"Oh, Bai Jingxuan also admitted it." Jiang Ke thought for a while, "Our family Yu Chuan saved you a long time ago. If it wasn't for him, you would have died today. Let alone create a legend of N.S. It is for you to use the whole It’s not too much for N.S to pay back!”

Seeing the changing expressions of Li Zhenshan and Tang Jingxian, Jiang Ke sneered, and immediately said, "Of course, our family Yu Chuan is an honest man. The Qin family can't open their mouths like a lion, Jing Xuan, just give it to Qin if you leak a little between your fingernails." family. Just help the Qin family. "

"I won't help anymore." Bai Jingxuan stood up, ready to leave.

"Bai Jingxuan..." Jiang Ke became angry, and turned to Tang Jingxian, "Mrs. Li, your daughter-in-law is ungrateful, you can't just stand by and watch?"

Before Tang Jingxian could react, Bai Jingxuan sneered, "Jiang Ke, keep your mouth clean. Who is ungrateful? Over the past ten years, I have transferred Qin Yuchuan a total of 50 million RMB. There are more than ten projects, big and small, and he has earned almost another 100 million net profit."

"Those dozen or so projects were obtained by my son himself. You said you gave it, so you gave it?" Jiang Ke denied, "I don't know, you are not too much, my son can get more projects .”

"Really?" Bai Jingxuan sarcastically said, "I haven't advised Qin Yuchuan in the past two years, what happened? Your Qin company is about to close down today."

"Otherwise, why am I here?" Jiang Ke said, "I don't want to mention the past. Just 50 million wants to send our Qin family away. Your mother-in-law just said that your life is priceless, and adding two zeros is almost the same .”

"You want five billion, and you don't want to piss and look in the mirror?" Bai Jingxuan reached out and played with her nails, "I won't give you even fifty cents."

"You...you!" Jiang Ke couldn't get angry, and said directly to the Li family, "Madam Li, I'm going to be blunt anyway. Your Li family and N.S have plenty of money. I, Yu Chuan, risked my life to save Bai Jingxuan , That's life in exchange for it. It shouldn't be so cheap. Bai Jingxuan reneges on the debt, you guys just watch and give it."

"My daughter-in-law said, I won't give you fifty cents anymore." Tang Jingxian said calmly.

"Daughter-in-law, when did you give that fifty million?" Li Zhenshan became curious.

"Since he saved me, it has been several million from time to time, and at most 10 million at a time. It has been more than ten years." She said.

"The money from so many years ago." Li Zhenshan stroked his beard. "If Qin Yuchuan was useful, he would have developed Qin's enterprise long ago. Waste is waste, and he is just an idiot who cannot be supported."

"That's not it. I remember, Jing Xuan, you said that when N.S was founded, it didn't cost that much."

"I'm grateful for his life-saving grace, that's why I paid so much money." Bai Jingxuan's eyes fell on Jiang Ke, "I didn't expect that not only Qin Yuchuan is a greedy wolf who can't get enough to feed, but even his mother is a greedy wolf." Reasonable shrew. Get rid of Jiang, and don't get close to Li's house again."

"Bai Jingxuan, you are so inhuman!" Jiang Ke was dragged out by the bodyguards, "I'm going to expose you in front of the media, so that everyone can see your ungrateful face!"

"Go." Bai Jingxuan snorted coldly, "A project authorization with a profit of 100 million is signed by me. I don't believe that there are still people who support such a greedy face like yours. The transfer of 50 million is because your son lent me Yes. I will ask you to pay back the money at any time!"

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