Before anyone could react, the leader of the Black Dog Gang, Guo Xiaotian, finally couldn't help but take action!

The muscles all over his body bulged out, and with explosive power within him, he jumped up and headed straight for Li Mo's location at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see with the naked eye!

At this moment, Guo Xiaotian, with the thought of killing him, was ready to break through the glass of the villa and kill Li Mo until no bones were left!

For a long time, Li Mo was the most damned person he had ever seen!

boom! ! !

A violent roar resounded all around. It was the explosion made by Guo Xiaotian's fist colliding with the bulletproof glass of Villa No. 1.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Li Mo vaguely heard the sound of bone cracking.

Guo Xiaotian put away his fists expressionlessly and looked at Li Mo in the villa with a deep and distant gaze.

Behind him, there were hundreds of Black Dog Gang members, their heads were buzzing and their thinking was completely confused!

What happened just now?

The gang leader has obviously taken action, so why is that bitch inside still safe and sound?

Why is even the glass intact?

Everyone present, except Li Mo, didn’t understand!

You know, gang leader Guo Xiaotian is not afraid of firearms and bullets when using his superpowers, and can easily break even bulletproof glass!

But what happened today that such a big villa was not damaged at all?


Guo Xiaotian finally spoke and asked this question without any clue.

Li Mo didn't know how to guess riddles and asked casually: "What and why?"

He put his hand behind his back, took out a bottle of Coke from the dimensional space, and drank it leisurely.

This process was done casually and covertly, making people outside think that there was Coke behind the sofa!

"Why do you always have trouble with my Black Dog Gang? Could it be that I, Guo Xiaotian, once offended you?"

Li Mo took a big sip of Coke and burped comfortably: "You guys bumped into each other, who can you blame?"

"Just like this time, if I don't accept your surrender, you will come to kill me. Who should I ask to reason with?"

Guo Xiaotian's cheeks bulged, thinking about it, he was already itching his teeth with hatred!

Before he could speak, the Black Dog Gang members behind him started to get excited!

"Fuck you, Brother Gou and Zhu Luo are the most loyal people. How could they offend you?"

"That's nonsense. We, the black dogs, huddle together to keep each other warm and protect each other, but you hurt us over and over again. It's simply confusing right and wrong!"

Li Mo smiled and listened to the noise of the people outside, without any emotion on his face.

He has already seen what kind of people the Black Dog Gang are, and it is estimated that the people outside are not much different!

"Don't be proud, I've found the flaw in your turtle shell!"

Guo Xiaotian said the second sentence, which made Li Mo smile playfully.

"Oh, why don't you try it first!"

Guo Xiaotian's eyes were cold, and he stepped forward again, without being as violent as the previous times, and slowly came to the connection between the wall and the bulletproof glass!

"I can see clearly that this wall is made of concrete. It will be easy to demolish it by force!"

"Try it!"

"I really don't understand where your confidence comes from. Do you really think your house is invincible?"

"Let's try it!"

Li Mo twisted his neck and was ready to take action at any time.

I have never tried fighting with a stranger before!


The wall outside the villa was shattered under the bombardment of Guo Xiaotian's flesh fist!

"Great, let me tell you why the gang leader couldn't break down the house opposite just now. I must be dazzled!"

"The leader of the gang is mighty! Everyone, rush over and kill that bastard inside!"

Zhang Guang said with a smile: "I suggest you don't kill him yet. You might as well extend the timeline to make his life worse than death!"

The second boss, Lou Bing: "What a great idea. Put a bit on him and raise him like an animal!"

Seeing that Guo Xiaotian's attack was effective, the members of the Black Dog Gang relaxed.

You started teasing me again.

Li Mo still had no reaction to this. He knew enough about Villa No. 1 that he didn't think it would be breached so easily.


Guo Xiaotian was really moved this time. When he blasted open the wall, he saw many compartments inside.

The innermost part is actually transparent glass!

The floor-to-ceiling windows and the wall are not spliced ​​together at all, but an integrated structure!

Guo Xiaotian looked at the scene in front of him in shock, which was somewhat difficult to understand.

How rich do you have to be to do such a thing?

What can't you do with this money?

Guo Xiaotian has long felt that this bulletproof glass is not simple, and the cost may be worth the cost of a safe house!

Now that I see this integrated structure, there is no doubt in my mind that the safe house in front of this villa is completely inadequate!

Li Mo was quite proud of the stunned people outside!

He suddenly straightened up and pointed the sniper's muzzle outside!

At this time, a gap appeared in the originally perfect bulletproof glass wall without any warning, just in the trajectory of Li Mo's sniper!


Guo Xiaotian had no time to react and immediately flew out.

This sniper bullet hit Guo Xiaotian's chest, and Li Mo clearly heard the sound of the opponent's sternum breaking!


"How can it be???"

"Oh my God, what happened?"

The members of the Black Dog Gang were completely unable to understand the scene before them. The invincible gang leader was actually shot away by a sniper rifle?

At this time, Guo Xiaotian was lying on the ground motionless, as if he had lost his breath!

Li Mo clearly saw that the surrounding snow turned red, that was the blood of aliens!


On the snow, there was a coughing sound, coming from Guo Xiaotian who had been shot.

"He's not dead?"

Li Mo was a little surprised, but everything seemed to make sense.

After all, that is a strange person with super powers! It cannot be measured by common sense at all!

Guo Xiaotian was seen standing up slowly, with a large amount of blood flowing out of his chest.

The sniper rifle bullet entered the body, but it did not penetrate through the back!

"Speaking of which, you seemed to be fine with resisting a sniper rifle last time. Why can't you do it now?"

Guo Xiaotian straightened his back, and the bleeding in his chest slowly stopped.

"I wore a bulletproof vest last time, but it didn't really protect me."

This time, Guo Xiaotian was surprisingly calm, as if he was still confident.

"Don't worry, I won't die. You know nothing about the abilities of people like me!"

A playful smile appeared on Li Mo's lips, but he did not answer this sentence.

Guo Xiaotian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued: "That's it for today. Our affairs are over for now. There's no need to think about refilling the gun. Ordinary people can't kill me."

"Besides, haha, I've fallen in love with this villa!"

The meaning is self-evident!

Guo Xiaotian will come back again, but he must be fully prepared when he comes back!

Seeing the few hundred remaining members of the Black Dog Gang retreating with the gang leader.

At this time, a voice made everyone pause again.

"Did I let you go?"

Guo Xiaotian looked back and saw that Li Mo had opened the door of Villa No. 1 and was stepping out!

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