The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 162 An unexpected letter (two chapters in one)

When Ren walked up to the second floor again, he noticed that two of the three bedrooms were empty at once, which made him sigh.

If it was said that Lagret would leave, Renne had already expected it. After all, the other party had proposed it from the beginning.

Then Anna's departure was beyond his expectation. He thought Anna would live here for a long time, but he didn't expect that sometimes separation would come so suddenly.

In addition, he was also curious, why did Anna suddenly decide to leave?

Because based on what he knew about Anna, this didn't seem like her decision, or at least it shouldn't have been so hasty.

Opening the door, Renn walked into his own bedroom and immediately saw three things neatly stacked on the bedside, a letter, a stack of paper and a roll of animal skins.

Without any hesitation, he directly picked up the letter, opened it and read it.

Huh! aunt?

Circle of Druid?

Ren immediately thought of the beautiful elf lady who wanted to trade the seeds of the Dark Mother Tree with him. There was a high probability that the black-haired elf should be Anna's aunt.

Otherwise, the possibility of two druids appearing in Goldshire in a short period of time is really too low.

"I didn't expect that the other party turned out to be Anna's aunt!"

"Wait, if that's the case, isn't Anna also an elf? But Anna's appearance is..."

In an instant, Renn thought of a key point, but he rubbed his chin and thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out the reason.

"Also, is the Druid's Circle in Ferdinand Forest?"

Ren thought for a moment, and it seemed that he had never heard of the name of this forest, 'Ferdinand'. It must be quite far away from Meist County.

"I hope you can help me next time we meet?"

Seeing this, Ren felt that he seemed to vaguely understand the reason why Anna decided to go to the Druid Circle.

He had seen Anna working hard to learn basic meditation methods, and he had also seen Anna's persistence when trying to treat Lagre.

Therefore, Ren knew that despite Anna's appearance of being weak and easily shy, in fact, the other person was extremely determined in her heart and was a very persevering and independent girl.

However, when Ren saw the last sentence - 'Tell you a little secret, I can already visualize eight will runes at one time', the approximate expression of Anna when she wrote that sentence came to mind. .

There must have been a shy and joyful smile on her pretty face at that time.

Thinking of this, Ren couldn't help but smile, and at the same time, he said silently in his heart:

"Then I look forward to your thriving growth. However, Anna, I will also tell you a little secret. In fact, I can already visualize twenty will runes at one time."

"So, next time we meet, there is a high probability that I will protect you."

After a while, Renn finally calmed down his slightly melancholy mood.

This feeling is like the feeling in the past life when the college entrance examination is over and good friends go their separate ways. Although they have agreed to meet again, it is likely that a long time has passed before the day when they actually meet again.

He folded the letter and carefully put it back in the envelope. Then, Ren picked up the stack of paper. When he looked at it, he immediately found that it was very familiar.

"Hey, isn't this the content?"

Ren immediately realized that the 'Beast Taming Diary', the Book of Silver, should have been taken away by Anna's aunt, the black-haired elf.

However, Ren didn't feel any sense of loss when the property returned to its original owner.

As for the last item - the animal skin roll, when Ren opened it, he raised his eyebrows and looked happy!

It is actually a new witchcraft, and it is the fire witchcraft that he is looking for first!

"Unexpectedly, I gained little in the Wiggins family library, but when I returned home, I actually gained a piece of fire witchcraft."

After thinking about it, Ren didn't know whether it was a gift from Anna or a gift from the black-haired elf to thank him for taking care of Anna.

Therefore, his gratitude for this gift can be placed on Anna.

Immediately, Ren started looking through the animal skin scroll carefully.

"Blazing light!" Renn gently read the name of this new witchcraft.

A burning light?

After carefully looking at it several times, Ren discovered that the difficulty of visualizing the witchcraft model of this new witchcraft 'Blazing Light' is similar to that of the 'High Temperature Force Field', and they are basically at the same level of difficulty.

Since Renn has mastered the two witchcrafts of the fire system, 'Scorching Touch' and 'High Temperature Force Field', Renn's current mental power has also increased to 23 points.

Therefore, when Ren learned this new fire witchcraft, it was not as difficult as last time.

Come to the utility room.

About half an hour later, after failing seven or eight times in a row, Renn finally succeeded!

Above the palm of Ren's right hand, a wisp of flame about twenty to thirty centimeters high suddenly appeared, burning continuously, and instantly illuminated the entire room.

The overall shape of the flame is not very large, just like an enlarged flame, but it seems to have very high heat and is constantly converted into light energy, giving people an unusually dazzling feeling.

Although Ren had expected it, he just squinted his eyes for a second or two, and his eyes felt completely white, and he began to shed tears and blink involuntarily.

Of course, crying and blinking are a self-protection mechanism of the eyes, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But crying and blinking can be fatal if put into battle, especially in front of a well-matched opponent.

Because it is very likely that you will miss the first move in a blink of an eye. In addition, if you can't help but cover your eyes with your hands when encountering such a bright light, you may be sent directly to the embrace of the goddess.

At the same time, Renn also felt a slight tingling in his retina.

He knew that if he continued to stare at this extremely bright flame, his retina would be damaged before long.

With a slight wave of his right hand, Ren canceled this new witchcraft and crossed his arms to think.

The effect of this new witchcraft is similar to the 'flash bomb' of the previous life!

At the same time, Renn already had some vague ideas about the application scenarios of this witchcraft.

However, if he wants to use it in battle and match his original fighting rhythm, there are still a few small problems that need to be solved for this witchcraft.

At this time, the system prompt also comes:

[You have studied the Blazing Light, and your related understanding has improved! 】

[You have learned a new skill—blazing light]

[Your skill Blazing Light is improved, experience value +1]

At the same time, there is a new icon next to the high-temperature force field icon at the bottom of the Wizard's Apprentice (Extraordinary) panel.

I saw a slight light around the border of the icon. The pattern on the icon was a blazing flame, surrounded by multiple short horizontal lines representing light.

This is like the sun in a child's drawing. There is a small 360-degree circle next to the red sun. Obviously, this should mean that it is constantly emitting light.

Renn focused his attention on the new icon and saw a line of small words below the icon.

Blazing Light lv1 (1/100)

Blazing light lv1 effect: consume a certain amount of mental power, use a specific witchcraft model to induce surrounding fire energy particles, forming a blazing flame above the host's palm. The flame will continue to emit strong light for ten seconds. about.

(Note: The cast time is 3 seconds, and the power is directly proportional to the host’s mental strength.)

One of the few minor issues that need to be resolved is the first one regarding the operation time, which is 3 seconds, which is obviously too long.

It is too difficult to find a precious three-second gap in a battle. If it can be compressed to one second, it will be about the same.

Because if it is just one second, there are many such opportunities in the battle.

For example, in a certain collision of weapons, two people were knocked away at the same time, etc., and then, taking this opportunity to suddenly use the 'blazing light', there is a high probability that it will cause a short-term blinding effect on the enemy.

Even if the opponent is not blinded, it can still create good first-mover conditions or some degree of advantage.

But if you want to achieve this effect, you must naturally increase the level of 'blazing light'.

Because according to the experience of the witchcraft 'Scorching Touch', if the 'Blazing Light' can be upgraded to the lv2 level, the casting time should be reduced by about 20%, that is, from 3 seconds to 2.4 seconds.

Ren was thinking and doing quick mental calculations.

But 2.4 seconds is still too long.

At lv3 level, it goes from 2.4 seconds to 1.9 seconds.

Ren raised his eyebrows. If he cast the spell at this time, he would be able to surprise the enemy. After all, it started with one word.

Of course, it would be best to continue to reduce the time and make it shorter!

At level 4, it goes from 1.9 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

One and a half seconds to perform the operation?

Renn couldn't help but nodded, showing a satisfied look.

If it is only half of the original 3 seconds of operation time, then the practicality will be much higher.

"I now have 5 remaining skill points. If I continuously add 3 skill points to the witchcraft 'Blazing Light', I can achieve this goal."

"Even if you invest all 5 remaining skill points into this new witchcraft."

"Tsk, tsk. One second of operation time."

Ren rubbed his chin and couldn't help but be a little speechless!

However, Ren thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

"As for this, don't rush!"

"After all, 3 skill points is not a small amount. Whether it is added to the Giant Bear Swordsmanship or the Tokkal Hammer Skill, it can bring a great improvement to myself." Ren thought to himself.

The second small problem to be solved is the applicable scenarios.

Obviously, if it is a rainy day or gray weather conditions, the dazzling effect of the 'blazing light' should be very good.

Of course, if you want the best effect, you must use it at night. It is estimated that it can blind an unprepared enemy for a few seconds, thus establishing a victory!

However, if it is a sunny day, especially when the sun is dazzling, the effect of the new witchcraft 'blazing light' will be greatly reduced.

Ren paced back and forth in the room while summarizing the applicable scenarios for the new witchcraft.

"In addition, the new witchcraft should be very effective in the dark and humid environment of the mine."

"Especially for enemies who are accustomed to dark, humid, low-light environments for a long time, I estimate that my witchcraft 'blazing light' can directly blind the opponent's eyes."

Thinking of this, a bright light flashed in Ren's eyes.

"In addition, if you want to create a strong dazzling effect on the enemy on a sunny day, that's not impossible."

"As your mental power increases, the power of the 'blazing light' will inevitably increase to a certain extent. After passing a certain brightness node, you should be able to achieve the effect of still dazzling the enemy in the daytime. ”

The last small problem to be solved is the problem of habit.

Because casting the witchcraft "Blazing Light" requires one hand to be free, and what Ren is currently accustomed to using, whether it is the Giant Bear Sword Technique or the Tokelka Hammer Technique, is a two-handed weapon.

"Therefore, in daily practice, I have to consciously strengthen training in this area, so that in battle, I can naturally and smoothly seize the opportunity to cast the witchcraft 'Blazing Light'."

Immediately, Renn began to think about which moves would lead to the opportunity to connect to the 'blazing light'.

"After the secret skill 'Dragon Hammer', there is a high probability that it can be followed by a new witchcraft 'Blazing Light'."

"After the secret skill 'Roaring Blow', if the enemy can still resist it, you can also follow the new witchcraft 'Blazing Light'."

Half an hour later, Renn looked happy.

Basically, he thought about his commonly used sword and hammer moves and new witchcraft, and found that there were still many similarities.

The rest requires daily training, which accumulates over time.

At this time, Ren suddenly thought that he wanted to test the effect of the witchcraft's "High Temperature Force Field" after his mental power increased by 3 points in the morning, but it was interrupted due to the arrival of the Crowley family carriage.

Now, just test it out.

So, Renn placed three basins of water on the table, one meter, two meters and three meters away from him like last time.

Ten seconds later, Renn took the initiative to stop the witchcraft 'high temperature force field'.

Because Ren had previously discovered that the force field heats up extremely quickly, similar to the effect of combining a microwave oven and an air fryer, which can heat the air to a specified temperature in just a few seconds.

Although the water heats up slower, the time spent in the force field is not much different.

Compared with the last time, what made him quite happy was that among the three basins of water, white water vapor was faintly emerging from the one two meters away. It seemed that the temperature had reached about ninety degrees.

It's not far from full boiling.

The power has obviously been slightly improved compared to last time!

As for the one-meter and three-meter basins of water, Ren also stepped forward and touched them.

The water temperature in the basin also increased from about 40 to 50 degrees to 60 to 70 degrees, reaching the level of being hot to the touch.

Obviously, if the enemy fights with him within the range of this high-temperature force field, the opponent will definitely suffer a great loss, because this temperature has exceeded the scalding surface temperature of the Sahara Desert.

Every second during this period is torture for the enemy!

Especially if the enemy is also wearing metal armor.

For a moment, a picture emerged in Renn's mind: the multi-layered, large bright-colored stainless steel steamer in the breakfast shop in his previous life, with neatly placed large meat buns, and the steam boiling on top!

Thinking of this, Renn couldn't help but have a bright smile on his face.


In the next few days, Renn basically didn't go out.

Except for the occasional training of the greyhound "Cookie", Renn basically spent his time practicing witchcraft, swordsmanship and hammer skills.

During this period, in addition to dividing a small amount of violent bear meat for 'Cookie' to eat, Renn also swept away the remaining dozens of pounds of violent bear meat!

In addition, regarding transportation, Renn also considered whether to ask the Crowley family to prepare a carriage with the noble heraldry logo for him, because in this way, he can save some checkpoints along the way. trouble.

But Renn thought about it and decided that it would be better for him to keep a low profile this time when he was going to participate in the canonization assessment.

After all, after several times, the conflict between him and the Black Flame Cult has become irreconcilable, and it is not a wise move to let the other party know his destination.

In addition, there is friction with Baron Alonso, although in recent times, the other party does not seem to have made any moves.

Ren recalled the route from Goldshire to Rosby City.

According to the information he had read before, there were roughly three routes from Goldsmith Town to Rosby City.

The reason why I say roughly is because once you arrive in a town, the closer you get to Rosby City, the more trails you can choose from.

If you choose some small roads to hide your whereabouts along the way, a horse-drawn carriage is not necessarily suitable, because some of the small roads are slightly rough, and riding a horse by yourself is not only more flexible, but also more suitable.

So, that afternoon, under the warm winter sun, Renn came to John's Horse Farm south of Goldsmith Town.

Different from the last time he came to learn riding skills, this time Ren wanted to buy two stronger horses.

Soon, Wren met again a middle-aged man with rosacea - racecourse owner John Moyle.

John was naturally impressed by Renne.

"Sir Ren, why are you free to come here today?" John greeted him very politely.

It seems that the horse farm owner John should already know about the news that Renne has been appointed as the deputy security officer of Goldsmith Town.

"Mr. John, I plan to buy two stronger horses today, so I need to trouble you to help me choose them." Renn said with a smile.

An hour later, Renne returned home riding a black horse and leading a brown horse.

As for why he bought two horses, it was because he couldn't afford a single horse at all. The total weight of the fully armed Renne plus the luggage.

So one is for riding and the other is for carrying luggage.

In addition, Lane also wanted to conduct a small comparative experiment.

Experimental content: Study on the changes in muscle strength and endurance of horses after taking mutant growth agents.

Experimental subjects: Two almost equally strong black horses and brown horses.

Experimental process: Within seven days, the difference between the black horse with the mutant growth agent added to the feed and the brown horse without the addition was recorded.

The day before departure.

Lane got the experimental conclusion.

Conclusion of the experiment: Within seven days, no dominant mutation has been found in the dark horse, but it is estimated that the muscle strength and endurance of the dark horse increased by about 20%.

Obviously, the mutant growth medicine can not only be used on dogs, but also has a certain strengthening effect on animals.

That afternoon, a person he was familiar with but completely unexpected came to Ren's house - Xia Diya, the head maid of Habsburg Manor.

The head maid, who was always serious, showed a rare smile and said: "Ren, as per the lady's instructions, there is a letter here that needs to be delivered to you."

"Huh? Is this a letter from Miss Claire from the Imperial Capital?" Ren asked as he took the letter.

At the same time, he had a vague suspicion in his mind.

"That's right! Miss found out that you have become a knight, and she was very surprised!" Xia Diya nodded and said.

Sure enough, Claire knew that she had entered the transcendent realm. Renxin said.

The lacquer on the seal was intact, and apparently no one had opened it before Wren.

In front of Xia Diya, Ren quickly opened the letter.

I saw two pieces of letter paper inside.

The first piece of paper said:

"Ren, you must not be able to imagine my shocked expression when I learned that you had entered the transcendent realm.

Please allow me to take back what I said earlier.

Perhaps, one day, you will achieve greater success than me on the road of knighthood.

But good talent requires the guidance of a famous teacher.

I think now that you have entered the transcendent realm, you should be able to understand this better.

So, I have here a letter of introduction to Master Gunther Odinga.

If you are interested, you can go to the Gold Coast in Rosby County where he lives in seclusion within three months to study for a period of time.

Believe me! Master Gunther is definitely a master of swordsmanship.

If you can gain something, it will definitely help you pass the noble canonization assessment later. "

At the end of the letter, there was a signature that Renne was familiar with: Claire.

The second piece of paper was a letter of introduction from Claire to Master Gunther Odinga.

"By the way, Ren, do you have anything to say that you need me to convey to the lady?" Xia Diya asked after seeing Ren finish reading the letter.

After thinking for a moment, Ren said: "Tell Miss Claire for me, thank you for her concern and support. I think I will find a suitable time to go to Master Gunther."

Renn did not intend to refuse Claire's proposal to introduce him to a reclusive sword master, because his enlightenment on the path of knighthood came from Claire's guidance.

Therefore, Ren has always had a good impression of Claire.

At the same time, judging from the content of this letter, Claire also further expressed her goodwill towards him.

Although at the beginning, Claire thought he only had the qualifications to become a follower.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was slightly bright. After saying goodbye to his family, Renn mounted the strong black horse that had been 'raised' for seven days and set off for the canonization assessment destination - Rosby City.

Soon, Ren's figure disappeared at the end of the avenue.

Five days later.

With the freezing rain in winter.

In a large forest covered with white ice, there is a gray winding path that extends to the distant seaside.

Two horses, one behind the other, were riding slowly on the path. The stronger black horse in front carried a knight in full plate armor. The knight was very distinctive. He carried a big sword and a pair of hands on his back. Warhammer, this rare dual weapon combination.

There is a big difference between the sword and shield combination of ordinary knights, or the sword and bow combination.

This knight is Renne.

Fortunately, the knight's armor was lined with lambskin, which had a very good thermal insulation effect, so even in the freezing rain and the surrounding environment was cold and wet, Renn did not feel uncomfortable.

As for why not use the fire witchcraft ‘high temperature force field’ to dry it?

Don't forget the war horse under your crotch, it can't withstand such high temperature.

Behind him, there was a brown horse carrying three or four packages, basically some daily necessities and food.

After riding for five consecutive days, the destination of Rosby City was not far ahead.

Ren estimated that he would reach his destination in half a day at most.

After walking for about half an hour, even the strong black horse under Ren's crotch began to breathe heavily. In the cold icy rain, two pillars of air rose slightly in front of the horse's head.

Ren knew that he had to find a place to let the horse rest for a while.

In fact, this is his fault, because the weight of his two weapons alone exceeds the combined weight of a standard knight's armor and weapons!

What's more, Renne also needs to add his chromium iron sheath, so no matter how strong the dark horse is, it is just an ordinary horse at present, and it is normal that it cannot bear it.

Perhaps, after continuous feeding of mutant growth medicine, it is possible for the dark horse to develop some kind of mutation, but at present, it will take a period of feeding to know the result.

After passing a bend in the forest path, Ren keenly heard the crisp crackling sound of burning firewood.

Ren looked up, and through the wisps of icy rain and white mist, he saw someone lighting a bonfire in the forest to the left.

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