There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 434: The truth of the illusion

In mid-air, Baiyun Tower, who had returned from her hidden figure, saw this scene, and couldn't help but twitched her mouth, intending to rescue her, but stopped her figure in an instant.

The tiger demon roared, and at the same time, a cold crescent moon appeared in the palm of Zi Yan who was sitting cross-legged on the boulder, and the golden moon wheel was also manifested.

There was a powerful aura on the Moon Golden Wheel, and it was about to slash out with thoughts, but when it saw the strange situation in front of it, it also stopped.

Xia Chaoyang was excited by the tiger demon's aura, and a powerful aura erupted from his divine sense, and he roared at the tiger demon involuntarily.

Dragon Roar!

Circles of shock shields fell on the Tiger Demon.

The tiger demon was stunned, as if locked by a powerful force of law, the aura fluctuated in his body, and finally calmed down.

At this time, the giant ape in the distance rushed towards him, raised his palm and took a picture of the ant-sized figure. He didn't want the tiger demon to slap the giant ape several hills away, causing a burst of smoke and dust .

"Hey, Big Tiger, has he become a demon pet?" Xia Zhaoyang was a little at a loss, although he felt the loyalty and kindness of the tiger demon in his mind, he still asked with some uncertainty.

The tiger demon hurriedly nodded its head twice, let out a muffled growl, then lowered its head slightly.

"Go, Chaoyang, since the tiger demon has been subdued, let it take you around." Baiyun Tower was speechless for a while, and still passed on to Junior Sister Xia.

"Okay, senior brother, senior sister, Xiao Chaoyang is going to go shopping first, hehe." Hearing the message from the senior brother, Xia Chaoyang's heart was greatly increased. The demon went away in an instant.

After the tiger demon left, the peak here became quiet again, and Baiyunlou dodged and landed on the boulder, and a hidden magic circle was set up around him, and then he appeared.

"Zi Yan, there is something I need to tell you... about Xiao Chaoyang's life experience." Bai Yunlou pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, brother already knows?" Ziyan asked suspiciously.

Bai Yunlou was startled when he asked this question: "Zi Yan already knows about Chaoyang and that fairy?"

"Oh, it's because of that female fairy... No wonder Xiao Chaoyang's luck..." Hearing the senior brother mention the female fairy, Zi Yan naturally knew that the senior brother Xiao Hualing had asked about the fairy garden female fairy.

Immediately afterwards, Baiyunlou told Junior Sister Ziyan all that Xiao Hualing had said.

"It turns out that Chaoyang may be from the bloodline of the dragon... No wonder the supernatural powers awakened by the bloodline are related to the dragon clan." Zi Yan sighed.毊灪miaoshuyuan.com毊灪

"That female fairy is definitely a great fairy in the fairy garden. She may have paid countless dollars for this small world, and thus the heavens have bestowed great merit, and finally turned into the rainbow luck above Xiao Chaoyang's head." Baiyunlou continued to speculate, while speaking There is a slight feeling in the divine sense, it seems that my guess is not far from the truth.

"Senior brother's speculation is reasonable.... In this world, reincarnation does not appear, and there is no great luck for no reason." Ziyan now has a clear state of mind, and the senior brother mentioned it a little, and the cause and fate became transparent.

The telepathy between the two made Baiyunlou know that the question of life experience in Ziyan's words just now refers to Xiao Chaoyang's life experience in the world.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Xiao Chaoyang's life experience in the world... Interesting, the family is strictly controlled, and this time he was finally allowed to wear women's clothes when he went out, but his life experience is still not allowed to be mentioned, otherwise, according to Xiao Chaoyang's temperament, he would have told me a long time ago." Baiyunlou said leisurely.

"Actually, even if Xiao Chaoyang doesn't say anything, I know that senior brother is pretty much inseparable. He is either a princess of the royal family or a princess, or the jewel in the palm of a hidden family. A matter between two people in Chaoyang." 嬯寷 bⅹшⅹ С〇寷

"Even if Xiao Chaoyang really becomes the lord of the fairy garden one day, on that day, there will be a spirit beast and a fairy chariot to welcome him and bring him into the Bai family."

Hearing her senior brother say this, Zi Yan couldn't help but curl her mouth, and there seemed to be fireworks rising in her eyes.

"Zi Yan also wants to see the demeanor of senior brother that day."

"Uh..., when Xiao Chaoyang was mentioned, the senior brother talked too much..." Bai Yunlou felt a little sweaty in his mind, saying these words in front of Junior Sister Zi Yan was very smooth and happy, but it felt a little weird.

"Ziyan, it is enough to set up the spirit-gathering fairy array in the Jinghu Cave, and it is enough to cultivate to the realm of the earth fairy, so what are the plans for the Kunlun Cave?" Sensing the overflowing affection in Ziyan's mind, Baiyunlou changed the subject at will asked.

Junior Sister Ziyan is going to meditate for a period of time, and Baiyun Tower does not want to disturb her cultivation heart at this time.

After pondering for a while, Zi Yan said softly: "Kunlun Cave? It's not appropriate to leave it idle. After dismantling the fairy materials of the Hanguang Hall in Kunlun Cave two days ago, the earth atmosphere in the cave is very strong, which is very suitable for earth travel. Monks practice."

"You can ask Feiyang to try to practice for a while, and help transform the Kunlun Cave by the way."

"Well, when Xiao Chaoyang has had enough fun and breaks through this first small world, call Feiyang to go to Kunlun Cave to practice."

Hearing the words of Junior Sister Zi Yan, Bai Yunlou praised it in his heart. This idea is exactly what he wanted. A few days ago, he saw his good brothers "getting deeper and deeper", but there was no good way for a while. This time, we can use the Kunlun Cave to Given the opportunity, let him taste the sweetness of practice, and maybe he will be able to return from his mistakes.

Unexpectedly, the random words solved the major issues in the mind, Baiyun Tower suddenly felt very relaxed, turned to look at the tall mountains, and wandered in this magnificent and vast exotic and see After a while, Baiyunlou turned around with some doubts and asked: "Zi Yan, you don't plan to wander around. Although this small world is not as friendly as the human world, it also has a sense of magnificence."

"This... is related to Ziyan's state of mind, senior brother, let's take a look." While talking, Ziyan raised her hand and let out a beam of infinite light that fell on the spiritual consciousness of Baiyun Tower.

In an instant, the magnificent mountains and rivers, flowers, plants and trees all changed in front of Baiyun Tower.

It turned out to be so..., Dao Xin is clear, seeing through the rules and illusions of the small world in this tower, all the scenery and creatures appear phantoms in Ziyan's eyes, and the power of rules that build this world is also clearly displayed in front of her.

No wonder Junior Sister Zi Yan lost the desire to explore the scenery, seeing it so clearly, she couldn't feel the vastness and magnificence.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to appreciate the scenery of the illusion with such a unique field of vision, and it is indeed much more convenient for understanding the Dao.

"Senior brother, Zi Yan wants to observe and deduce carefully here. These powers of rules should also be the inheritance left by Senior Sister Qing Chi." Zi Yan said aloud.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yunlou nodded and said: "Then senior brother and junior sister will watch and learn together, and by the way, wait here for Xiao Chaoyang's return..."

After saying that, the two of them sat cross-legged on the top of the peak at the same time, feeling it under Zi Yan's boundless light.淗攮攮

Now in Baiyunlou's Sea of ​​Consciousness, although a cloud of mist and illusion has been derived from the artistic conception of poetry, and it is also known how the power of rules works in it, but how these powers of rules are derived and how to support the entire illusion, Baiyunlou still has a half-knowledge.

With this opportunity today, with the help of the mysterious infinite light, I can just deduce and comprehend it carefully.

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