Early the next morning, Zhou Qian arrived as scheduled!

Zhang Yuye welcomed Zhou Qian very warmly, and after making a cup of hot tea for Zhou Qian, he hurriedly came to Xiao Yu'er's bedroom.

Xiao Yu'er was holding the pillow in his arms and holding the other end of the pillow between his calves.

It's time to sleep soundly!

"Get up, it's time for class!"

Zhang Yuye hurriedly picked up the clothes beside the bed, and put them on Xiao Yuer directly without caring if she woke up!

"Huh? There was an earthquake?"

Xiao Yu'er was in a daze and felt like the world was spinning!

Zhang Yuye was so anxious that she put her clothes on inside out without realizing it.

"Auntie, what are you doing? I haven't slept enough yet!"

Xiao Yu'er opened her eyes and saw clearly that it was her aunt instead of an earthquake. She couldn't help but asked with a puzzled expression!

Last night, she chatted with netizens very late again, and now it was time to get some sleep!

"Why don't you sleep? Get up and study!"

Zhang Yuye patted her niece's cheek with her hand and said in an encouraging tone!

In the end, a schoolbag was stuffed into Xiao Yuer's hand, and she was pushed into the classroom without even having time to comb her hair!

Zhou Qian was still observing the classroom environment when she saw a cute, cute, but extremely slovenly little girl coming in!

"Are you Li Yu'er?"

When she first learned about this name, Zhou Qian thought that the person she was going to teach was Li Mo's sister!

After explanation, I found out that Li Yuer just happened to have the same surname as Li Mo, and they were not actually related by blood!

"Teacher, please, can I sleep?"

Xiao Yu'er scratched her messy hair with her fingers, and made an unreasonable request in an unusually ladylike manner!


"Really? Thank you so much..."

Before Xiao Yu'er finished her excited words, she heard Zhou Qian's tone change: "I can sleep at any time at night, but it is absolutely not allowed in my class!"

"What if, I mean what if, ha, I have to sleep?"

"Haha, you can give it a try!"

An ice flower quietly appeared in front of Xiao Yu'er, and the temperature of the entire classroom was dropping rapidly!

"Hello teacher, when will we start class? I can't wait!"

A sweet smile appeared on Xiao Yu'er's face!


Through the surveillance, Zhang Yuye saw Xiao Yu'er sitting upright and listening very seriously, and couldn't help but smile like a kind aunt!

"The children have grown up and finally know how to study!"

Li Mo on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"You are blind! Didn't you see that your dear little niece was threatened?"

In the past few minutes, Xiao Yuer always took the opportunity to wink at the surveillance camera when Zhou Qian turned around.

Any fool could see that this was sending a distress signal, but Zhang Yuye turned a blind eye as if he didn't see it!

"Really? It's obvious that my little Yu'er suddenly became sensible and listened to the class so seriously!"

"If you insist on thinking that way, then there's nothing I can do about it!"

Li Mo turned off the surveillance video and resumed the paused game!

Zhang Yuye couldn't appreciate her niece's serious appearance and got up with some disappointment.

"I went to the laboratory. I haven't tested the physical examination teachers you brought back last time!"

Roughly speaking, teacher is what medical students call the corpse to be dissected.

Li Mo attacked Dongpu base last time and killed many aliens and semi-aliens.

He didn't waste any time. He brought their corpses back and gave them to Zhang Yuye as sample materials for experiments!

In the huge living room, the only sound left was the crackling sound of Li Mo operating the game.

At this time, the voice of artificial intelligence Xiaotian suddenly sounded:

"Master, someone is calling!"

Li Mo instantly sat up from the sofa: "Who!"

The first thing he thought of was none other than Liu Fuzheng!

Because since the end of the world, he is the only one who has called Li Mo!


Isn't he already dead?

Then who is it that is calling him all of a sudden now?

Li Mo was puzzled, and his vigilance increased to the extreme!

"Master, do you need to be connected?"

Seeing that Li Mo didn't respond, Xiaotian asked using a mechanical electronic voice.

Li Mo turned off the TV and paced back and forth in the living room.

In a short period of time, he has thought of many possibilities!


Finally, Li Mo stood on the spot and said in a deep voice.

No matter what is on the other side, even if the old guy Liu Fuzheng is resurrected, he must face it!

Li Mo held his breath and didn't make any sound, waiting for the person opposite to speak first!

"Yes, Uncle Li Mo?"

A timid, soft girl's voice sounded from the speaker.

Li Mo...Uncle?

At this time, Li Mo's eyes widened, and he was shocked by this title!

First of all, I am an orphan and have no relatives!

Secondly, I am only in my early twenties and you call me uncle. Is this appropriate?

"Who are you?"

Li Mo was really confused!

He was certain that he had never heard the voice on the phone before!

"My name is Wu Zixian."

"Wu Houde is my grandfather!"

The girl's voice was always timid and had an ethereal feeling that made people feel pity for her.

Wu Houde’s granddaughter?

Li Mo instantly remembered the old friend he met in Tianhe Community and the instructions he gave him before his death!

Every once in a while, he has to go to his biology laboratory to replenish nutrient solution for his granddaughter!

His granddaughter Wu Zixian had to be placed in a nutrition warehouse because of an accident, barely maintaining her vital signs!

The last time Li Mo went to the laboratory, he saw through the hole that Wu Zixian was curled up, like an unborn baby sleeping in the mother's amniotic fluid!

"Are you Wu Zixian?"


"Oh, Wu Zixian is in a coma and has no way to speak. Stop fucking fooling me! Besides, she doesn't even know I exist!"

When Li Mo met Wu Houde, Wu Zixian was already lying in the nutrition warehouse!

"I, I'm really Wu Zixian! I'm awake now, and I know about your existence through the video left by grandpa, so I called you for help!"


When Li Mo heard these two words, he felt even more vigilant!

"Are you coming out of the nutrition bin now?"

"No, I have regained consciousness now, but there is no way to get out of it! Now through the brain-computer interface, what I want to say is converted into electrical signals, and then into sound signals!"

Li Mo recalled what he saw at the beginning. There was indeed a wire inserted into the back of Wu Zixian's head!

"Why ask for help?"

The girl on the phone sounded more and more anxious!

"My artificial intelligence has detected that the laboratory is under attack!"

"This laboratory was originally built by Sirius Security Company, and now they are using large equipment to dismantle the laboratory!"

"Come quickly!"

"The laboratory can't last much longer!"

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