There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 218: Yangshen magic weapon

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the day of travel has come. For this cultivation conference, the academy has made a lot of preparations.

Each disciple is equipped with a complete set of pills and magic treasures, especially the body protection magic treasure is the latest refinement in the Artifact Refining Pavilion, and the core of the magic circle inside it is carved by Baiyunlou himself with divine thoughts.

With Baiyunlou, the senior brother of the academy, leading the team, the head of the mountain was very relieved, and directly asked all the disciples with cultivation bases from the academy to go with them, to gain insight and broaden their horizons.

The academy has always taught without discrimination, and it is hoped that the disciples can find the skills and skills that they are best at and the most suitable for them during their outings.

If you are interested in any sect's skills and skills, with the current financial resources and status of the academy, apart from the township skills, it is estimated that they can be easily exchanged for disciples to practice.

The academy disciples traveling together this time included four people from Baiyun Tower in the small courtyard, four young disciples from the inner courtyard, Nangong Xiaojing, five juniors and younger sisters who were recruited into the inner courtyard after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Caiwei, a younger sister.

After the travel list was finalized, Baiyun Tower added a special person, Shi Qingshan, a martial arts genius from the Martial Arts Academy.

This Shi Qingshan became more and more dazzling in the Martial Academy. In just over three months, with the assistance of the Star Armor, he has already cultivated to the state of acquired mastery with his body training skills.

The true qi cultivated in his dantian is also very pure. Under the guidance of Baiyun Tower a few days ago, he has already penetrated the two veins of Ren and Du. With his natural supernatural power, it can be said that he has no rivals in the world.

The martial arts of the academy was allowed to be read by him, and the instructors also guided him carefully. Shi Qingshan's internal skills, lightness skills, boxing skills, and palm skills all improved rapidly.

This time, being taken out of the academy by Baiyunlou, and going to the comprehension conference together is to let Shi Qingshan meet more comprehension fellows. If there is a chance to fight, maybe he can gain some insight in martial arts and look for opportunities to break through.

During this period of time, Baiyun Tower itself has made a lot of preparations.

Apart from daily practice, more than a hundred spirit bamboo swords have been refined today.

If the power of the Yang God is fully utilized, it is not a problem to control hundreds of Lingzhu swords at the same time, but after some consideration, Baiyunlou temporarily stabilized the number of flying swords in Wanjian Jue at 108.

At the same time, the flying sword with a number of one hundred and eight can not only easily condense the sword force, but also break the enemy's body protection at will.

In order to prevent accidents, Baiyun Building also prepared dozens of Lingzhu swords. If they are worn out when encountering strong enemies, they can be replenished at any time.

The Yangshen Dharma Sword in the Sea of ​​Consciousness has now also been refined into a Yangshen magic weapon by Baiyunlou.

With the experience of refining the pure Yang gossip mirror for Junior Sister Xiaojing, Baiyunlou took the Yangshen magic sword condensed by the Yangshen in the sea of ​​knowledge, and after some modification and refinement, finally refined a sword that Baiyunlou called pure. Yangshen magic weapon of Yangbagua Jiangang.

The last time when he killed the demon cultivator in Linjiang County, Baiyunlou was deeply impressed by the bursting power of Yuanshen Dharma Sword, but the condensing of Yuanshen Dharma Sword consumes the power of Yuanshen.

Today's Yangshen Dharma Sword requires a huge amount of Yangshen's power and time to refine.

After many explorations and refinements, Baiyunlou successfully embedded the eight trigrams array between the handle and the body of the Yangshen magic sword.

As long as the Yang God pours pure Yang power into the eight trigrams circle during his daily practice, the power of the Yang God stored in the circle will increase over time.

When it's time to break the demon, as long as the sword gang cuts through the demon body, the pure yang power sealed inside can be poured in and exploded, severely injuring the demon body and demon soul.

With this Yangshen magic weapon, Baiyunlou has a little more confidence in this comprehension conference. Even if the devil soul from the devil baby realm comes, Baiyunlou feels that he has the strength to fight.

Coupled with the Five Elements Sword Formation and several Dzogchen spells that have been tried recently, Baiyun Tower is well prepared.

It was winter now, early in the morning, the front mountain was already bleak, and Baiyunlou led a group of juniors and sisters to the back mountain.

After opening the gate of the Great Formation of the Back Mountain and entering the Great Formation of the Five Elements in the inner courtyard, it felt warm as spring, and the surroundings were still full of green trees and spiritual grasses.

A group of disciples came to the peak of Gulu Mountain, and the head of the mountain brought several teachers to see them off.

Only Baiyunlou knew that the head of the mountain and a group of teachers intentionally let this year's disciples travel alone, and it was also to make these young disciples grow faster.

Moreover, the head of the mountain and the others have made two-handed preparations, sending instructors to follow secretly in a flying boat, and even the head of the mountain will go to a sect near the comprehension conference to hide in order to deal with the plan of the demon.

Sure enough, without the accompanying teachers, this group of young disciples were like birds out of the cage, unable to control the joy in their hearts.

After the headmaster finished a few words of encouragement, after Baiyunlou saluted with all the disciples, he waved his hand to let the younger brothers and sisters get on the flying boat first.

A group of juniors and juniors immediately cheered and jumped on the flying boat eagerly, chatting and discussing.

In the past two days, the head of the mountain has given clear instructions to Baiyunlou about the various matters of this meeting, and there is no need to repeat the instructions at this time.

Nodding to the head of the mountain as a salute, Baiyun Tower also jumped into the flying boat.

However, Xia Chaoyang was pulled aside by Aunt Xia, and gave some instructions in a low voice. Seeing Aunt Xia's precious expression, it should be a confidential matter, so Baiyunlou did not deliberately listen in.

After a while, Xia Chaoyang jumped into the flying boat with a slightly ugly face, looking sullen.

At this time, it is not easy for Baiyun Building to ask too many questions, so I greeted the head of the mountain and all the and then started the flying boat and slowly rose up.

As the flying boat ascended, the group of juniors and juniors became even more lively. Most of the disciples lay on the side of the flying boat and shouted and waved to the mountain masters who were gradually moving away.

It wasn't until they crossed the barrier and escaped into the clouds that they gradually subsided.

But the moment he walked out of the clouds and saw the sea of ​​clouds, he shouted again.

The few disciples of Qing Yun Sect had already seen the wider world, so they would not feel any surprise, and they had already laid out a few futons on the flying boat.

Bai Yunlou made some fine-tuning on the flying boat's magic circle, and after confirming its position and speed, he returned to the table and sat down.

The little fat man knew what the elder brother liked, so he had already brewed green tea.

Seeing that Xiao Chaoyang was still a little sullen, Baiyunlou asked the reason softly.

Xia Chaoyang pursed his lips, and said in a low voice with some depression: "After this cultivation conference, my father told me to go back to the capital directly. It is estimated that I will not be able to return to the academy until the next year."

"I thought there was something big going on, isn't it just returning home early for the Chinese New Year? It's not a bad thing to go back early to be with my family." Bai Yunlou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, comforting his junior sister.

"Hey, that's all I can think of. I won't see senior brother for more than a month, how boring it will be then." Xia Zhaoyang sighed.

Suddenly, Baiyunlou thought of something, and took it out with his hand. These are a pair of communication symbols for thousands of miles, which look more delicate, and the symbols are densely covered.

This is exactly a pair of thousand-mile communication talismans specially refined by Baiyun Tower some time ago.

This pair of communication talismans was refined by nesting double magic circles, and several key cores in it were made of sapphire refining and engraving.

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