It was the first time for so many people to pay attention to him, Baiyunlou felt a little uncomfortable, but the secret channel seemed to be low-key and comfortable.

At this time, a sharp voice came to Baiyunlou's siege: "Finally it's my Cangyu faction's turn, and welcome all fellow cultivators to join us."

It was the grim-faced elder of the Cangyu sect who was being watched by Baiyunlou who was speaking. He waved his sleeves and immediately followed a few young disciples behind him.

Perhaps influenced by the ethos of the sect, these young disciples seemed to have just entered the sect not long ago, and their cultivation base was not high, but they were somewhat on guard against each other.

The Cangyu sect advocates personal strength, and the elders of the sect basically rely on themselves except for the superficial teaching of exercises. There are basically no rules for the sect.

In the realm of self-cultivation, the Cangyu Sect is the most hated sect among the casual cultivators. As long as the disciples of the Cangyu Sect are eyeing something, they will use various means to deceive them. Even under the black hand robbery.

If it weren't for the time when they were walking in the human world, these disciples of the Cangyu Sect would still be adhering to the rules of the cultivation world, and would have been dealt with by several major cultivation sects.

The great elder of the Cangyu sect stepped up to the bluestone platform, but at this time the bluestone platform was already torn apart, and there was a gravel pit in the middle that was more than a foot deep and more than ten feet in size.

However, this problem can't be troubled by the monks who are cultivated in the golden core state. The stern old man raised his hand and condensed a burst of cold air. The water spirit energy in the field quickly gathered, and in a moment, the entire Qingshitai was frozen.

Looking at the cold ice crystal stone platform, the great elder nodded in satisfaction, and walked to the center of the blue stone platform.

Several young disciples hurriedly followed. A young disciple, flustered for a moment, slipped his steps and fell directly on the slippery ice, causing laughter from the audience.

The sulky old man's face suddenly turned ugly, and he reprimanded him sharply, telling him to receive the punishment on his own after returning. The young disciple's face turned pale immediately, it seems that the punishment must be serious.

The few young disciples next to him showed no mercy, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help revealing a schadenfreude smile.

According to the rules of the Cultivation Conference, the stern old man introduced the young disciples who came on stage, but he didn't mention the disciple who fell down.

After the introduction, the stern old man scolded the fallen disciple to step off the stage, leaving four young disciples in the arena.

The four Cangyu disciples each walked towards the corner of the blue stone platform, turned halfway almost at the same time, black lights and shadows flew out from their hands, and the four of them flickered at the same time.

These four people are all at the Qi Condensation stage and cannot control swords, but refining some simple hidden weapons, combined with some light-weight techniques, the actual combat power is not small.

A lot of hidden weapon spells rushed directly to the bottom of the stage. At this time, under the cover of a golden bowl with a size of several tens of feet, it directly shook off the hidden weapon spells that flew out of the stone platform, covering the bluestone platform.

This is Abbot Juehai from Xuanyin Temple.

The four people on the stage didn't seem to care about the situation outside the stone stage at all, they only saw the enemy and us, although they were from the same sect, they each showed their strengths, and they all wanted to seriously injure the other three people on the spot.

The cold ice on the blue stone platform also had a lot of influence on the figures of several people, but the four of them had a tacit understanding, and whoever was shot down off the stage would be the loser.

The four disciples on the stage looked vicious and vicious, exhausting all kinds of tricks, even exchanging injuries for injuries.

One disciple even preferred to be hit by a hidden weapon in order not to fall out of Qingshitai.

The disciple who was hit by a hidden weapon seemed to be seriously injured, and immediately stood aside, and the other three disciples started fighting each other again.

While the other three were fighting each other, the disciple who was lying on the side suddenly jumped up, and a black shadow appeared, directly knocking the other three off the stage.

This disciple stood on the stage and laughed loudly. Although the corner of his mouth was bleeding, he didn't care. His aura shocked many little monks.

The Cang Yu elder in the audience praised at this time: "Good!"

That disciple was even more proud, and walked down the stone platform arrogantly, not caring about the life or death of the other three senior brothers.

However, these people are all monks, and injuries of this degree can hardly hurt their lives, at most they will suffer some flesh and blood.

After a while, the three young disciples who fell off the stone platform slowly got up, clutching their wounds and limping back to their sect seats. Unqualified Fiction Network

The competition was over. Baiyun Tower looked back at the academy students behind him, but it didn't seem to have any effect. It seems that the competition arranged in the morning was quite effective.

These two consecutive exhibitions can be regarded as their own place.

Tantai Valley Master's demon pet directly survived the catastrophe of transformation, shocking all the sects of cultivation.

This disciple of the Cangyu Sect also showed his fierce side. It is estimated that many monks do not want to take the initiative to provoke the monks of the Cangyu Sect.

With these two soul-stirring demonstrations in front, the subsequent demonstrations of the techniques of the three major immortal alliances will appear ordinary.

The Three Great Immortal Alliances were formed spontaneously by many small sects. The strength of each sect is far behind that of the nine sects, and there are also many casual cultivators with low qualifications.

That is to say, the earth-moving supernatural powers displayed by a foundation cultivator in Donghai Pavilion in Donghai Xianmeng made the monks in the audience admire him in admiration.

The cultivator who established the foundation stood beside the bluestone platform and cast the formula, and the bluestone fragments scattered all over the field rolled towards the bluestone platform one after another.

After tumbling and tossing, the hundreds of pieces of bluestone blocks actually reassembled the appearance of the bluestone platform. The bluestone platform trembled for a while, and the ice cubes in the cracks of the stone were turned into ice Water overflows.

In the end, the entire Qingshi Terrace was restored to its original state, and even the thunder pit in the middle was filled neatly, and the monk put away the formula with satisfaction.

This kind of technique can also be used in Baiyun Tower, but the monk can quickly find out every piece of broken stone in such a short period of time, and splicing them together, it can be seen that his soil technique has been cultivated to a good level.

The magical powers of the Nanhai Xianmeng are a bit lackluster, and the snow drifting technique performed by the Northern Territory Xianmeng, against the background of the gloomy old man's ability to condense air into ice at will, does not seem to be much new.

Soon it was the turn of the two universities, one was Kyoto University and the other was Xinlu Academy.

According to the arrangement order of the first day's display of spells, since the Ministry of War did not participate in the display, Xinlu Academy became the finale.

It seems that the Kyoto Institute has already made sufficient preparations. Among the young disciples, there are actually two monks who have broken through to the foundation-building stage, but it seems that they should have broken through not long ago.

After some investigation, the two students still had the aura of Foundation Establishment Pill on their bodies. It seemed that they were able to break through the realm and step into Foundation Establishment.

Baiyun Tower has checked with divine sense, and the two monks both have pulses that are close to extreme, even if they are placed in the academy, they are rare talents.

Sure enough, the two Foundation Establishment cultivators directly demonstrated the skill of controlling the sword, cast the magic formula, and each circled and escaped with their own refined magic swords over the stone platform.

Suddenly seeing the monks of the same generation break through to the foundation building stage, the young disciples in the audience seemed to have been greatly encouraged, and they all cheered for the two monks on the stage.

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