"This is Area F of Dongpu Base, jokingly called the livestock area!"

"Because the people in Area F have no human rights and can only work endlessly to provide energy for the entire base!"

After hearing Zhang Xiucai's narration, Li Mo looked around and saw people with numb expressions.

"Besides, I suspect that the people in Area F are more than that, so since I came here, at least fifty people have disappeared!"

Li Mo immediately asked: "Where did they go?"

Zhang Xiucai shook his head and said: "There is no way to know. If you want to inquire, you will be beaten by the guards!"

"District D is home to the staff of Dongpu Base, various civilians, technical workers, etc.! Their lives are much easier than ours, but that's it!"

"Area C is a military camp and houses the Dongpu base garrison. They have weapons in their hands and have greater power in the base!"

"The upper level is Area B. Everyone there has special abilities and is called a captain by the people in the garrison! I once saw a person in Area B use one finger to A man in Area F got his head smashed!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiucai's eyes became intense.

"I really want to see what the world of superpowers is like!"

Li Mo pedaled his bicycle slowly, recalling what Zhang Xiucai had just said.

The entire structure of the Dongpu base gradually appeared clearly before our eyes.

"Area A should be where the leader they say is, right?"

"Yes! The leader is the sole ruler of Dongpu Base. Everything here belongs to him, including human lives!"

Li Mo immediately asked: "Have you seen him? Have you heard that this leader is an ordinary person or a person with super powers!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiucai shook his head again:

"This leader is very mysterious and never shows up!"

"As for whether he has superpowers...no one has ever seen him, and no one has heard of him talking about it. He should be an ordinary person, right?"

That leader is so mysterious!

I don’t know what method he used to get the strangers living in Area B to obey his orders.

Once you do that, any other problems are gone!

The leader's authority will always remain at its peak, and no one will dare to stand up and resist him!

A few hours later, Li Mo watched helplessly as someone was exhausted to death and then dragged out like a dog to death.

The people in Area F finally had a short rest.

Someone got a food reward, but Li Mo and Zhang Xiucai did not complete the workload as expected and could not receive the food.

"Don't they understand sustainable development? Sooner or later people will be exhausted!"

Li Mo frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

The behavior of Dongpu Base has gone beyond the scope of human nature and is also very unreasonable!

Even if the workload is slightly reduced, the rate of population loss will be greatly reduced!

Zhang Xiucai shrugged, without any sympathy in his eyes: "That's why they are always out catching young men!"

"And, I speculate, they may be short of more than just energy."

Li Mo couldn't help but ask:

"What do you think?"

Zhang Xiucai said: "People are also a kind of resource!"

"Maybe they want to use people to achieve some purpose, so they kill people like this!"

"Let us pedal our bicycles to generate electricity, maybe just by the way, in order to squeeze out the last bit of profit!"

Li Mo thought for a while and couldn't help but feel horrified: "Is it for food?"

"Haha, boss, you guessed it wrong this time. Dongpu Base has a better way to produce food!"

Zhang Xiucai said, taking out a piece of paper wrapped in paper from his arms.

After opening it, Li Mo saw a soft, dark blocky thing appearing in front of him.

"What is this?"

Zhang Xiucai shook a little, and the black thing swayed back and forth, looking a little awkward.

“This is the food in Zone F, we call it protein nugget.

Every day, special people will come over and distribute these black things to those who have completed their workload! "

"Boss, do you want a bite?"

With that said, Zhang Xiucai handed the food in his hand to Li Mo.

Of course, Li Mo would not accept something of unknown origin and waved his hand to reject it.

Zhang Xiucai showed a look of pity:

"Boss, are you sure you don't want to try it? It tastes quite good! In order to get such a piece, I killed a person yesterday!"

Li Mo had already expected it, but he would not be overflowing with the Holy Mother's heart at this time and condemn Zhang Xiucai.

"Have you found out what this is made of?"

Zhang Xiucai opened his mouth and took a bite, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"It's not made of human flesh anyway!"

"It is rich in protein, fat, and various trace elements. It can indeed supplement the needs of the human body. It is a good food!"

Li Mo was even more curious. The Dongpu base actually mastered this kind of thing. A small piece can meet a person's nutritional needs for a day. Wouldn't it be able to solve the famine problem?

At this time, Zhang Xiucai, who had taken his second bite, suddenly frowned:

"This batch of cockroaches used to produce protein blocks may have a dead one mixed in, so it doesn't taste very fresh!"


Li Mo was stunned and almost thought he heard wrongly!

Zhang Xiucai chuckled and took the third bite: "This is made by crushing cockroaches into pieces!"

"Once I quietly followed the person distributing food and entered the kitchen of Area F. I saw buckets of live cockroaches being poured into the blender."

Li Mo once again looked at the protein block in Zhang Xiucai's hand and the cheek he was chewing, and couldn't help but feel sick.

Soon, Li Mo realized something was wrong:

"No matter how little people in Area F eat, they still consume a lot in a day. Where can they catch so many cockroaches?"

Zhang Xiucai has obviously figured out the reason.

"Boss, do you know broiler chickens? They are fed feed from the moment they hatch out of the shell. It only takes fifteen days to grow to two or three pounds!"

This Li Mo has heard that those chickens that look like adult sizes have incomplete skeleton development and can't even stand up in the end!

"You mean, these cockroaches are also artificially raised?"

Zhang Xiucai nodded in affirmation.

"I secretly explored the base at night. I didn't find any big secrets, but I did find some scraps!"

"There are thousands of people in the entire Dongpu base, and a lot of domestic garbage is produced every day, which is food for cockroaches!"

After listening to this, Li Mo felt even more disgusting.

I don’t want to be next to anyone in Zone F right now!

What's even more disgusting than eating cockroaches is that these cockroaches grew up eating feces!

"Boss, there must be some black technology in this. I think we should find a way to get the technology into our hands. Maybe we can use it in the future?"

Zhang Xiucai finished the last bite and even licked his fingers!

"If you dare to come near me again, I'll kill you with one shot!"

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