There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 406: White Dragon is alive

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Suddenly, the white dragon's horn flickered with immortal light, and all these unowned innate qi were sucked into the horn like a hundred birds returning to their nest.

After absorbing the innate energy for the first time, Xiao Chaoyang suddenly felt that the entire body of the dragon transformed into a lot more relaxed, and the technique of applying clouds was not so strenuous, and clouds and mist came out of the body.

"Senior brother, come up, Xiao Chaoyang will take you to fly..., grab the dragon horn of junior sister, don't fall..." Sensing that senior brother doesn't mind his transformed body, Xia Chaoyang completely relaxed his mind, and the delicate dragon The tail swing is very cheerful.

Smiling freely, Baiyunlou stepped onto the cold dragon's back, grabbed a dragon's horn, concealed his figure, thoughtfully put away the cloud of sapphire smoke, and fully circulated the innate energy, overflowing enough innate energy for the junior sister absorb.

Without the cloud of sapphire smoke, denser clouds have already risen around the white dragon, churning and converging into clouds, after a while, the white dragon swoops towards the wheat field not far away with the clouds covering the sky and the sun .

Accompanied by his senior brother, Xia Zhaoyang's mind was even more peaceful. When he was fleeing, a Qingyue dragon's roar came out, and the sound immediately spread all over the world.

"Sister Xia transformed into a big dragon, so beautiful..." Huo Ling'er murmured.

Aunt Xia on the flying boat had a thought, restrained her aura, walked up to Huo Linger and asked, "Little Huolinger, how do you recognize this divine dragon body?"

"I knew him as soon as I saw her, but I can't remember where I met him..." Huo Ling'er replied tenderly.

Some time ago, Aunt Xia heard Xiao Chaoyang roughly explain the origin of Huo Ling'er. This Huo Ling'er was originally a protoss, and it took shape only a few months ago.

In this way, Huo Ling should have seen the real Shenlong family in other small worlds.

Thinking of this, Aunt Xia looked at Xiao Chaoyang's dragon-turning body churning in the clouds, her eyes filled with hope.

After hearing Nangong Xiaojing's words, all the people in the wheat field were very curious, and they were looking forward to seeing Bu Yun's supernatural powers.

Seeing that the smoke cloud beside the flying boat expanded to tens of feet, the atmosphere in the wheat field immediately became jubilant, thinking that this was the beginning of the cloud transformation technique.

After waiting for a while, the cloud and mist did spread and flew towards the wheat field. With the roar of the Qingyue dragon, a white dragon's figure flashed out of the cloud and mist.

Shenlong! I didn't expect that the supervisor would know the legendary art of transforming a dragon...

There was a sudden explosion in the field, and I saw the divine dragon looming in the clouds. When it got close, it turned its head to look at the crowd, then opened its mouth and sucked it, and it sucked up all the elixir liquid in several large vats.

Clouds and mists emitted from the dragon's body covered the land for several miles. As the white dragon escaped, the clouds and mists filled with the aura of elixir billowed away to the distance.

Not to mention all the doctors and monks, even Elder Xiaojing, who reminded him aloud, was a little dazed, and he didn't expect Senior Sister Xia to make such a battle.

However, Nangong Xiaojing's tense little face remained unchanged, and she came back to her senses in a moment, looked at the still thick clouds and mist around her, immediately tugged the stunned second brother, and said softly: "Second brother, hurry up!" Call the disciples of Qingyunmen back and make arrangements."

"What are the arrangements?...Second Senior Sister..." The little fat man looked at the faint dragon shadow churning in the clouds, and was still a little dazed.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nangong Xiaojing: "Don't sigh, after the cloud and mist have cleared, there must be a lot of demonic energy left, and then it's our Qingyun sect disciples' turn to finish." He raised his hand as he spoke Take out the magic gossip talisman.

The little fat man came to his senses now, walked a few steps to the teleportation circle, called the monks of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce who were also a little dazed to get busy, and sent messages to the receiving points of each village and the disciples of the Qingyun Sect.

The news of the elixir and Shenlong Buyun immediately spread throughout the villages and towns within a radius of 50 miles, attracting bursts of exclamation and cheers.

After receiving the message, the disciples of Qing Yun Sect immediately put down the task in hand, unfolded their bodies and flew towards the wheat field.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a white dragon carried clouds and mist across the sky across the villages and towns, immediately attracting shouts that shook the sky.



"The White Dragon is alive..."

"God bless Daxia..."

On Bailong's back, Baiyunlou didn't have the energy to pay attention to the shouts from below. While running the innate qi to infuse his body, he used his divine sense to detect the direction of the cloud cover and the amount of magic insect breath.

After turning into a white dragon, Xia Chaoyang was still a little confused about the directions of these villages and towns, and just didn't want to think about it, so he flew wherever he was told by his senior brother, and flew slower if he told him to.

It's really easy not to think about it, anyway, there is a brother here, as long as the clouds and mist are released.

It's just that although he was supplemented by his senior brother's innate energy, the technique of transforming the dragon was still too exhausting. Xia Zhaoyang tried his best to maintain the body of the transformed dragon and cast the technique of distributing clouds with all his strength.

I don't know how long it took, Xia Chaoyang felt that he was really a little confused, and finally heard the voice of his senior brother: "Xiao Chaoyang, it's okay, there is no need to spread the clouds and mist anymore."

This sentence sounded like a fairy, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but relax, let his body fall, anyway, there is a senior brother it seems to have heard the senior brother's exclamation, but he didn't bother to care about it, he was too tired …

Baiyun Tower has been concentrating on investigating the situation covered by the cloud and mist below. Under the induction of divine sense, all corners are completely covered by the elixir cloud and mist, and the breath of the devil insects dissipates piece by piece.

Until all the magic insect breath was completely removed, Baiyunlou called to stop Xiao Chaoyang's cloud-spreading technique.

It wasn't until Bailong fell in response to the sound that Baiyunlou realized that Xiao Chaoyang was exhausted to the extreme.

At the same time as moving out the green jade mist to catch the transformed white dragon, he also poured a small rain spell on the junior sister.

Worried that his junior sister would hurt her soul, Baiyunlou hurriedly dodged and landed on the cloud of smoke.

On the cloud of mist, the several-foot-long white dragon had disappeared, only Xiao Chaoyang's white jade-like body was left curled up in the misty mist, Baiyunlou couldn't hold back his exclamation for a moment.

Like the sound of summoning, accompanied by the exclamation, a small figure flashed out, trying to block Xia Zhaoyang's body, it was the little flower spirit that had not been seen for many days.

The little flower spirit flickered left and right, and then realized that she was too small, so she pinched the magic formula in her hand, and a lotus leaf about the size of Zhang flashed out, which wrapped the little master's naked body tightly. .

"Fellow Daoist Hua Ling, long time no see..." Bai Yunlou pretended to be nonchalant and greeted Xiao Hua Ling.

"Hmph..." Xiao Hualing snorted dissatisfied.

Suddenly, Baiyunlou remembered something, and took out a plain dress from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was a fairy dress that had been stored for a long time, and handed it to Xiao Hualing.

This dress has been nourished by the spirit of the five elements for many days, and the fairy light is overflowing, but it is very similar to the fairy dress in memory, Xiao Hualing's eyes can't help but brighten when he sees it.

Raising his hand to attract the fairy clothes, Xiao Hualing became more and more satisfied as he looked at it, and couldn't help but look a lot better.

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