There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1333: God forging the heavens

The immeasurable catastrophe broke out completely, and the chaos storm swept the sky.

Void cracks swept across the sea of ​​stars like tentacles, and the remaining small worlds were swallowed by the dark abyss.

But in an extremely remote corner, there is a cluster of nebula standing in the void storm.

This nebula is shaped like a fairy lotus, which is exactly the appearance of the three worlds. There are many rays of light shining through it, and it fixes a void. Whether it is a chaotic storm or a crack in the void, they are all eliminated in the periphery of the nebula.

Beyond the Three Realms, more than a dozen clusters of nebula that have restrained their energy fluctuations wandered and lingered, using the rays of the sun to avoid the power of calamity.

However, as the chaotic energy gradually flourished, the Three Realms could not bear it, let alone these remaining small worlds.

All of a sudden, the nebula transformed from the Three Realms changed, and its dharma appearance became clearer and clearer, finally showing the dharma appearance of the golden lotus of the twelve ranks of merit.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom of a sky-reaching giant tree emerged from the golden lotus, and as the phantom solidified, it was Jianmu himself.

At the same time, a delicate and beautiful fairy Bianhua seemed to flash out from an unknown time and space, and its slender petals swayed in the void.

The dharma appearances of the three great gods correspond to the fairy world, the human world and the underworld.

Jianmu God set up a foot in the fairy world, and its roots penetrated into the human world and the underworld, completely condensing the three worlds into one place.

The virtuous golden lotus bloomed with dazzling rays of light, illuminating the nine heavens and the nine secluded lands, and the invisible barrier melted away.

And the immortal Bianhua flower poked out its slender petals, with a mysterious rhythm, directly pulling the Three Realms into an unknown time and space.

There are still afterimages of the Three Realms in the original place, but the storm of calamity and void cracks swept away, but they couldn't hurt the Three Realms at all.

In front of the Lingxiao Palace, Baiyunlou gazed intently into the distance, with a gleam in his eyes.

With the joint efforts of many immortal friends, protoss, and fellow Buddhists, the Three Realms successfully merged the principles of the three innate gods.

The Three Realms transformed accordingly, and the aura seemed to escape from the big world.

Just based on the appearance at this time, there is no problem in surviving this calamity, but Baiyun Tower has a longer-term view.

The calamity in front of me seems to be a sign of extinction, but it actually hides countless opportunities.

There are endless annihilation qi within the chaotic storm. If you are in it, you will not be able to concentrate and sense it. Now you are out of the big world, and you can see it clearly.

Whether it is the void crack that tears the nebula or the annihilation mechanism derived from it, the appearance in front of you seems to be powerful, but it still cannot escape the number of avenues.

It's just that the dark abyss swallowed the power of the endless stars, and took the opportunity to attract the chaotic energy of the heavens, and the momentum is in full swing. Now that the chaotic storm is so strong, even Immortal Bai, who controls the power of the three realms, can hardly face the power of destroying the world. .

As for the Chaos Qi Mechanism, Baiyun Tower is very familiar with it. Since the Sea of ​​Consciousness was purified by the Qi of Creation, and then cultivated the Chaos Gold Elixir and the Chaos Magic Body, they all followed the way of Chaos.

The Three Realms at this time, like fairy lotuses floating on the torrents of the chaotic world, are still connected to the big world, but will not be swallowed by the huge waves.

The chaotic storm is like a vortex in the turbid current, and the dark abyss is just an invisible hand that stirs up all the weather mechanisms. The current chaos seems to be chaotic, but in the eyes of Baiyun Tower, there are traces to follow.

Turning chaos into chaos and turning disorder into order is the real purpose of Baiyun Tower.

During the trip to the small world of Buddhism, Baiyun Tower melted into the avenue of love, and the heart was full of energy, and the thoughts of comfort in the past had long been forgotten.

The current situation seems to be able to survive the calamity, but once the Dao collapses, how will the Three Realms deal with themselves.

Instead of staying in a corner, why don't you let go and fight for a future for all the feelings in your heart...

With the Immortal Seal in hand, the Dao of the Three Realms is in full control, and with the help of great powers such as Tathagata and Senior Sister Qingchi, it is the opportunity to reverse the chaos.

In a moment of thought, Baiyun Tower rose from the sky, holding the immortal seal in its hand, arousing the power of the three realms, and began to evolve the energy of chaos.

With the full power of the celestial consciousness, Baiyun Tower sensed the hope, and also understood the current problems of the Three Realms.

Although it has integrated the divine way and Buddhist way, and even evolved the way of immortality, it is still a little small in the face of the chaotic aura of the big world.

Insignificance is just the feeling of living beings facing the vast universe, and Baiyun Tower has not been discouraged in the slightest.

A single spark can still start a prairie fire, but the Three Realms have preserved nearly half of the fire in the heavens.

After a moment of pondering, Baiyun Tower vibrated and said: "The Immortal Emperor is above, and I am here to make a statement. The three realms in the future are also the three realms of the princes. Friends from outside the region, the heavens will be overthrown soon. Why don't you let go of your old prejudices and stand with us?" Create an endless future together..."

The mighty fairy sound penetrated the barriers of time and space, followed the chaotic air mechanism, and spread widely outside the area.

A moment later, in the broken star sea near the Three Realms, several clusters of nebulae bloomed with divine splendor one after another.

These small worlds have responded, and they have accepted the invitation of Lord Bai Daxian.

It is very dangerous to reveal its whereabouts in the chaotic storm. Once locked by the aura of the dark abyss, even a small middle-level world will not escape the catastrophe of being swallowed.

It is extraordinary to be able to support this small world alone, and there are at least demon king-level powerhouses in it.

Under the pressure of the calamity, the world spirits in a small world no longer have too many scruples, and most of them cooperate very well whether it is moving the nebula or reincarnating the heavenly way.

After several clusters of nebula drifted to the front, a few slender and bright red petals protruded from the projected virtual image transformed by the Three Realms, leading those small worlds into the time and space of the Three Realms.

Under the austerity, Baiyunlou held the Seal of Immortal Seal in his hand, operated the method of divine forging, and forged it against the clusters of nebula that had just been included in the scope of the Three Realms.

With the integration of the complicated Taoism into the vitality of the three realms is becoming more and more full.

At the same time, the ray of chaotic energy that has been tempered by Baiyun Tower also showed signs of transformation.

As expected by Baiyun Tower, if you want to reversely induce the chaotic storm, you need to integrate more energy into the Three Realms.

Qing Chi saw the mystery, and immediately fled out, breaking through the air to escape from the Three Realms. It seemed that he was going to use his strength to persuade those outside powers who were still swaying.

The two gods, Lingbao and Wushang, also set off at the same time, each using their own means to escape back to the Broken Star Sea.

Tathagata did not leave in a hurry, looked at the starry sky outside the domain and sighed: "Yunlou, do you still remember the ancestor Styx who escaped from the underworld..."

Hearing the name of Styx, all kinds of thoughts flashed out.

In the battle of Wangchuanhe, the ancestor of Minghe escaped...

At the same time, there was a change in the Shura domain, and the spreading aura of the secluded spring turned all the Shura clan into asuras...

In an instant, Baiyunlou's mind was clear, so he said with emotion: "So that's the case. I didn't expect that after Minghe escaped from the Wangchuan River, he would turn into a secluded spring in the Shura domain and take the opportunity to strengthen himself. It must have become a climate..."

Tathagata nodded slightly, and replied in a deep voice: "Exactly, its aura is quite compatible with the dark abyss. If it is swallowed by the endless abyss, I don't know what changes will happen..."

After a short pause, Tathagata took up the conversation and asked: "Then the Asura clan is aggressive by nature, brutal and bloodthirsty, I wonder if the Three Realms can tolerate it?"

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