it was about race. As a dragon, Di Tian also inherited the pride of the dragon tribe. Logically speaking, Di Tian should not surrender to anyone.

The second is strength. The Demon Emperor can clearly sense that Di Tian must have indeed broken through to the god level, but Di Tian, ​​who is already at the god level, is willing to obey two people who are obviously not as strong as him.

This kind of weird thing makes the Demon King feel strange no matter how he thinks about it. Since the Demon Emperor couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it. After Ditian, Anping and Gu Yuena sat down, he directly asked: "Ditian, these two children are Anping and Gu Yuena, right? Don't know who they are?"

After all, Anping and Gu Yuena have appeared in the public eye more than once. The Holy Spirit Cult has naturally investigated these two talented people. It is not strange for the Demon Emperor to call out their names.

Therefore, what the Demon Queen asked about was not the names of Anping and Gu Yuena, but their identities, or what their identities were to Di Tian, ​​and what their identities were to the soul beasts.

Di Tian did not hide this, and looked at Gu Yuena and said bluntly: "The Lord is the Silver Dragon King after the Dragon God was split into two. He has been in a state of recuperation due to serious injuries in the battle of the God Realm. He just woke up some time ago. . As for Anping..."

When talking about Anping, Di Tian hesitated for a moment before speaking: "Anping is the companion chosen by the Lord, the savior of the Star Forest, and the founder of the City of Miracles."

The reason why Di Tian wanted to reveal Anping's true identity was. Thinking that the Demon Emperor had not yet joined them with the key, Ditian ignored Anping's origin and only talked about his identity to him.

On the other hand, after the Demon Emperor heard Di Tian's introduction to Anping and Gu Yuena, he was first surprised. What surprised her was not Gu Yuena's strength, nor Gu Yuena's identity, but that Gu Yuena dared to openly enter human society despite her low strength after rebuilding.

Then she was surprised that the person who saved the Star Dou Forest and created the Miracle City was the one named Anping. She had always thought that Ditian had moved the Star Dou Forest away after gaining something and greatly increasing his strength.

Not only that, this man named Anping actually became the partner of Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena. This was something she couldn't figure out. In her opinion, the one who could attract the Silver Dragon King's attention should be its corresponding Golden Dragon King.

But soon the Demon King felt relieved again. There was no use in thinking about it now. After all, no matter how much he said it, it had already happened. There was no point in thinking about it anymore.

At the same time, she also understood why Ditian, who was a dragon and had reached the god level, had Anping and Gu Yuena as the main ones.

After figuring everything out, the Demon Emperor couldn't help but feel relieved. No matter from every aspect, the City of Miracles was indeed the best choice for her or the entire Holy Spirit Religion.

Thinking of this, the Demon King said: "I want to lead the entire Holy Spirit Religion to join the City of Miracles. What do you think?"

Having already understood all the things that needed to be understood, the Demon Emperor no longer had the intention to talk to them about convoluted things, and directly stated his thoughts straight to the point.

Anping didn't expect that the Demon Emperor would speak first before he made an invitation. However, after thinking about it for a moment, it became clear that the Demon Emperor was so straightforward that he probably got a lot of information from the Qiangu Family.

Since the Demon Emperor was so straightforward, Anping had no reason to delay. He took out a book from the space prop and sent it to the Demon Emperor, and then said: "I can agree, but the Holy Spirit Religion cannot act like before. You must do it." What is recorded in this book.”

The Demon King glanced at the cover of the book and saw "Two or three things about the integration of the Holy Spirit Religion into the Miracle City Plan" written on it. Looking at this weird name, the Demon Emperor began to read through it.

The number of pages in this book is not particularly large, and the content fits the title of the book very well. It describes in detail how to reform the Holy Spirit Religion, how to integrate the Holy Spirit Religion into the City of Miracles, and the responsibilities and obligations that the Holy Spirit Religion needs to fulfill after joining the City of Miracles.

Even the Demon Emperor, who has lived for who knows how many years, has to admit that the things recorded in this book should be the most suitable plan for the current Holy Spirit Religion, and she can hardly find any faults in it.

But it was only almost, the Demon King said: "There are no other problems. The only problem is that almost all members of the Holy Spirit Cult are possessed by the so-called evil spirits. If you practice in a normal way, it is almost impossible to achieve anything."

Although the Demon Queen herself is not a human being, she is the supreme leader of the Holy Spirit Sect after all. She knows the internal situation of the Holy Spirit Sect very well. If it is true that you cannot practice by hurting other creatures as written in the book, I am afraid it will not take more than a few years. The Holy Spirit Church will completely decline.

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