After rescuing Zhou Qian from the ice, she found that she was completely cold with no sign of life!

Li Mo put his hand on her chest and found no sign of heart beating!

"Boss, Zhou Qian..."

Zhang Xiucai got down from the driving seat of the excavator, with a rare look of sadness on his face!

"Go back to the villa first. There is a doctor there. Maybe there is a chance!"

Zhang Yuye was the best surgeon before the end of the world.

Recently, I have been studying the bodies of aliens and have achieved some results!

At that moment, Li Mo no longer delayed, picked up the unconscious Zhou Qian and rushed to the villa area on the other side of the river!

In fact, the people in the villa have already seen the situation outside through the transparent glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows!

It’s just that Li Mo repeatedly told him that he must not go out without his company!

At this time, the woman in the villa saw Li Mo coming back with the unconscious teacher Zhou Qian in her arms.

Zhang Yuye reacted immediately, "Xiao Yu'er, go to the laboratory and turn on the instrument!"

"Okay aunt!"

After Xiaoyu ran quickly to the underground fortress, Zhang Yuye started to get dressed!

Because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is huge, it will definitely cool down a lot when you open the door!

"Yourong, you will be my assistant later, you may need to perform surgery!"

Zhang Yuye doesn't know the specific situation yet, so he can only make the most comprehensive plan!

Wu Zixian, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked at Zhang Yuye eagerly!

Zhang Yuye hesitated for a moment and then said: "Zixian, help me keep an eye on the screen of the instrument in a moment. If there is anything abnormal, tell me immediately!"

Zhang Yuye saw that the little girl Wu Zixian wanted to help, so she assigned this task to her!

Wu Zixian has been frail and sickly since she was a child, and has had to deal with these instruments countless times!

As the saying goes, a long-term illness cures the disease.

Zhang Yuye had previously communicated with Wu Zixian and discovered that Wu Zixian’s medical knowledge made it easy for her to become a physician dispensing medicine in a hospital!

When Wu Zixian heard that she also had a task, she nodded quickly and her expression became very serious!

"Sister Yuye, I promise to complete the mission!"

While he was talking, Li Mo had already arrived at the door of Villa No. 1!

Just as I was about to knock on the door and ask the people inside to open the door, I found that the door of the villa opened automatically!

I saw Zhang Yuye and three other people, already wearing thick clothes, waiting at the door!

The cold current blows into the warm villa, and a mist rises!

The water vapor in the air in the villa liquefies when exposed to cold, and then quickly freezes again!

In just ten seconds, a layer of frost formed on the ground and walls!

"come on in!"

Zhang Yuye shouted quickly!

"Send Teacher Zhou Qian to the laboratory, it's ready!"

When Li Mo heard this, he didn't dare to delay and ran straight down to the villa!

Laying Zhou Qian flat on the bed, Zhang Yuye arrived soon after!

She skillfully connected the instrument for detecting vital signs to Zhou Qian, and then prepared to use the ventilator!

"Auntie, wait a minute!"

Xiao Yuer noticed the abnormality immediately and pointed at the instrument screen with trembling little fingers!

No fluctuations on the instrument!

There is only one possibility, and that is there is no sign of life!

Zhang Yuye stopped moving his hands and looked at Zhou Qian's calm face with a hint of sadness!

"what to do?"

Ye Yourong, who was preparing to be an assistant next to him, asked in a low voice.

At this time, Li Mo spoke: "Zhou Qian is a strange person, and her powers are ice and snow. There may be a turning point!"

"Yuye, don't worry about the instruments first, just treat Zhou Qian as a dying patient!"

Zhang Yuye took a deep breath, nodded slowly, and started the ventilator!

"Patient, the heart has stopped, prepare the defibrillator!"

Zhang Yuye unbuttoned Zhou Qian's coat and touched her cold body, her heart couldn't help but tremble!

This is obviously a symptom of death!

Ye Yourong quickly turned around to get the defibrillator!

Wu Zixian saw an instrument next to the hospital bed and knew that it was used to detect the patient's brain activity, so she quickly took off the wires on it.

Zhang Yuye placed the patch connected to the wire on Zhou Qian's head, and then started the instrument!


In the laboratory, people exclaimed in unison!

Because, although Zhou Qian's body was cold and her heartbeat had stopped, her brain was still warm and there were signs of life!

"Miracle! This is a medical miracle!"

Zhang Yuye covered her mouth and couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Recently, I discovered through research that alien abilities come from the human brain. Maybe this is why Zhou Qian is not brain-dead yet!"

Li Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief. His hunch was correct!

Zhou Qian is indeed not dead yet!

"Yuye, please think of a way to save Zhou Qian quickly!"

Zhang Yuye's eyes sparkled with light and boundless motivation arose!

At this time, Ye Yourong had already brought the defibrillator!

"Start now, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the patient Zhou Qian!"

"Yourong, you do the chest compressions, I'll use the defibrillator!"

Zhang Yuye's tone was calm, and he had completely entered the state of emergency patient!

Half a minute later, Wu Zixian looked nervously at the straight line on the electrocardiogram and said, "The heartbeat still hasn't recovered!"

Two minutes later, five minutes later, ten minutes later...

Ye Yourong was so tired that he was sweating, but cardiopulmonary resuscitation still had no effect!

Zhang Yuye swallowed hard and looked at the screen of another instrument!

The above shows that Zhou Qian’s brain is still active and the neurons are still active!

This shows that Zhou Qian’s subconscious is actively thinking!

"how so!"

This completely subverted Zhang Yuye's previous medical knowledge!

Li Mo couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible that Zhou Qian became a vegetable?"

"Brother Li Mo, a vegetative person has a heartbeat and breathing, and Teacher Zhou Qian..."

Wu Zixian whispered, no one present could understand the reason for Zhou Qian's situation!

At this time, Zhang Yuye signaled Ye Yourong to stop and put down the defibrillator himself.

"Zixian, did you notice just now that Zhou Qian's brain activity changed when we were giving first aid?"

Wu Zixian immediately replied: "Sister Yuye, the fluctuation on the screen just now has not changed at all!"

Zhang Yuye frowned and felt discouraged!

"Such brain neuron activity is very likely to be dreaming! How can we improve this situation?"

Zhou Qian's head, the only one with signs of life, was immersed in a dream and unwilling to wake up!

Li Mo's thoughts were ups and downs, and he couldn't help but stepped forward to take Zhou Qian's hand, but he didn't feel any warmth, only the coldness close to zero!

"Hey hey hey! Something's happening!"

Wu Zixian, who had been doing her duty and staring at the instrument, suddenly exclaimed!

She pointed at the instrument with her finger and couldn't even finish her excited words!

Everyone saw that after Li Mo took Zhou Qian's hand, her brain activity became a bit more intense than before!

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